1. 程式人生 > >【Python】曲線簡化演算法實現






#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Info : Curve Simplify
# Version 1.0
# Author : Alex Pan
# Date : 2017-07-11 ####################### import numpy as np from termcolor import colored import ipdb ## Data Type uintType = np.uint8 floatType = np.float32 ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get Distance Between point and [line_start-line_end] Line
def getPoint2LineDistance(point, line_start, line_end): # Exception if not isinstance(point, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(line_start, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(line_end, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('All points MUST be numpy.ndarray!') elif point.ndim != 1 or point.shape != line_start.shape or
point.shape != line_end.shape: raise ValueError('points dimensions error or NOT matched!') elif (line_start == line_end).all(): raise Exception('line_start is the SAME as line_end!') return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(point - line_start)) - np.square(np.sum((line_end - line_start) * (point - line_start))) / np.sum(np.square(line_end - line_start), dtype = floatType)) ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Constrcuct np.linspace Array between raw_array[index_start] and raw_array[index_end] def getLinspaceArray(raw_array, index_start, index_end): # Exception if not isinstance(raw_array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('raw_array MUST be numpy.ndarray!') elif index_start < 0 or index_end > raw_array.shape[0] or index_start > index_end: raise ValueError('index_start or index_end INVALID!') # Reconstruct Array by np.linspace Based on keyIndexes linspaceArray = np.linspace(raw_array[index_start][0], raw_array[index_end][0], num = index_end - index_start + 1, endpoint = True, dtype = floatType) for i in xrange(1, raw_array.shape[1]): linspaceArray = np.row_stack((linspaceArray, np.linspace(raw_array[index_start][i], raw_array[index_end][i], num = index_end - index_start + 1, endpoint = True, dtype = floatType))) return np.transpose(linspaceArray) ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compute Error Between 2 Arrays def computeReconstructError(array_A, array_B): # Exception if not isinstance(array_A, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(array_B, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('array_A and array_B MUST be numpy.ndarray!') elif array_A.shape != array_B.shape: raise ValueError('array_A and array_B dimensions NOT matched!') # Vector if array_A.ndim == array_B.ndim == 1: return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(array_A - array_B))) # Array error_array = array_A - array_B error_list = [np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(error))) for error in error_array] return float(sum(error_list)) / len(error_list) ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Function of Curve Simplify Algorithm def curveSimplify(poses_array, max_key = 10, error_threshold = 0.05): # Exception if not isinstance(poses_array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('poses_array MUST be numpy.ndarray!') # Initialize N_poses, M_poses = poses_array.shape keyIndexes = [0, N_poses - 1] reconstructArray = getLinspaceArray(raw_array = poses_array, index_start = keyIndexes[0], index_end = keyIndexes[-1]) # Divide flagContinue = True while flagContinue: keyIndexes.sort() keyDeltas = [(keyIndexes[i], keyIndexes[i + 1]) for i in xrange(len(keyIndexes) - 1)] for keyStart, keyEnd in keyDeltas: distanceList = [getPoint2LineDistance(point = poses_array[i], line_start = poses_array[keyStart], line_end = poses_array[keyEnd]) for i in xrange(keyStart + 1, keyEnd)] keyNew = keyStart + distanceList.index(max(distanceList)) + 1 keyIndexes.append(keyNew) # Reconstruct [keyStart-keyNew] & [keyNew-keyEnd] reconstructArray[keyStart : keyNew + 1] = getLinspaceArray(raw_array = poses_array, index_start = keyStart, index_end = keyNew) reconstructArray[keyNew : keyEnd + 1] = getLinspaceArray(raw_array = poses_array, index_start = keyNew, index_end = keyEnd) reconstructError = computeReconstructError(poses_array, reconstructArray) # Print Screen print colored('keyNum:', 'magenta'), len(keyIndexes) print 'recError:', colored(str(reconstructError), 'white') # ipdb.set_trace() # End Condition: KeyNum or ReconstructError if len(keyIndexes) == max_key or reconstructError < error_threshold: flagContinue = False break keyIndexes.sort() return keyIndexes, reconstructError


[1] 楊濤,肖俊,吳飛,莊越挺. 基於分層曲線簡化的運動捕獲資料關鍵幀提取
[2] 楊濤. 人體運動捕獲資料關鍵幀提取演算法研究