ORACLE 將一個庫的部分值帶條件插入到另外一個庫
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-01
1.insert into table1 select * from table2 ; 或者2.create table1 as select * from table2 ;
insert into table1 t1 select CRMII.SEQ_HX_WRZGBD.NEXTVAL as id, --序列 zqdm asgpbh, --欄位1 zqmc as gpmc, --欄位2 syl_lj as ljsyl, --欄位3 sysdate as cjsj --系統時間 from (select SYL_LJ, zqmc, zqdm from (select zqmc, zqdm, max(syl_lj) as syl_ljfrom (select ZQMC, ZQDM, SYL_LJ from TETG_CP_JG_TJGP where TJRQ between to_number(to_char(sysdate - 100, 'yyyymmdd')) and to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')) --修改函式 --and YTJCP_MC LIKE '%熱點%' 模糊查詢 and SYL_LJ is not null) group by (zqmc, zqdm)) --去重 order by SYL_LJ desc) --排序 where rownum <= 3; --返回條數