1. 程式人生 > >Conditional Expressions官方手冊連結,包含Case()、按條件update

Conditional Expressions官方手冊連結,包含Case()、按條件update



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class Case(*cases, **extra)[source]

A Case() expression is like the ifelifelse statement in Python

. Each condition in the provided When() objects is evaluated in order, until one evaluates to a truthful value. The result expression from the matching When() object is returned.

A simple example:

>>> from datetime import date, timedelta
>>> from django.db.models import Case, CharField, Value, When
>>> Client.objects.create(
...     name='Jane Doe',
...     account_type=Client.REGULAR,
...     registered_on=date.today() - timedelta(days=36))
>>> Client.objects.create(
...     name='James Smith',
...     account_type=Client.GOLD,
...     registered_on=date.today() - timedelta(days=5))
>>> Client.objects.create(
...     name='Jack Black',
...     account_type=Client.PLATINUM,
...     registered_on=date.today() - timedelta(days=10 * 365))
>>> # Get the discount for each Client based on the account type
>>> Client.objects.annotate(
...     discount=Case(
...         When(account_type=Client.GOLD, then=Value('5%')),
...         When(account_type=Client.PLATINUM, then=Value('10%')),
...         default=Value('0%'),
...         output_field=CharField(),
...     ),
... ).values_list('name', 'discount')
<QuerySet [('Jane Doe', '0%'), ('James Smith', '5%'), ('Jack Black', '10%')]>

Case() accepts any number of When() objects as individual arguments. Other options are provided using keyword arguments. If none of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, then the expression given with the default keyword argument is returned. If a default argument isn’t provided, None is used.

If we wanted to change our previous query to get the discount based on how long the Client has been with us, we could do so using lookups:

>>> a_month_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=30)
>>> a_year_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=365)
>>> # Get the discount for each Client based on the registration date
>>> Client.objects.annotate(
...     discount=Case(
...         When(registered_on__lte=a_year_ago, then=Value('10%')),
...         When(registered_on__lte=a_month_ago, then=Value('5%')),
...         default=Value('0%'),
...         output_field=CharField(),
...     )
... ).values_list('name', 'discount')
<QuerySet [('Jane Doe', '5%'), ('James Smith', '0%'), ('Jack Black', '10%')]>



Case()函式中有個output_field=CharField()引數,原文沒有解釋,看 Case()原始碼,發現另一個函式有一段解釋:

[docs]class ExpressionWrapper(Expression):
    An expression that can wrap another expression so that it can provide
    extra context to the inner expression, such as the output_field.


ExpressionWrapper() expressions

class ExpressionWrapper(expression, output_field)[source]

ExpressionWrapper simply surrounds another expression and provides access to properties, such as output_field, that may not be available on other expressions. ExpressionWrapper is necessary when using arithmetic on F() expressions with different types as described in Using F() with annotations.


Using F() with annotations


F() can be used to create dynamic fields on your models by combining different fields with arithmetic:

company = Company.objects.annotate(
    chairs_needed=F('num_employees') - F('num_chairs'))

如果要繫結的兩個欄位是不用的型別,你需要指定返回結果的型別。F()函式不能提供output_field 引數,你需要使用ExpressionWrapper()函式,以提供output_field=DateTimeField()這個引數。(雖然找不到active_at和duration這兩個欄位的定義,但是從名稱理解,兩個欄位的型別不同,一個是DateTimeField,一個是DurationField

If the fields that you’re combining are of different types you’ll need to tell Django what kind of field will be returned. Since F() does not directly support output_field you will need to wrap the expression with ExpressionWrapper:

from django.db.models import DateTimeField, ExpressionWrapper, F

        F('active_at') + F('duration'), output_field=DateTimeField()))




Remember that the conditions are evaluated in order, so in the above example we get the correct result even though the second condition matches both Jane Doe and Jack Black. This works just like an ifelifelse statement in Python.

Case() also works in a filter() clause. For example, to find gold clients that registered more than a month ago and platinum clients that registered more than a year ago:

>>> a_month_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=30)
>>> a_year_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=365)
>>> Client.objects.filter(
...     registered_on__lte=Case(
...         When(account_type=Client.GOLD, then=a_month_ago),
...         When(account_type=Client.PLATINUM, then=a_year_ago),
...     ),
... ).values_list('name', 'account_type')
<QuerySet [('Jack Black', 'P')]>

Advanced queries

Conditional expressions can be used in annotations, aggregations, lookups, and updates. They can also be combined and nested with other expressions. This allows you to make powerful conditional queries.

Conditional update

Let’s say we want to change the account_type for our clients to match their registration dates. We can do this using a conditional expression and the update() method:

>>> a_month_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=30)
>>> a_year_ago = date.today() - timedelta(days=365)
>>> # Update the account_type for each Client from the registration date
>>> Client.objects.update(
...     account_type=Case(
...         When(registered_on__lte=a_year_ago,
...              then=Value(Client.PLATINUM)),
...         When(registered_on__lte=a_month_ago,
...              then=Value(Client.GOLD)),
...         default=Value(Client.REGULAR)
...     ),
... )
>>> Client.objects.values_list('name', 'account_type')
<QuerySet [('Jane Doe', 'G'), ('James Smith', 'R'), ('Jack Black', 'P')]>