1. 程式人生 > >CPP_Basic_Code_P9.1-PP9.6.4



//  The Notes Created by Z-Tech on 2017/2/17.
//  All Codes Boot on 《C++ Primer Plus》V6.0
//  OS:MacOS 10.12.4
//  Translater:clang/llvm8.0.0 &g++4.2.1
//  Editer:iTerm 2&Sublime text 3
//  IDE: Xcode8.2.1&Clion2017.1

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
(CLion_Version) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(SOURCE_FILES coordin.h file1.cpp file2.cpp)//資原始檔包含說明 add_executable(CLion_Version ${SOURCE_FILES})//可使用指定原始檔引入可執行檔案 coordin.h #ifndef CLION_VERSION_COORDIN_H #define CLION_VERSION_COORDIN_H struct polar//極座標結構 { double distance; double angle; }; struct
rect//直角座標結構 { double x; double y; }; polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos);//直角轉為極座標 void show_polar(polar dapos);//顯示極座標 #endif //CLION_VERSION_COORDIN_H file1.cpp #include <iostream> #include "coordin.h" int main() { using namespace std; rect rplace;//宣告兩個結構以儲存輸入的資料 polar pplace; cout<<
"Enter the x and y value: "; while (cin>>rplace.x>>rplace.y)//連續使用cin可行,且忽略空格等 { pplace=rect_to_polar(rplace);//結果賦值給第二個結構 show_polar(pplace);//顯示 cout<<"Next two numbers (q to quiit): "; } cout<<"Done.\n"; return 0; } file2.cpp #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "coordin.h" polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos) { using namespace std; polar answer; answer.distance=sqrt(xypos.x*xypos.x+xypos.y*xypos.y); answer.angle=atan2(xypos.y,xypos.x);//y/x計算arctan return answer;//返回結構 } void show_polar(polar dapos) { using namespace std; const double Rad_to_deg=57.29577951;//弧度轉換為度數的常數因子 cout<<"Distance = "<<dapos.distance; cout<<",angle = "<<dapos.angle*Rad_to_deg; cout<<" degrees\n"; } //P9.4 #include <iostream> void oil(int x); int main() { using namespace std; int texas=31; int year=2011; cout<<"In main(),texas= "<<texas<<",&texas= "<<&texas<<endl; cout<<"In main(),year= "<<year<<",&tear= "<<&year<<endl; oil(texas); cout<<"In main(),texas= "<<texas<<",&texas= "<<&texas<<endl; cout<<"In main(),year= "<<year<<",&tear= "<<&year<<endl; return 0; } void oil(int x) { using namespace std; int texas=5; cout<<"In oil(),texas= "<<texas<<",&texas= "<<&texas<<endl; cout<<"In oil(),x= "<<x<<",&x= "<<&x<<endl; { int texas=113; cout<<"In block,texas= "<<texas<<",&texas= "<<&texas<<endl; cout<<"In block,x= "<<x<<",&x= "<<&x<<endl; }//程式碼塊內新定義暫時隱藏以前的定義 cout<<"Post-block texas="<<texas<<",&texas= "<<&texas<<endl; } //P9.5-P9.6 Main.cpp #include <iostream> double warming=0.3;//外部變數定義和初始化 void update(double dt); void local(); using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"Global warming is "<<warming<<" degrees.\n"; update(0.1); cout<<"Global warming is "<<warming<<" degrees.\n"; local(); cout<<"Global warming is "<<warming<<" degrees.\n"; return 0; } SubFunctions.cpp #include <iostream> extern double warming;//引用外部變數宣告 void update(double dt); void local(); using std::cout; void update(double dt) { extern double warming;//引用外部變數變數 warming+=dt;//修改外部變數 cout<<"Updating global warming to "<<warming<<" degrees.\n"; } void local() { double warming=0.8; cout<<"Local warming = "<<warming<<" degrees.\n"; cout<<"But global warming = "<<::warming<<" degrees.\n";//作用域解析::訪問全域性變數 } //P9.7-P9.8 Main.cpp #include <iostream> void remote_access(); int tom=3;//外部宣告 int dick=30;//外部宣告 static int harry=300;//內部宣告 int main() { using namespace std; cout<<"main() reports the following addresses:\n"; cout<<&tom<<" = &tom, "<<&dick<<" = &dick, "<<&harry<<" = &harry\n"; remote_access(); return 0; } SubFunctions.cpp #include <iostream> extern int tom;//外部引用 static int dick=10;//內部宣告 int harry=200;//外部宣告 void remote_access() { using namespace std; cout<<"remote_access() reports the following addresses:\n"; cout<<&tom<<" = &tom, "<<&dick<<" = &dick, "<<&harry<<" = &harry\n"; } //P9.9 #include <iostream> const int ArSize=15; void strcount(const char* str); int main() { using namespace std; char input[ArSize]; char next; cout<<"Enter a line:\n"; cin.get(input,ArSize); while (cin) { cin.get(next);//讀取回車 while (next!='\n')//檢查是否讀取了回車確定是否有字元未被讀取 cin.get(next);//丟棄過多的字元 strcount(input);//計算字元數的函式 cout<<"Enter next line(empty line to quit):\n"; cin.get(input,ArSize); } cout<<"Bye.\n"; return 0; } void strcount(const char* str) { using namespace std; static int total=0;//每次呼叫僅第一次才初始化 int count=0;//參照物件 cout<<"\""<<str<<"\" contains "; while (*str++)//*str將獲取陣列第一個元素也就是第一個字母 count++;//計算字串裡有多少字元 total+=count; cout<<count<<" characters\n"; cout<<total<<" characters total.\n"; } //P9.10 #include <iostream> //#include <new> const int BUF=512; const int N=5; char buffer[BUF]; int main() { using namespace std; double *pd1,*pd2;//十分小心!此處易寫成double* pd1,pd2; int i; cout<<"Calling new and placement new:\n"; pd1=new double[N]; pd2=new (buffer) double[N]; for (i=0;i<N;i++) pd2[i]=pd1[i]=1000+20.0*i; cout<<"Memory addresses:\n"<<" heap: "<<pd1<<" static: "<<(void*)buffer<<endl; //此處(void*)強制型別轉換成空型別是為了輸出地址,因為p1是double指標,buffer是char指標 cout<<"Memory contents:\n"; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { cout<<pd1[i]<<" at "<<&pd1[i]<<"; "; cout<<pd2[i]<<" at "<<&pd2[i]<<endl; } cout<<"\nCalling new and palcement new a second time:\n"; double* pd3,* pd4; pd3=new double[N]; pd4=new (buffer) double[N];//將依然使用之前的地址 for (i=0;i<N;i++) pd4[i]=pd3[i]=1000+40.0*i; cout<<"Memory contents:\n"; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { cout<<pd3[i]<<" at "<<&pd3[i]<<"; "; cout<<pd4[i]<<" at "<<&pd4[i]<<endl; } cout<<"\nCalling new and palcement new a third time:\n"; delete pd1; pd1=new double[N]; pd2=new (buffer+N* sizeof(double)) double[N];//提供了5*8bytes的起始偏移量,地址改變 for (i=0;i<N;i++) pd2[i]=pd1[i]=1000+60.0*i; cout<<"Memory contents:\n"; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { cout<<pd1[i]<<" at "<<&pd1[i]<<"; "; cout<<pd2[i]<<" at "<<&pd2[i]<<endl; } delete [] pd1; delete [] pd3; //不釋放pd2和pd4是因為它們並非指向堆的new出的記憶體,而是定位new return 0; } //P9.11-P9.13 Z_Head.h #ifndef CLION_VERSION_Z_HEAD_H #define CLION_VERSION_Z_HEAD_H #include <string> namespace pers { struct Person { std::string fname; std::string lname; }; void getPerson(Person&); void showPerson(const Person&); } namespace debts { using namespace pers; struct Debt { Person name; double amount; }; void getDebt(Debt&); void showDebt(const Debt&); double sumDebts(const Debt ar[],int n); } #endif Main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Z_Head.h" void other(void); void another(void); int main() { using debts::Debt; using debts::showDebt; Debt golf {{"Benny","Goatsniff"},120.0}; showDebt(golf); other(); another(); return 0; } void other(void) { using std::cout; using std::endl; using namespace debts; Person dg {"Doodles","Glister"}; showPerson(dg);//倒著先last後first輸出名字 cout<<endl; Debt zippy[3];//結構陣列 int i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) getDebt(zippy[i]);//姓名和錢款同時獲取 for (i=0;i<3;i++) showDebt(zippy[i]);//將輸入全部輸出顯示 cout<<"Total debt: $"<<sumDebts(zippy,3)<<endl; return;//無返回值 } void another(void) { using pers::Person; Person collector {"Milo","Rightshift"}; pers::showPerson(collector); std::cout<<std::endl; } SubFunctions.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Z_Head.h" namespace pers { using std::cout; using std::cin; void getPerson(Person& rp) { cout<<"Enter first name: "; cin>>rp.fname; cout<<"Enter last name: "; cin>>rp.lname; } void showPerson(const Person& rp) { std::cout<<rp.lname<<", "<<rp.fname; } } namespace debts { void getDebt(Debt& rd) { getPerson(rd.name); std::cout<<"Enter debt: "; std::cin>>rd.amount; } void showDebt(const Debt& rd) { showPerson(rd.name);//注意此函式位於pers空間且引數使用子成員.name std::cout<<": $"<<rd.amount<<std::endl; } double sumDebts(const Debt ar[],int n) { double total=0; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) total+=ar[i].amount; return total; } } //PP9.6.1 Z_Head.h #ifndef CLION_VERSION_Z_HEAD_H #define CLION_VERSION_Z_HEAD_H const int Len=40; const int Num=3; struct golf { char fullname[Len]; int hangdicap; }; void setgolf(golf& g,const char* name,int hc); int setgolf(golf& g); void handicap(golf& g,int hc); void showgolf(const golf& g); #endif Main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Z_Head.h" int main() { using namespace std; golf ZhangHu[Num]; int i; for (i=0;i<Num;i++) { int NMX=setgolf(ZhangHu[i]); if (NMX==0) break