1. 程式人生 > >CPP_Basic_Code_P6.1-PP6.11.9



//  The Notes Created by Z-Tech on 2017/2/17.
//	All Codes Boot on 《C++ Primer Plus》V6.0
//  OS:MacOS 10.12.4
//  Translater:clang/llvm8.0.0 &g++4.2.1
//  Editer:iTerm 2&Sublime text 3
//  IDE: Xcode8.2.1&Clion2017.1

#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cin; using std::cout; char ch; int spaces=0;//外部全域性變數 int total=0;//外部全域性變數 cin.get(ch);//讀取第一個字元 while (ch!='.')//如果不是句號則繼續迴圈 { if (ch==' ') ++spaces;//遇到空格計數 ++total;//無論是否空格均計數,且字元總數包含最後的回車生成的換行符 cin.get(ch); } cout<<spaces<<
" spaces, "<<total <<" characters total in sentence\n"; return 0; } //P6.2 #include <iostream> int main() { char ch; std::cout<<"Type,and I shall repeat.\n"; std::cin.get(ch); while (ch!='.') { if (ch=='\n') std::cout<<ch;
else std::cout<<++ch;//此處++ch被cout理解為字元輸出,若改為ch+1則會被認為int輸出 std::cin.get(ch); } std::cout<<"\nPlease excuse the slight confusion.\n"; return 0; } //P6.3 #include <iostream> const int fave=9; int main() { using namespace std; int n; cout<<"Enter a number in the range 1-100 to find" <<"my favorite number: "; do{ cin>>n; if (n<fave)//小了就說 cout<<"Too low! Then guess again: "; else if (n>fave)//這種寫法實際上是一個if else被包含在另一個if else中 cout<<"Too high! Then guess again: "; else//這樣調整後的寫法實際上更清晰更好 cout<<fave<<" is right!\n"; }while (n!=fave);//沒猜對就繼續猜 return 0; } //P6.4 #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; cout<<"This program may reformat your hard disk\n"//引號具有輸出流連續性 "and destroy all your data.\n" "Do you wish to continue? <y/n>"; char ch; cin>>ch; if (ch=='y'||ch=='Y')//或運算子,或真則真,滿足其一即可 cout<<"You were warned!\a\a\n"; else if (ch=='n'||ch=='N')//再次使用 cout<<"A wise choice...Bye!\n"; else cout<<"That's wasn't a 'Y/y' or 'N/n'!Apparently you " "can't follow\ninstructions,so " "I'll trash your disk anyway.\a\a\a\n"; return 0; } //P6.5 #include <iostream> const int ArSize=10;//控制陣列大小,即報價個數 int main() { using namespace std; float naaq[ArSize]; cout<<"Enter the NAAQs (New Age Awareness Quotients) " <<"Of\nyour neighbors. Program terminates " <<"when you make\n"<<ArSize<<" entries " <<"or enter a negative value.\n"; int i=0; float temp; cout<<"First value: "; cin>>temp; while (i<ArSize&&temp>=0)//第一個條件保證陣列不溢位,第二個條件確保輸入報價有效 { naaq[i]=temp;//有效則逐個存入陣列 ++i;//陣列角標自增 if (i<ArSize)//然後如果i<ArSize說明陣列還有空間,繼續請求輸入 { cout<<"Next value: "; cin>>temp;//再次賦值給temp後繼續迴圈直到存滿陣列 } } if (i==0)//意味著輸入了一個不滿足第二個條件的數,於是未進入過while迴圈 cout<<"No data--bye\n";//如果中途輸入了負數則會跳過這裡直接到下一模組請求自己報價,因為中途i!=0 else { cout<<"Enter your NAAQ: ";//輸入自己的報價 float you; cin>>you; int count=0;//設定比較計數器 for (int j=0;j<i;j++)//迴圈次數等於ArSize,也即是逐個比較 if (naaq[j]>you)//如果之前報價你自己輸入的高,則計數器+1 ++count;//逐個比較直到迴圈結束 cout<<count;//開始輸出結果 cout<<" of your naghbors have greater awareness of\n" <<"the New Age than you do.\n"; } return 0; } //P6.6 #include <iostream> const char* qualify[4]//建立指向字串的常量指標陣列 { "10,000-meter race.\n", "mud tug-of-war.\n", "masters canoe jousting.\n", "pie-throwing festival.\n" }; int main() { using namespace std; int age; cout<<"Enter your age in years: "; cin>>age; int index; if (age>17&&age<35)//18-34 index=0; else if (age>=35&&age<50)//35-49 index=1; else if (age>=50&age<65)//50-64,且可見else if可以連續使用 index=2; else //包括負數,0-17,65以上;但是年齡預設不會輸入負數 index=3; cout<<"Your qualify for the "<<qualify[index];//輸出分級頁結果 return 0; } //P6.7 #include <iostream> #include <climits> bool is_int(double);//函式宣告 int main() { using namespace std; double num; cout<<"Yo,dude!Enter an intger value: "; cin>>num; while (!is_int(num))//while條件函式呼叫取反 { cout<<"Out if range __ Please try again: "; cin>>num; } int val=int (num); cout<<"You've entered the integer "<<val<<"\nBye\n"; return 0; } bool is_int(double x) { if (x<=INT_MAX&&x>=INT_MIN) return true;//輸入範圍成功則返回true,取反為false,則while被跳過 else return false;//超出範圍,返回false,取反為true,則while被啟用,提示重新輸入 } //P6.8 #include <iostream> #include <cctype> int main() { using namespace std; cout<<"Enter text for analysis and type @" " to terminate input.\n"; char ch; int whitespace=0; int digits=0; int chars=0; int punct=0; int others=0; cin.get(ch); while (ch!='@') { if (isalpha(ch))//字母檢查 chars++; else if (isspace(ch))//空白符檢查 whitespace++; else if (isdigit(ch))//數字檢查 digits++; else if (ispunct(ch))//標點檢查 punct++; else others++;//剩下的歸於其它,比如漢字等特殊符號 cin.get(ch); } cout<<chars<<" letters, " <<whitespace<<" whitespace, " <<digits<<" digits, " <<punct<<" punctuations, " <<others<<" others.\n"; return 0; } //P6.9 #include <iostream>//求出兩個數最大值 int main() { using namespace std; int a,b; cout<<"Enter two integers: "; cin>>a>>b; cout<<"The larger of "<<a<<" and "<<b; int c=a>b?a:b;//使用了?:條件運算子 cout<<" is "<<c<<endl; return 0; } //P6.10.V1 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void showmenu();//無參無返回值函式宣告 void report(); void comfort(); int main() { showmenu();//函式呼叫顯示選單 int choice; cin>>choice; while (choice!=5) { switch (choice) { case 1: cout<<"\a\n"; break;//跳出迴圈 case 2: report(); break; case 3: cout<<"The boss was in all day.\n"; break; case 4: comfort(); break; default: cout<<"That's not a choice.\n"; //預設分支,後面不需要加break; } showmenu(); cin>>choice; } cout<<"Bye!\n"; return 0; } void showmenu()//選單函式模組 { cout<<"Please enter 1,2,3,4,or 5:\n" "1) alarm 2) report\n" "3) alibi 4) comfort\n" "5) quit\n"; } void report()//報告函式模組 { cout<<"It's been an excellent week for business.\n" "Sales are up 120$. Expense are down 35%.\n"; } void comfort()//安撫模組 { cout<<"Your employees think you are the finest CEO\n" "in the industry .The board of directors thinks\n" "you are the finest CEO in the industry.\n"; } //P6.10.V2 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void showmenu();//無參無返回值函式宣告 void report(); void comfort(); int main() { showmenu();//函式呼叫顯示選單 char choice;//使用英文字元控制 cin>>choice; while (choice!='Q'&&choice!='q') { switch (choice) { case 'a'://利用連續執行的特性解決大小寫的問題 case 'A': cout<<"\a\n"; break;//跳出迴圈 case 'b': case 'B': report(); break; case 'c': case 'C': cout<<"The boss was in all day.\n"; break; case 'd': case 'D': comfort(); break; default: cout<<"That's not a choice.\n";//預設分支,後面不需要加break; } showmenu(); cin>>choice; } cout<<"Bye!\n"; return 0; } void showmenu()//選單函式模組 { cout<<"Please enter 1,2,3,4,or 5:\n" "a) alarm b) report\n" "c) alibi d) comfort\n" "q) quit\n"; } void report()//報告函式模組 { cout<<"It's been an excellent week for business.\n" "Sales are up 120$. Expense are down 35%.\n"; } void comfort()//安撫模組 { cout<<"Your employees think you are the finest CEO\n" "in the industry .The board of directors thinks\n" "you are the finest CEO in the industry.\n"; } //P6.11 #include <iostream> enum {red,orange,yellow,green,blue,violet,indigo}; //int型別 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 //列舉常量宣告,沒用變數名,注意逗號,結尾分號,和結構宣告類似 int main() { using namespace std; cout<<"Enter color code (0-6): "; int code; cin>>code; while (code>=red&&code<=indigo)//範圍限定在0-6之間 { switch (code)//標籤 { case red: cout<<"Her lips were red.\n";break;//注意此處有兩個分號 case orange: cout<<"Her hair was orange.\n";break; case yellow: cout<<"Her shoes were yellow.\n";break; case green: cout<<"Her nails were green.\n";break; case blue: cout<<"Her sweatsuit was blue.\n";break; case violet: cout<<"Her eyes were violet.\n";break; case indigo: cout<<"Her mood was indigo.\n";break; } cout<<"Enter color code (1-6)"; cin>>code; } cout<<"Bye.\n"; return 0; } //P6.12 #include <iostream> const int ArSize=80; int main() { using namespace std; char line[ArSize];//設定字元陣列 int spaces=0;//初始化空格計數器 cout<<"Enter a line of text:\n"; cin.getline(line,ArSize);//字元讀入line陣列中 cout<<"Complete line:\n"<<line<<endl; cout<<"Line through first period:\n"; for (int i=0;line[i]!='\0';i++)//沒碰到陣列結尾\0將繼續迴圈,逐個輸出陣列中的字元 { cout<<line[i]; if (line[i]=='.')//檢測到句點則離開迴圈 break; if (line[i]!=' ')//檢測不到空格則回到for的迴圈更新處,即i++後繼續迴圈 continue; spaces++;//有空格將會到達此處,空格計數器 } cout<<"\n"<<spaces<<" sapces\n"; cout<<"Done.\n"; return 0; } //P6.13 #include <iostream> const int Max=5; int main() { using namespace std; double fish[Max];//初始化存重量的陣列 cout<<"Please enter the weights of your fish.\n"; cout<<"You may enter up to "<<Max<<"fish <q to terminate>,\n"; cout<<"fish #1: "; int i=0; while (i<Max&&cin>>fish[i])//且假則假,因此當左側為false,右側不會被判斷,防止陣列溢位 { if (++i<Max) cout<<"fish #"<<i+1<<": ";//輸出魚的編號 } double total =0.0;//設定重量計數器 for (int j=0;j<i;j++) total+=fish[j];//統計整個陣列的魚總量 if (i==0) cout<<"No fish\n"; else cout<<total/i<<" = average weight of "<<i<<" fish\n";//計算平均值 cout<<"Done.\n"; return 0; } //P6.14 #include <iostream>//可阻止非法輸入並給出正確的提示 const int Max=5; int main() { using namespace std; int golf[Max]; cout<<"Please enter your golf scores.\n"; cout<<"You must enter "<<Max<<" rounds.\n"; int i; for (i=0;i<Max;i++) { cout<<"round #"<<i+1<<": "; while (!(cin>>golf[i]))//輸入失敗返回false,取反為true即啟用錯誤處理 { cin.clear();//重置cin