git錯誤:unable to auto-detect email address
idea 用git更新的時候報錯,詳細錯誤資訊如下:
Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update, but failed with an error. stash file://D:/Workspace for idea/MYProject: unable to auto-detect email address (got '[email protected](none)') Cannot save the current index state
找到工程目錄 (Project) 的.git資料夾,開啟之後找到config檔案,在最後邊加上一句話
email=your email
name=your name
git錯誤:unable to auto-detect email address
idea 用git更新的時候報錯,詳細錯誤資訊如下: Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update, but failed with an error. stash file://D:/Workspace for idea/MY
git中報unable to auto-detect email address 錯誤的解決辦法
昨天剛配置好的git,今天剛要commit一些修改,就遇到了這個問題** Please tell me who you are.Run git config --global "[email protected]" git config
unable to auto-detect email address
git錯誤:unable to auto-detect email address 2017年11月14日 08:51:08 陳君豪 閱讀數:7914
git 錯誤: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'解決方法
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