Online Object Tracking Benchmark(OTB)目標跟蹤系統評估方式
- Wu Y, Lim J, Yang M H. Online object tracking: A benchmark [C]// CVPR, 2013.
- Wu Y, Lim J, Yang M H. Object tracking benchmark [J]. TPAMI, 2015.
Visual Tracker Benchmark:
Precision plot: percentages of frames whose estimated locations lie in a given threshold distance to ground-truth centers.
Success Plot: Let rt denote the area of tracked bounding box and ra denote the ground truth. An Overlap Score (OS) can be defined by S = |rt∩ra| |rt∪ra| where ∩ and ∩ are the intersection and union of two regions, and | · | counts the number of pixels in the corresponding area. Afterwards, a frame whose OS is larger than a threshold is termed as a successful frame, and the ratios of successful frames at the thresholds ranged from 0 to 1 are plotted in success plots.
one-pass evaluation (OPE)
temporal robustness evaluation (TRE)
spatial robustness evaluation (SRE)
One-pass evaluation with restart (OPER)
Spatial robustness evaluation with restart (SRER)