1. 程式人生 > >Head Pose in AFLW dataset

Head Pose in AFLW dataset


close all;

close all;
dbpath = '../data/';
dbfile = 'aflw.sqlite';

model3d = createMeanFace3DModel(fullfile(dbpath,dbfile));

% get one face_id
fidQuery = 'SELECT face_id FROM Faces LIMIT 100';
res = mksqlite(fidQuery);
); face_id = res(3).face_id; % or alternatively select one here %face_id = 39341; facedata = getFaceDataFromSQLite([dbpath dbfile],face_id); % headpose = facedata.pose; landmark = facedata.pts; imgpath = facedata.image.filepath; disp(['headpose: ']); disp(headpose); feature2dNames = fieldnames(facedata.
pts); num2dPts = size(feature2dNames,1); pts2d = zeros(num2dPts,2); pts3d = zeros(num2dPts,3); for i=1:num2dPts fn = feature2dNames{i}; if isfield(model3d,fn) pts3d(i,:) = model3d.(fn); pts2d(i,:) = facedata.pts.(fn); else fprintf('Error: "%s" is not a feature name in the 3D model\n'
,fn); end end % show 3d model %show3DModel(model3d); camera = struct(); camera.center = [facedata.image.width/2 facedata.image.height/2]; camera.viewPlaneDistance = 1.5 *facedata.image.width; % web site: http://legacydirs.umiacs.umd.edu/~daniel/Site_2/Code.html [rot1,trans1] = modernPosit(pts2d,pts3d,camera.viewPlaneDistance,camera.center); [rot2,trans2] = classicPosit(pts2d,pts3d,camera.viewPlaneDistance,camera.center); % call modernPosit in this function [rot,trans] = calculateTransformation(camera,pts2d,pts3d,facedata.pose,true); %%%%% version1: matlab function the default order: ZYX %%%%% % roll, yaw , pitch ? ruler = rotm2eul(rot); ruler_angle1 = [ruler(3) ruler(2) ruler(1)]; %%%%%%%%%%%% version2: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % pitch, yaw, roll ruler_angle2 = RotMat2Euler(rot); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% version3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % refer to: [從旋轉矩陣計算尤拉角] deep studio ruler_angle3 = rotationMatrix2eulerAngles(rot); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% version4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % refer to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15022630/how-to-calculate-the-angle-from-rotation-matrix thetax = atan2(rot(3,2),rot(3,3)); % pitch thetay = atan2(-rot(3,1), sqrt(rot(3,2) * rot(3,2) + rot(3,3) * rot(3,3)));% yaw thetaz = atan2(rot(2,1),rot(1,1));% roll ruler_angle4 = [thetax thetay thetaz]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % rotate model points rotPts = (rot*pts3d' + repmat(trans,[1 num2dPts]))'; % project model points projPts = [rotPts(:,1)./rotPts(:,3) rotPts(:,2)./rotPts(:,3)]; projPts = projPts .* camera.viewPlaneDistance + repmat(camera.center,[num2dPts 1]); model_center = model3d.center_between_eyes; %model_center = model3d.center_of_head; rotCenter = (rot*model_center' + trans)'; projCenter = [rotCenter(:,1)./rotCenter(:,3) rotCenter(:,2)./rotCenter(:,3)]; projCenter = projCenter .* camera.viewPlaneDistance + camera.center; rotCenterUp = (rot*(model_center + [0 0.2 0])' + trans)'; projCenterUp = [rotCenterUp(:,1)./rotCenterUp(:,3) rotCenterUp(:,2)./rotCenterUp(:,3)]; projCenterUp = projCenterUp .* camera.viewPlaneDistance + camera.center; % show rotated, translated and projected 3d points %im = imread(imgFile); im = imread([dbpath facedata.image.db_id '/' facedata.image.filepath]); disp(facedata.image.filepath); figure; imshow(im); hold on; showModel = false; if showModel % show whole model myworld = vrworld('meanFaceSimplified.wrl'); open(myworld); view(myworld); hold on; x = get(myworld); % add my code tmp_debug = x.Nodes(1); % tmp_debug = zeros(1,3); tmp_debug(1,:) = model3d.LeftBrowLeftCorner; % %model_pts = x.Nodes(1).point; model_pts = tmp_debug; numMPts = size(model_pts,1); % rotate model points rotMPts = (rot*model_pts' + repmat(trans,[1 numMPts]))'; % project model points projMPts = [rotMPts(:,1)./rotMPts(:,3) rotMPts(:,2)./rotMPts(:,3)]; projMPts = projMPts .* camera.viewPlaneDistance + repmat(camera.center,[numMPts 1]); plot(projMPts(:,1),projMPts(:,2),'y.'); close(myworld); end plot(projPts(1:end,1),projPts(1:end,2),'r.'); plot(projCenter(1),projCenter(2),'go'); plot(projCenterUp(1),projCenterUp(2),'bo'); plot(pts2d(:,1),pts2d(:,2),'b.'); for i=1:num2dPts text(pts2d(i,1)+10,pts2d(i,2),feature2dNames{i},'Color','r'); end for i=1:num2dPts text(projPts(i,1)+10,projPts(i,2)+5,feature2dNames{i},'Color','b'); end %set(gca,'YDir','reverse'); %axis equal; tdx = []; tdy = []; imgsize = [facedata.image.height, facedata.image.width]; %draw_axis(im, headpose.yaw, headpose.pitch, headpose.roll, tdx, tdy, imgsize) modelCenterDist = sqrt(sum(rotCenter.^2)); cameraModel3dYAngle = atan(rotCenter(2)/sqrt(rotCenter(3)^2 + rotCenter(1)^2)); cameraModel3dXAngle = atan(rotCenter(1)/sqrt(rotCenter(3)^2 + rotCenter(2)^2)); sphereCenterBorderAngle = asin(model3d.sphereRadius/modelCenterDist); sphereProjTop = tan(cameraModel3dYAngle - sphereCenterBorderAngle)*camera.viewPlaneDistance; sphereProjBottom = tan(cameraModel3dYAngle + sphereCenterBorderAngle)*camera.viewPlaneDistance; sphereProjLeft = tan(cameraModel3dXAngle - sphereCenterBorderAngle)*camera.viewPlaneDistance; sphereProjRight = tan(cameraModel3dXAngle + sphereCenterBorderAngle)*camera.viewPlaneDistance; sphereProjTop = sphereProjTop + camera.center(2); sphereProjBottom = sphereProjBottom + camera.center(2); sphereProjLeft = sphereProjLeft + camera.center(1); sphereProjRight = sphereProjRight + camera.center(1); plot(projCenter(1),sphereProjTop,'g.') plot(projCenter(1),sphereProjBottom,'g.') plot(sphereProjLeft,projCenter(2),'g.') plot(sphereProjRight,projCenter(2),'g.') % rectangle targetCenter = [64 37]; % all faces are centered on this point w_out = 128; h_out = 128; normEyeDist = 50.0; scale = max(sphereProjBottom-sphereProjTop,sphereProjRight-sphereProjLeft)/normEyeDist; x = projCenter(1) - targetCenter(1)*scale; y = projCenter(2) - targetCenter(2)*scale; r = [x y w_out*scale h_out*scale]; rectangle('Position',r,'LineWidth',2,'EdgeColor','b'); img = im(r(2):min(r(2)+r(4),size(im,1)),r(1):min(r(1)+r(3),size(im,2)),:); imgsize = [size(img,1),size(img,2)]; figure; imshow(img); %draw_axis(img, headpose.yaw * 180/pi, headpose.pitch* 180/pi, headpose.roll* 180/pi, tdx, tdy, imgsize) %draw_axis(img, ruler_angles(3), ruler_angles(2), ruler_angles(1), tdx, tdy, imgsize) % error: draw_axis(img, ruler(3), ruler(2), ruler(1), tdx, tdy, imgsize) disp('yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle0: AFLW提供!'); disp([headpose.yaw * 180/pi,headpose.pitch* 180/pi,headpose.roll* 180/pi]); % for ruler_angle1 % the following computing , refer to : Face-Yaw-Roll-Pitch-from-Pose-Estimation-using-OpenCV-master pitch = (asin(sin(ruler_angle1(1))))* 180 /pi; roll = -(asin(sin(ruler_angle1(3))))* 180 /pi; yaw = (asin(sin(ruler_angle1(2)))) * 180 /pi; disp('yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle1: 近似!'); disp([yaw, pitch, roll]); % for ruler_angle2 pitch = (asin(sin(ruler_angle2(1))))* 180 /pi; roll = -(asin(sin(ruler_angle2(3))))* 180 /pi; yaw = (asin(sin(ruler_angle2(2)))) * 180 /pi; disp('yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle2: 有點問題!'); disp([yaw, pitch, roll]); % for ruler_angle3 pitch = (asin(sin(ruler_angle3(1))))* 180 /pi; roll = -(asin(sin(ruler_angle3(3))))* 180 /pi; yaw = (asin(sin(ruler_angle3(2)))) * 180 /pi; disp('yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle3: 近似!'); disp([yaw, pitch, roll]); % for ruler_angle4 pitch = (asin(sin(ruler_angle4(1))))* 180 /pi; roll = -(asin(sin(ruler_angle4(3))))* 180 /pi; yaw = (asin(sin(ruler_angle4(2)))) * 180 /pi; disp('yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle4: 近似!'); disp([yaw, pitch, roll]); draw_axis(img, yaw, pitch, roll, tdx, tdy, imgsize) disp(''); function Eul = RotMat2Euler(R) % Version 1.000 % % Code provided by Graham Taylor, Geoff Hinton and Sam Roweis % % For more information, see: % http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~gwtaylor/publications/nips2006mhmublv % % Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this % program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided % this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with % a note saying that the original programs are available from our % web page. % The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or % implied. As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have % not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important % application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own % risk. % % Finds one of two equivalent Euler angle representations for a Direction % Cosine Matrix % Assumes the DCM is in 'zyx' order % Given R, the rotation matrix % Returns a vector of Euler angles (in radians) % the first about x axis, the second about y axis, the third about z axis % Based on an article by Gregory G. Slabaugh % % Usage Eul = RotMat2Euler(R) %Note we need to treat the case of cos(E2) = +- pi/2 separately %This corresponds to element R(1,3) = +- 1 if R(1,3) == 1 | R(1,3) == -1 %special case E3 = 0; %set arbitrarily dlta = atan2(R(1,2),R(1,3)); if R(1,3) == -1 E2 = pi/2; E1 = E3 + dlta; else E2 = -pi/2; E1 = -E3 + dlta; end else E2 = - asin(R(1,3)); E1 = atan2(R(2,3)/cos(E2), R(3,3)/cos(E2)); E3 = atan2(R(1,2)/cos(E2), R(1,1)/cos(E2)); end Eul = [E1 E2 E3]; end function eulerAngles = rotationMatrix2eulerAngles(R) % eulerAngles = rotationMatrix2eulerAngles(R) % % This function returns the rotation angles in degrees about the x, y and z axis for a % given rotation matrix % % Copyright : This code is written by david zhao from SCUT,[email protected],com. The code % may be used, modified and distributed for research purposes with % acknowledgement of the author and inclusion this copyright information. % % Disclaimer : This code is provided as is without any warrantly. if abs(R(3,1)) ~= 1 theta1 = -asin(R(3,1)); theta2 = pi - theta1; psi1 = atan2(R(3,2)/cos(theta1), R(3,3)/cos(theta1)); psi2 = atan2(R(3,2)/cos(theta2), R(3,3)/cos(theta2)); pfi1 = atan2(R(2,1)/cos(theta1), R(1,1)/cos(theta1)); pfi2 = atan2(R(2,1)/cos(theta2), R(1,1)/cos(theta2)); theta = theta1; % could be any one of the two psi = psi1; pfi = pfi1; else phi = 0; delta = atan2(R(1,2), R(1,3)); if R(3,1) == -1 theta = pi/2; psi = phi + delta; else theta = -pi/2; psi = -phi + delta; end end %psi is along x-axis...........theta is along y-axis........pfi is along z %axis eulerAngles = [psi theta pfi]; %for rad; %eulerAngles = [psi*180/pi theta*180/pi pfi*180/pi]; %for degree; end


yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle0: AFLW提供!
  -26.1218  -13.7720   -0.3973

yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle1: 近似!
  -23.2682  -14.2231   -0.3835

yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle2: 有點問題!
  -25.5304   15.0904   -2.5019

yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle3: 近似!
  -24.1540  -14.2231   -0.3835

yaw, pitch ,roll for ruler_angle4: 近似!
  -24.2173  -14.2231   -0.3835