阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-05
目錄操作 習題1:讀一個檔案,包含英文句子,請統計共多少個不重複的單詞,#並且在另外一個檔案中列印每個單詞以及它的出線次數 #encoding =utf-8 import string words = "" words_dict ={} with open("e:\\python\\a.txt") as file_obj: for line in file_obj: for v in line: if not v.isalpha(): line = line.replace(v," ") words += line word_list = words.split() print("不重複的單詞個數:",len(set(word_list))) for word in word_list: if words_dict.get(word) is None: words_dict[word] =1 else: words_dict[word] += 1 with open("e:\\python\\101401.txt","w") as file_obj: for k,v in words_dict.items(): file_obj.write("%s出現%d次\n" %(str(k),v)) 習題2:寫個記賬程式,每天收入多少,支出多少,總額剩多少,使用序列化方式儲存資訊 import pickle fp = open("e:\\a.txt","rb") try: income=pickle.load(fp) spend=pickle.load(fp) deposit=pickle.load(fp) except: income = [] spend = [] deposit= 0 fp.close() #value|specification while 1: content=input("請輸入指令:") if content.find("exit")!=-1: break if content.find("|")==-1: print("data format is value|specification") print("please input again!") continue value = content.split("|")[0] try: value=float(value) except: print("data format is value|specification") print("data format is value must be a number") if value>0: income.append(content) deposit+=value elif value==0: print("空間有限,不存0") else: spend.append(content[1:]) deposit+=value print(income) print(spend) print(deposit) fp=open("e:\\a.txt","wb") pickle.dump(income,fp) pickle.dump(spend,fp) pickle.dump(deposit,fp) fp.close() 方式2: #encoding=utf-8 import pickle income = [] spend = [] deposit = 0.0 while 1: command = input("請輸入收入、支出和金額,如: 支出>50,輸入q退出: ") if command.lower() == "q": break try: amount = float(command.split(">")[1]) except Exception as e: print("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入") continue else: type = command.split(">")[0] if type == "收入": income.append(amount) deposit += amount elif type == "支出": if deposit - abs(amount) >= 0: spend.append(abs(amount)) deposit -= amount else: print("餘額不足!") print("收入:",income) print("支出:",spend) print("餘額:",deposit) file_obj = open("e:\\in_out.txt","wb") pickle.dump(income,file_obj) pickle.dump(spend,file_obj) pickle.dump(spend,file_obj) file_obj.close() 習題3:資料分析需求:每行內容需要生成以每行首年月日為名稱的檔案,檔案內容寫入|0|後的所有行內容(也包括|0| ) 20160215000148|0|collect info job start|success| 20160215000153|0|collect info jobend|success|resultcode = 0000 20160216000120|0|collect info job start|success| 20160216000121|0|collect info jobend|success|resultcode = 0000 20160217000139|0|collect info job start|success| 20160217000143|0|collect info jobend|success|resultcode = 0000 #encoding =utf-8 with open("e:\\python\\a.txt") as file_obj: for line in file_obj: with open(line[:14] + ".txt","w") as fp: fp.write(line[14:]) 習題4:刪除目錄下所有的.txt檔案 #encoding =utf-8 import os os.chdir("e:\\python1") for file in os.listdir(): if ".txt" in file: os.remove(file) 習題5:在當前目錄下,找到1小時內新建的所有檔案。 演算法: 取出某個目錄內,1小時內新建的所有檔名。 演算法:遍歷這個目錄,取到所有的檔案每個檔案用stat取到建立時間用建立時間和當前時間去比對,是否小於3600放到一個列表裡面 #encoding =utf-8 import os import time os.chdir("e:\\python") result = [] for file in os.listdir(): if os.path.isfile(file): c_time = os.stat(file).st_ctime if time.time() - c_time < 3600: result.append(file) print(result) 習題6:小練習,把所有的txt檔案幹掉。新建一個空的子目錄xxx,放在某個層級下,,把它刪掉 方式1: #encoding =utf-8 import os dirs = 0 files = 0 for root,dirs,files in os.walk("e:\\testdemo"): os.chdir(root) for dir in dirs: if dir =="xxx": os.rmdir(dir) for file in files: if ".txt" in file: os.remove(file) 方式2: #encoding=utf-8 import os import os.path dir_count=0 file_count=0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("e:\\testdemo",topdown=True) : print(u"當前目錄:",root) #列印目錄絕對路徑 for name in files : print(u'檔名:',os.path.join(root,name) )#列印檔案絕對路徑 if name[-4:]==".txt": os.remove(os.path.join(root,name)) file_count+=1 for name in dirs : print(u'目錄名:',name) #列印目錄絕對路徑 if name =="xxx": os.rmdir(os.path.join(root,name)) dir_count+=1 print ("目錄個數%s" %dir_count) print ("檔案個數%s" %file_count) 習題7:統計一個資料夾下所有檔案型別 #encoding =utf-8 import os result = [] for root,dirs,files in os.walk("e:\\python\\python2"): os.chdir(root) for file in files: post_name = os.path.splitext(file)[1] if post_name != "": result.append(post_name) print(list(set(result))) print(len(list(set(result))))