import java.util.UUID; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); System.out.println (uuid); } }
兩種方式生成guid 與uuid
需要comm log 庫
/** * @author Administrator * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.Random; public class RandomGUID extends Object { protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory .getLog(getClass()); public String valueBeforeMD5 = ""; public String valueAfterMD5 = ""; private static Random myRand; private static SecureRandom mySecureRand; private static String s_id; private static final int PAD_BELOW = 0x10; private static final int TWO_BYTES = 0xFF; /* * Static block to take care of one time secureRandom seed. * It takes a few seconds to initialize SecureRandom. You might * want to consider removing this static block or replacing * it with a "time since first loaded" seed to reduce this time. * This block will run only once per JVM instance. */ static { mySecureRand = new SecureRandom(); long secureInitializer = mySecureRand.nextLong(); myRand = new Random(secureInitializer); try { s_id = InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Default constructor. With no specification of security option, * this constructor defaults to lower security, high performance. */ public RandomGUID() { getRandomGUID(false); } /* * Constructor with security option. Setting secure true * enables each random number generated to be cryptographically * strong. Secure false defaults to the standard Random function seeded * with a single cryptographically strong random number. */ public RandomGUID(boolean secure) { getRandomGUID(secure); } /* * Method to generate the random GUID */ private void getRandomGUID(boolean secure) { MessageDigest md5 = null; StringBuffer sbValueBeforeMD5 = new StringBuffer(128); try { md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error("Error: " + e); } try { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long rand = 0; if (secure) { rand = mySecureRand.nextLong(); } else { rand = myRand.nextLong(); } sbValueBeforeMD5.append(s_id); sbValueBeforeMD5.append(":"); sbValueBeforeMD5.append(Long.toString(time)); sbValueBeforeMD5.append(":"); sbValueBeforeMD5.append(Long.toString(rand)); valueBeforeMD5 = sbValueBeforeMD5.toString(); md5.update(valueBeforeMD5.getBytes()); byte[] array = md5.digest(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32); for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) { int b = array[j] & TWO_BYTES; if (b < PAD_BELOW) sb.append('0'); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(b)); } valueAfterMD5 = sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error:" + e); } } /* * Convert to the standard format for GUID * (Useful for SQL Server UniqueIdentifiers, etc.) * Example: C2FEEEAC-CFCD-11D1-8B05-00600806D9B6 */ public String toString() { String raw = valueAfterMD5.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64); sb.append(raw.substring(0, 8)); sb.append("-"); sb.append(raw.substring(8, 12)); sb.append("-"); sb.append(raw.substring(12, 16)); sb.append("-"); sb.append(raw.substring(16, 20)); sb.append("-"); sb.append(raw.substring(20)); return sb.toString(); } // Demonstraton and self test of class public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=0; i< 100; i++) { RandomGUID myGUID = new RandomGUID(); System.out.println("Seeding String=" + myGUID.valueBeforeMD5); System.out.println("rawGUID=" + myGUID.valueAfterMD5); System.out.println("RandomGUID=" + myGUID.toString()); } } }
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); System.out.println("{"+uuid.toString()+"}");
UUID含義是通用唯一識別碼 (Universally Unique Identifier),這 是一個軟體建構的標準,也是被開源軟體基金會 (Open Software Foundation, OSF) 的組織在分散式計算環境 (Distributed Computing Environment, DCE) 領域的一部份。UUID 的目的,是讓分散式系統中的所有元素,都能有唯一的辨識資訊,而不需要透過中央控制端來做辨識資訊的指定。如此一來,每個人都可以建立不與其它人衝突的 UUID。在這樣的情況下,就不需考慮資料庫建立時的名稱重複問題。目前最廣泛應用的 UUID,即是微軟的 Microsoft's Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs),而其他重要的應用,則有 Linux ext2/ext3 檔案系統、LUKS 加密分割區、GNOME、KDE、Mac OS X 等等。
package test; import java.util.UUID; public class UUIDGenerator { public UUIDGenerator() { } public static String getUUID() { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); String str = uuid.toString(); // 去掉"-"符號 String temp = str.substring(0, 8) + str.substring(9, 13) + str.substring(14, 18) + str.substring(19, 23) + str.substring(24); return str+","+temp; } //獲得指定數量的UUID public static String[] getUUID(int number) { if (number < 1) { return null; } String[] ss = new String[number]; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { ss[i] = getUUID(); } return ss; } public static void main(String[] args) { String[] ss = getUUID(10); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { System.out.println("ss["+i+"]====="+ss[i]); } } }
ss[0]=====4cdbc040-657a-4847-b266-7e31d9e2c3d9,4cdbc040657a4847b2667e31d9e2c3d9 ss[1]=====72297c88-4260-4c05-9b05-d28bfb11d10b,72297c8842604c059b05d28bfb11d10b ss[2]=====6d513b6a-69bd-4f79-b94c-d65fc841ea95,6d513b6a69bd4f79b94cd65fc841ea95 ss[3]=====d897a7d3-87a3-4e38-9e0b-71013a6dbe4c,d897a7d387a34e389e0b71013a6dbe4c ss[4]=====5709f0ba-31e3-42bd-a28d-03485b257c94,5709f0ba31e342bda28d03485b257c94 ss[5]=====530fbb8c-eec9-48d1-ae1b-5f792daf09f3,530fbb8ceec948d1ae1b5f792daf09f3 ss[6]=====4bf07297-65b2-45ca-b905-6fc6f2f39158,4bf0729765b245cab9056fc6f2f39158 ss[7]=====6e5a0e85-b4a0-485f-be54-a758115317e1,6e5a0e85b4a0485fbe54a758115317e1 ss[8]=====245accec-3c12-4642-967f-e476cef558c4,245accec3c124642967fe476cef558c4 ss[9]=====ddd4b5a9-fecd-446c-bd78-63b70bb500a1,ddd4b5a9fecd446cbd7863b70bb500a1 ss[0]=====4cdbc040-657a-4847-b266-7e31d9e2c3d9,4cdbc040657a4847b2667e31d9e2c3d9 ss[1]=====72297c88-4260-4c05-9b05-d28bfb11d10b,72297c8842604c059b05d28bfb11d10b ss[2]=====6d513b6a-69bd-4f79-b94c-d65fc841ea95,6d513b6a69bd4f79b94cd65fc841ea95 ss[3]=====d897a7d3-87a3-4e38-9e0b-71013a6dbe4c,d897a7d387a34e389e0b71013a6dbe4c ss[4]=====5709f0ba-31e3-42bd-a28d-03485b257c94,5709f0ba31e342bda28d03485b257c94 ss[5]=====530fbb8c-eec9-48d1-ae1b-5f792daf09f3,530fbb8ceec948d1ae1b5f792daf09f3 ss[6]=====4bf07297-65b2-45ca-b905-6fc6f2f39158,4bf0729765b245cab9056fc6f2f39158 ss[7]=====6e5a0e85-b4a0-485f-be54-a758115317e1,6e5a0e85b4a0485fbe54a758115317e1 ss[8]=====245accec-3c12-4642-967f-e476cef558c4,245accec3c124642967fe476cef558c4 ss[9]=====ddd4b5a9-fecd-446c-bd78-63b70bb500a1,ddd4b5a9fecd446cbd7863b70bb500a1
UUID的唯一缺陷在於生成的結果串會比較長。關於UUID這個標準使用最普遍的是微軟的GUID(Globals Unique Identifiers)。在ColdFusion中可以用CreateUUID()函式很簡單的生成UUID,其格式為:xxxxxxxx-xxxx- xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(8-4-4-16),其中每個 x 是 0-9 或 a-f 範圍內的一個十六進位制的數字。而標準的UUID格式為:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx (8-4-4-4-12),可以從cflib 下載CreateGUID() UDF進行轉換。
使用UUID的好處在分散式的軟體系統中(比如:DCE/RPC, COM+,CORBA)就能體現出來,它能保證每個節點所生成的標識都不會重複,並且隨著WEB服務等整合技術的發展,UUID的優勢將更加明顯。根據使用的特定機制,UUID不僅需要保證是彼此不相同的,或者最少也是與公元3400年之前其他任何生成的通用惟一識別符號有非常大的區別。