阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-06
@author: ZZQ
@software: PyCharm
@file: ReverseList.py
@time: 2018/11/6 15:13
題目要求:給出一個連結串列,每 k 個節點一組進行翻轉,並返回翻轉後的連結串列。
k 是一個正整數,它的值小於或等於連結串列的長度。如果節點總數不是 k 的整數倍,那麼將最後剩餘節點保持原有順序。
示例 :
當 k = 2 時,應當返回: 2->1->4->3->5
當 k = 3 時,應當返回: 3->2->1->4->5
說明 :
class ListNode(object): def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None class Solution(): def __init__(self): pass def reverseKGroup(self, head, k): """ :type head: ListNode :type k: int :rtype: ListNode """ if k == 0 or k == 1 or head is None or head.next is None: return head NextListHeadNode = head NewH = ListNode(0) tempNewH = ListNode(0) time = 0 while head.next is not None and tempNewH is not None: if time == 0: count, PreListFirstNode, PreListLastNode, NextListHeadNode = self.ReverseKList(head, k) time += 1 NewH = PreListFirstNode PreListLastNode.next = NextListHeadNode tempNewH = NewH if count < k: for i in range(count): tempNewH = tempNewH.next else: for i in range(count - 1): tempNewH = tempNewH.next else: head = NextListHeadNode count, PreListFirstNode, PreListLastNode, NextListHeadNode = self.ReverseKList(head, k) PreListLastNode.next = NextListHeadNode tempNewH.next = PreListFirstNode time += 1 tempNewH = tempNewH if count < k: for i in range(count+1): tempNewH = tempNewH.next else: for i in range(count): tempNewH = tempNewH.next return NewH def ReverseKList(self, head, k): PreH = ListNode(0) PostH = head.next count = 0 while head is not None and count < k: head.next = PreH PreH = head head = PostH if PostH is not None: PostH = PostH.next count += 1 if head is None and count < k: # 如果剩餘的節點個數小於k,則返回原來的節點順序 lastFirstNode = self.ReverselastList(PreH) lastEndnode = lastFirstNode for i in range(count-1): lastEndnode = lastEndnode.next lastEndnode.next = None return count, lastFirstNode, lastEndnode, None else: tempPreH = PreH tt = count while tt-1 > 0: tempPreH = tempPreH.next tt -= 1 return count, PreH, tempPreH, head # 返回當前子連結串列經過翻轉後的首節點,尾節點以及下一個子連結串列未反轉前的首節點 def ReverselastList(self, head): PreH = ListNode(0) PostH = head.next while head is not None: head.next = PreH PreH = head head = PostH if PostH is not None: PostH = PostH.next return PreH.next