1. 程式人生 > >[WASM Rust] Use the js-sys Crate to Invoke Global APIs Available in Any JavaScript Environment

[WASM Rust] Use the js-sys Crate to Invoke Global APIs Available in Any JavaScript Environment

js-sys offers bindings to all the global APIs available in every JavaScript environment as defined by the ECMAScript standard.

In this lesson, we will install and use js-sys to invoke JavaScript's Date API to grab the current time. The date will need to be converted to a value Rust can use and display that date from Rust in the browser.



cfg-if = "0.1.5"
wasm-bindgen = "0.2.25"
js-sys = "0.2"



// Called by our JS entry point to run the example
pub fn run() {
    let now = js_sys::Date::now();
    let now_date = js_sys::Date::new(&JsValue::from_f64(now));
    let val 
= document.createElement("p"); val.set_inner_html(&format!( "Hello from Rust, it's {}:{}", now_date.get_hours(), now_date.get_minutes() )); document.body().append_child(val); }



import("../crate/pkg").then(module => {