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Install android on VMware


Download Android x86

Here is the site offer downloadlinks android-86.I tried to use the 7.1 version but it had some problem about GUI. I end up using the old versionAndroid-x86 6.0-r3 live and installation iso (64-bit)

Intall on VMware

The installation process is similar to other version of the operating system.You can refer to

this article.

Solution of No GUI

You have to edit menu.lst file.

  1. boot in debug mode (usually the second option in boot menu)
  2. when booting stops (for me it just hangs there with flashing cursor and without any prompt) enter mount -o remount,rw /mnt
  3. enter cd /mnt/grub
  4. enter vi menu.lst
  5. press Shift+a
  6. right under the first boot entry find the line starting with kernel ***** (your line might look different; it depends on Android version; in general just find the line that starts with kernel).At the end of the line type vga=834 nomodeset xforcevesa
  7. press ESC then :wq - these commands will save the file and quit vi
  8. enter cd /
  9. enter umount /mnt
  10. enter reboot -f

You can replace the vga=xxx by any number you want for your screen resolution. Also tested that 832 works fine (gives 800x600 resolution).

You can find all the VESA modes when you use the iso file and pick the boot option to boot in VESA mode - it will show the list with all modes (numbers are in hex and there is also a redundant letter in front of some modes - ignore it) and you can test them there immediately to see if it works and is good to use in this menu.lst fix, but you have to convert it from hex to dec first using any hex->dec converter.