報錯 initialize_all_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/hndx532/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/tf_should_use.py:118: initialize_all_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed after 2017-03-02. Instructions for updating: Use `tf.global_variables_initializer` instead.
#將init = tf.initialize_all_variables() # old api 改為
init = tf.global_variables_initializer() #new api
報錯 initialize_all_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/hndx532/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/tf_should_use.py:118: initialize_all_variables (fro
TensorFlow執行WARNING:initialize_all_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables)……
警告程式碼 原始碼 警告分析 修改程式碼 It’s Over 警告程式碼如下: 看到警告程式碼如下,然後找到其中警告的位置如下: 原始碼 找到原始碼中的警告如下: 警告分析 ini
php連線mysql時報錯The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future
首先 可以成功連線,但是會報錯, The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead。。。 如下: 意思很明顯了啊,mysql_connect在將來的
解決React Native報錯:Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package.
報錯如下: Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package. It can now be installed and imported from `react
JNI開發篇——報錯:Flag android.useDeprecatedNdk is no longer supported and will be removed in the next……
大概意思就是說: android.useDeprecatedNdk不再支援了 讓使用CMake or ndk-build 然後還有連結 解決方法: 1、先通過SDKManager下載:CMake和LLDB 2、在build.gradle的defaultConfig節點下加入:
執行報警告UserWarning: Unknown extension is not supported and will be removed warn(msg)
執行python程式碼,出現如下警告: C:\Users\niko\PycharmProjects\python_new\venv\lib\site-packages\openpyxl\reader\worksheet.py:322: UserWarning: Unknown extension is no
Eclipse:xxxx is required and cannot be removed from the server
Eclipse 啟動伺服器時報以下錯: Could not delete E:/FJavaWeb/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/*****/WEB-INF/jsp/*******
【Python】django報錯SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file解決方法
D:\PythonWorkstation\django\django_station\queryset>python manage.py makemigrations Traceback (most recent call last): File "manag
【Tensorflow】報錯:ValueError: At least two variables have the same name
案例1 問題描述: import tensorflow as tf with tf.Session() as sess: var = tf.Variable(42, name='var') sess.run(tf.global_variables_ini
python 鏈接codis 報錯解決辦法 command 'EXEC' is not allowed
command 'exec' is not allowed python redis codis [[email protected]/* */ ceph]# python ../pkg/redisbase.py Traceback (most recent cal
openfire 部署後報錯: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: interface xx is not visible from class loader
exceptio color 本地 java creat 根據 ret 打印 exception 該異常是創建代理時加載接口的類加載器與創建時傳入的不一致。 在本地eclipse做openfire二次開發,本地運行沒錯,部署到服務器上後報異常: java.lang
Mysql報錯message from server: ERROR 1062 (23000):
tor bsp rim ble user slow_log dup slow topic Mysql連接報錯:java.sql.SQLException:null,message from server:"Host '27,45,38,132' i
windows平臺python安裝mysqlclient報錯"Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required"的解決方案
err tool sta www. 方案 技術 sql build ont windows平臺直接用 pip install mysqlclient 命令安裝報錯: error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it
Mysql報錯 message from server: "Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
原因是:遠端伺服器不允許你的java程式訪問它的資料庫。所以,我們要對遠端伺服器進行設定,使它允許你進行連線。 步驟:一、開啟mysql控制檯,輸入:use mysql; 二、輸入:show tables; 三、輸入:select host from
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.rnn' has no attribute 'rnn'
TensorFlow原版本報錯:AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.rnn' has no attribute 'rnn' from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn, rnn_cell lstm_cell
安裝Caffe報錯: Cannot load caffe2.python. Error... not
警告 WARNING:root:This caffe2 python run does not have GPU support. Will run in CPU only mode. 出現上面的問題的話, 首先看看是不是沒有安裝NCCL, 如果沒有安裝的話, 安裝以後應該就能好
為什麼python對空格,縮排要求這麼高?縮排稍微不對就報錯!因為,Python用縮排代替了其他程式語言的begin 和 and
為什麼python對縮排要求這麼高? 縮排不對就很容易報錯! 因為,Python用縮排代替了其他程式語言的begin 和 and。 取決於它的設計者想要更加簡潔的一種程式語言! 許多計算機程式語言使用字元(例如花括號{和})或者關鍵字(例如begin和end)來劃分程式碼段。 在這些語言
'tensorflow.python.ops.nn' has no attribute 'rnn_cell
For people using the newer version of tensorflow, add this to the code: from tensorflow.contrib import rnn lstm_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(rnn_size
python 安裝模組時提示報錯:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat)
有時候,在Windows7x64下使用pip安裝包的時候提示報錯:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat) 環境:windows8 x64 ,python2.7 ,VS2012 解決方案:Microsoft Vi
python 安裝模塊時提示報錯:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat)
親測 解決 com pip安裝 crf 管理員 網上 pretty mic 有時候,在Windows7x64下使用pip安裝包的時候提示報錯:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat