1. 程式人生 > >R語言(pROC)


> library(pROC)
Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.


The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    cov, smooth, var

> data("aSAH")
> aSAH
    gos6 outcome gender age wfns s100b   ndka
29     5    Good Female  42    1  0.13   3.01
30     5    Good Female  37
1 0.14 8.54 31 5 Good Female 42 1 0.10 8.09 32 5 Good Female 27 1 0.04 10.42 33 1 Poor Female 42 3 0.13 17.40 34 1 Poor Male 48 2 0.10 12.75 //# Build a ROC object and compute the AUC > roc(aSAH$outcome,aSAH$s100b) Call: roc.default(response = aSAH$outcome,
predictor = aSAH$s100b) Data: aSAH$s100b in 72 controls (aSAH$outcome Good) < 41 cases (aSAH$outcome Poor). Area under the curve: 0.7314 //# Smooth ROC curve > roc(aSAH$outcome,aSAH$s100b,smooth = TRUE) Call: roc.default(response = aSAH$outcome, predictor = aSAH$s100b, smooth = TRUE) Data: aSAH$s100b in 72
controls (aSAH$outcome Good) < 41 cases (aSAH$outcome Poor). Smoothing: binormal Area under the curve: 0.74 > levels(aSAH$outcome) [1] "Good" "Poor" //# more options, CI and plotting > roc1 <- roc(aSAH$outcome,aSAH$s100b,smooth = TRUE,percent = TRUE,partial.auc = c(100,90),partial.auc.correct = TRUE,partial.auc.focus = "sens",ci = TRUE,boot.n = 100,ci.alpha = 0.9,stratified = FALSE,plot = TRUE,auc.polygon = TRUE,max.auc.polygon = TRUE,grid = TRUE) Call: roc.default(response = aSAH$outcome, predictor = aSAH$s100b, percent = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, ci = TRUE, plot = TRUE, partial.auc = c(100, 90), partial.auc.correct = TRUE, partial.auc.focus = "sens", boot.n = 100, ci.alpha = 0.9, stratified = FALSE, auc.polygon = TRUE, max.auc.polygon = TRUE, grid = TRUE) Data: aSAH$s100b in 72 controls (aSAH$outcome Good) < 41 cases (aSAH$outcome Poor). Smoothing: binormal Corrected partial area under the curve (sensitivity 100%-90%): 55.63% 95% CI: 50.02%-66.08% (100 stratified bootstrap replicates) //計算曲線下面積和部分曲線下面積 > auc(roc1) Area under the curve: 74%> > auc(roc1,partial.auc =c(1,10)) Partial area under the curve (specificity 10%-1%): 8.857% > auc(roc1,partial.auc =c(1,0)) Partial area under the curve (specificity 1%-0%): 0.9985% > auc(roc1,partial.auc =c(0,100)) Partial area under the curve (specificity 100%-0%): 74%