1. 程式人生 > >docker build原始碼分析

docker build原始碼分析


最近在搞Docker,需要仔細的去了解Docker原始碼,在網上找來找去都是舊版本的,很頭疼,看了眾多的有關部落格和《docker原始碼分析》,總結一下。原始碼基於docker-ce17.9.0(docker-ce17.9.0(目前網上沒有這個版本的),我主要是需要docker build跟docker run的流程,大致差不多,先將build流程碼出。

簡單瞭解 docker build 的作用:

使用者可以通過一個 自定義的 Dockerfile 檔案以及相關內容,從一個基礎映象起步,對於 Dockerfile 中的每一 條命令,都在原先的映象 layer 之上再額外構建一個新的映象 layer ,直至構建出使用者所需 的映象。 

由於 docker build 命令由 Docker 使用者發起,故 docker build 的流程會貫穿 Docker Client Docker Server 以及 Docker Daemon 這三個重要的 Docker 模組。所以咱也是以這三個 Docker 模組為主題,分析 docker build 命令的執行,其中 Docker Daemon 最為重要。

1、Docker Client 作為使用者請求的人口,自然第一個接收並處理 docker build 命令。主要包括:定義並解析flag引數、獲取Dockerfile相關內容。



runBuild()函式只是從Client解析docker build命令和引數,對於我不怎麼需要,先不分析。(點選runBuild可以跳轉到程式碼)

2、docker server 負責根據請求型別以及請求的 URL ,路由轉發 Docker 請求至相應的處理方法。在處理方法中, Docker Server 會建立相應的 Job ,為 Job 置相應的執行引數並觸發該 Job 的執行。在此,將引數資訊配置到JSON資料中。

其中,initRouter 將build命令的路由器初始化,initRouter.NewRouter.initRoutes.NewPostRoute.



3、通過引數資訊配置(newImageBuildOptions) 構建選項資料(buildOption)


4、配置好選項資料,將其作為引數,呼叫imgID:= br.backend.Build()

5、return newBuilder(ctx, builderOptions).build(source, dockerfile)





      其中f, ok := evaluateTable[cmd],對run() ,即RUN指令。。。


// RUN some command yo    //執行命令並提交image
// run a command and commit the image. Args are automatically prepended with
// the current SHELL which defaults to 'sh -c' under linux or 'cmd /S /C' under
// Windows, in the event there is only one argument The difference in processing:
// RUN echo hi          # sh -c echo hi       (Linux and LCOW)
// RUN echo hi          # cmd /S /C echo hi   (Windows)
// RUN [ "echo", "hi" ] # echo hi
func run(req dispatchRequest) error {
	if !req.state.hasFromImage() {
		return errors.New("Please provide a source image with `from` prior to run")

	if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
		return err

	stateRunConfig := req.state.runConfig
	args := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
	if !req.attributes["json"] {
		args = append(getShell(stateRunConfig, req.builder.platform), args...)
	cmdFromArgs := strslice.StrSlice(args)
	buildArgs := req.builder.buildArgs.FilterAllowed(stateRunConfig.Env)

	saveCmd := cmdFromArgs
	if len(buildArgs) > 0 {
		saveCmd = prependEnvOnCmd(req.builder.buildArgs, buildArgs, cmdFromArgs)

	runConfigForCacheProbe := copyRunConfig(stateRunConfig,
		withEntrypointOverride(saveCmd, nil))
	hit, err := req.builder.probeCache(req.state, runConfigForCacheProbe)
	if err != nil || hit {
		return err

	runConfig := copyRunConfig(stateRunConfig,
		withEnv(append(stateRunConfig.Env, buildArgs...)),
		withEntrypointOverride(saveCmd, strslice.StrSlice{""}))

	// set config as already being escaped, this prevents double escaping on windows
	runConfig.ArgsEscaped = true

	logrus.Debugf("[BUILDER] Command to be executed: %v", runConfig.Cmd)

	cID, err := req.builder.create(runConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := req.builder.containerManager.Run(req.builder.clientCtx, cID, req.builder.Stdout, req.builder.Stderr); err != nil {
		if err, ok := err.(*statusCodeError); ok {
			// TODO: change error type, because jsonmessage.JSONError assumes HTTP
			return &jsonmessage.JSONError{
				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
					"The command '%s' returned a non-zero code: %d",
					strings.Join(runConfig.Cmd, " "), err.StatusCode()),
				Code: err.StatusCode(),
		return err
    //需注意的是 commitContainer中的Commit()函式是呼叫的/daemon/build.go 下面的
	return req.builder.commitContainer(req.state, cID, runConfigForCacheProbe)


// Parse reads lines from a Reader, parses the lines into an AST and returns
// the AST and escape token
func Parse(rwc io.Reader) (*Result, error) {
	d := NewDefaultDirective()
	currentLine := 0
	root := &Node{StartLine: -1}
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(rwc)
	warnings := []string{}

	var err error
	for scanner.Scan() {
		bytesRead := scanner.Bytes()
		if currentLine == 0 {
			// First line, strip the byte-order-marker if present
			//TrimPrefix返回沒有包含字首的 物件s
			bytesRead = bytes.TrimPrefix(bytesRead, utf8bom)
		//processLine 是棄用期後刪除stripLeftWhitespace.
		bytesRead, err = processLine(d, bytesRead, true)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		startLine := currentLine
		line, isEndOfLine := trimContinuationCharacter(string(bytesRead), d)
		if isEndOfLine && line == "" {

		var hasEmptyContinuationLine bool
		for !isEndOfLine && scanner.Scan() {
			bytesRead, err := processLine(d, scanner.Bytes(), false)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if isComment(scanner.Bytes()) {
				// original line was a comment (processLine strips comments)
			if isEmptyContinuationLine(bytesRead) {
				hasEmptyContinuationLine = true

			continuationLine := string(bytesRead)
			continuationLine, isEndOfLine = trimContinuationCharacter(continuationLine, d)
			line += continuationLine

		if hasEmptyContinuationLine {
			warning := "[WARNING]: Empty continuation line found in:\n    " + line
			warnings = append(warnings, warning)
		child, err := newNodeFromLine(line, d)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		root.AddChild(child, startLine, currentLine)

	if len(warnings) > 0 {
		warnings = append(warnings, "[WARNING]: Empty continuation lines will become errors in a future release.")
	return &Result{
		AST:         root,
		Warnings:    warnings,
		EscapeToken: d.escapeToken,
		Platform:    d.platformToken,
	}, nil


// newNodeFromLine splits the line into parts, and dispatches to a function
// based on the command and command arguments. A Node is created from the
// result of the dispatch.
func newNodeFromLine(line string, directive *Directive) (*Node, error) {
	cmd, flags, args, err := splitCommand(line)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	fn := dispatch[cmd]
	// Ignore invalid Dockerfile instructions
	if fn == nil {
		fn = parseIgnore
	next, attrs, err := fn(args, directive)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Node{
		Value:      cmd,
		Original:   line,
		Flags:      flags,
		Next:       next,
		Attributes: attrs,
	}, nil


// splitCommand takes a single line of text and parses out the cmd and args,
// which are used for dispatching to more exact parsing functions.
func splitCommand(line string) (string, []string, string, error) {
	var args string
	var flags []string

	// Make sure we get the same results irrespective of leading/trailing spaces
	//TrimSpace 返回字串s的一部分,刪除所有的leading/trailing(前導/字尾)空格
	// 2 表示只有兩個子字串
	cmdline := tokenWhitespace.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), 2)
	//cmdline[0]表示命令型別 如:groupadd
	//cmdline[1]表示命令引數 如:-f -g 842
	cmd := strings.ToLower(cmdline[0])

	if len(cmdline) == 2 {
		var err error
		//extractBuilderFlags() 解析BuilderFlags,並返回該行剩餘部分
		args, flags, err = extractBuilderFlags(cmdline[1])
		if err != nil {
			return "", nil, "", err
	//返回 cmd  選項  引數  
	return cmd, flags, strings.TrimSpace(args), nil


func extractBuilderFlags(line string) (string, []string, error) {
	// Parses the BuilderFlags and returns the remaining part of the line
	const (
		inSpaces = iota // looking for start of a word  // 每次出現從 0 開始
		inWord											// 1
		inQuote											// 2

	words := []string{}
	phase := inSpaces 
	word := ""
	quote := '\000'
	blankOK := false
	var ch rune

	for pos := 0; pos <= len(line); pos++ {
		if pos != len(line) {
			ch = rune(line[pos])

		if phase == inSpaces { // Looking for start of word
			if pos == len(line) { // end of input
			if unicode.IsSpace(ch) { // skip spaces

			// Only keep going if the next word starts with --
			if ch != '-' || pos+1 == len(line) || rune(line[pos+1]) != '-' {
				return line[pos:], words, nil

			phase = inWord // found something with "--", fall through
		if (phase == inWord || phase == inQuote) && (pos == len(line)) {
			if word != "--" && (blankOK || len(word) > 0) {
				words = append(words, word)
		if phase == inWord {
			if unicode.IsSpace(ch) {
				phase = inSpaces
				if word == "--" {
					return line[pos:], words, nil
				if blankOK || len(word) > 0 {
					words = append(words, word)
				word = ""
				blankOK = false
			if ch == '\'' || ch == '"' {
				quote = ch
				blankOK = true
				phase = inQuote
			if ch == '\\' {
				if pos+1 == len(line) {
					continue // just skip \ at end
				ch = rune(line[pos])
			word += string(ch)
		if phase == inQuote {
			if ch == quote {
				phase = inWord
			if ch == '\\' {
				if pos+1 == len(line) {
					phase = inWord
					continue // just skip \ at end
				ch = rune(line[pos])
			word += string(ch)

	return "", words, nil









