Qt新安裝之後出現Error while building/deploying (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 GCC 64bit) When executing step "Make”
Ubuntu14.04初次安裝Qt之後可能出現Error while building/deploying project *** (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 GCC 64bit) When executing step "Make"錯誤。
首先,sudo apt-get install build-essential
然後嘗試"run",又出現"cannot find -lGL"新錯誤。
最後,sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
Qt新安裝之後出現Error while building/deploying (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 GCC 64bit) When executing step "Make”
Ubuntu14.04初次安裝Qt之後可能出現Error while building/deploying project *** (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 GCC 64bit) When executing step "Make"錯誤。 &nbs
Qt Creator出現error while building問題的解決辦法
Qt Creator有時會莫名出現error while building的問題,經過研究發現原因是在projects選項(軟體介面的左側)的配置上出現了錯誤。 開啟projects選項介面,發現在General標籤下的Qt Version項為空了,此時就會出
qt例子不能執行,qt編譯錯誤,qmake不能呢執行;error while building deploying解決
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一步解決Error while building/deploying project MyQtDemo (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MSVC2015 32bit) When exec
網上很多關於解決“Qt編譯時的 qmake”問題的方法都是扯淡,例如如下的答案 (1)右鍵構建qmake; (2)重灌Qt 以上兩種答案都是扯淡,瞎bb。 之所以會出現 Error while building/deploying p
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caffe出現error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.3.1: cannot open shared object file:
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出現:error while loading shared libraries: libjvm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryI don't get the errors you