1. 程式人生 > >mfoc安裝編譯


系統環境 UBUNTU16.04,要安裝好各種基礎的編譯環境,這就不說了,如果不知道需要什麼,那就編譯時出錯時看到什麼安裝什麼吧


下載原始碼包libnfc, mfoc, mfcuk,都是github上,原始碼都可以從https://github.com/nfc-tools中下面找到。

  • 安裝依賴:

  • 安裝前要稍看下README之類的,有的有依賴關係,比如,LIBNFC可能需要LIBUSB之類的,但不是必須的,根據你的硬體,如果是PN532使用UART,就需要下面的部分:
apt-get install libpcsclite-dev libusb-dev libusb-0.1-4 libpcsclite1 libccid pcscd
  •  編譯安裝libnfc


[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ sudo apt-get install libtool


[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ autoreconf -is
libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.'.
libtoolize: linking file
`./ltmain.sh' libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR, `m4'. libtoolize: linking file `m4/libtool.m4' libtoolize: linking file `m4/ltoptions.m4' libtoolize: linking file `m4/ltsugar.m4' libtoolize: linking file `m4/ltversion.m4' libtoolize: linking file `m4/lt~obsolete.m4' configure.ac:27: installing '
./config.guess' configure.ac:27: installing './config.sub' [email protected]-host:~/nfc/libnfc-master$


繼續配置,因為使用的是PN532 UART,所以按下面的配置並MAKE

[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --with-drivers=pn532_uart
[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ make
[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ sudo make install


[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ sudo LIBNFC_LOG_LEVEL=3 nfc-list
info    libnfc.config    Unable to open file: /etc/nfc/libnfc.conf
debug    libnfc.config    Unable to open directory: /etc/nfc/devices.d
debug    libnfc.general    log_level is set to 3
debug    libnfc.general    allow_autoscan is set to true
debug    libnfc.general    allow_intrusive_scan is set to false
debug    libnfc.general    0 device(s) defined by user
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.7.1
No NFC device found.
[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ 
sudo mkdir /etc/nfc
sudo cp libnfc.conf.sample /etc/nfc/libnfc.conf

sudo mkdir -p /etc/nfc/devices.d
printf 'name = "My first device"\nconnstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyACM0"\n' | sudo tee /etc/nfc/devices.d/first.conf
printf 'name = "My second device"\nconnstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyACM1"\n' | sudo tee /etc/nfc/devices.d/second.conf
上面建立了兩個檔案,指出需要去檢測ttyACM0 ttyACM1兩個作為pn532來使用,而我的設定是ttyUSB0,可以連上硬體後,通過ls /dev 和 lsusb 等命令去確認你的是哪個裝置,所以我這裡ttyACM0改為了ttyUSB0,如下圖:
[email protected]:/etc/nfc/devices.d$ ls
[email protected]-host:/etc/nfc/devices.d$ cat first.conf 
name = "My first device"
connstring = "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0"
[email protected]-host:/etc/nfc/devices.d$ 


[email protected]:/etc/nfc/devices.d$ sudo nfc-list
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.7.1
NFC device: My first device opened
  •  編譯mfoc


autoreconf -is
make && sudo make install


  • 測試


[email protected]:~/nfc/mfoc-master$ mfoc -O ~/home.dump
error    libnfc.driver.pn532_uart    Invalid serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0
No NFC device found.
[email protected]-host:~/nfc/mfoc-master$ sudo mfoc -O ~/home.dump
Found Mifare Classic 1k tag
ISO/IEC 14443A (106 kbps) target:
    ATQA (SENS_RES): 00  04  
* UID size: single
* bit frame anticollision supported
       UID (NFCID1): b5  4a  cc  73  
      SAK (SEL_RES): 08  
* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 14443-4
* Not compliant with ISO/IEC 18092

Fingerprinting based on MIFARE type Identification Procedure:
* MIFARE Classic 1K
* MIFARE Plus (4 Byte UID or 4 Byte RID) 2K, Security level 1
* SmartMX with MIFARE 1K emulation
Other possible matches based on ATQA & SAK values:

Try to authenticate to all sectors with default keys...
Symbols: '.' no key found, '/' A key found, '\' B key found, 'x' both keys found
[Key: ffffffffffff] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: a0a1a2a3a4a5] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: d3f7d3f7d3f7] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 000000000000] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: b0b1b2b3b4b5] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 4d3a99c351dd] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 1a982c7e459a] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: aabbccddeeff] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 714c5c886e97] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 587ee5f9350f] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: a0478cc39091] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 533cb6c723f6] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]
[Key: 8fd0a4f256e9] -> [xxxxxxxxx..xx.xx]

Sector 00 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 01 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 02 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 03 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 04 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 05 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 06 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 07 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 08 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 09 - Unknown Key A               Unknown Key B
Sector 10 - Unknown Key A               Unknown Key B
Sector 11 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 12 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 13 - Unknown Key A               Unknown Key B
Sector 14 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff
Sector 15 - Found   Key A: ffffffffffff Found   Key B: ffffffffffff

Using sector 00 as an exploit sector
Sector: 9, type A, probe 0, distance 32 .....
  Found Key: A [474249433434]
  Data read with Key A revealed Key B: [474249433434] - checking Auth: OK
Sector: 10, type A
  Data read with Key A revealed Key B: [474249433434] - checking Auth: OK
  Found Key: A [474249433434]
Sector: 13, type A, probe 0, distance 32 .....
  Found Key: A [112233445214]
  Data read with Key A revealed Key B: [57454942494e] - checking Auth: OK
Auth with all sectors succeeded, dumping keys to a file!
Block 63, type A, key ffffffffffff :00  00  00  00  00  00  ff  07  80  bc  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  
Block 62, type A, key ffffffffffff :00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  
Block 02, type A, key ffffffffffff :00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Block 01, type A, key ffffffffffff :00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Block 00, type A, key ffffffffffff :b5 4a cc 73 40 08 04 00 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 [email protected]-host:~/nfc/mfoc-master$


  • 設定USB串列埠的許可權



[email protected]:~/nfc/libnfc-master$ sudo cp contrib/udev/93-pn53x.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/




printf 'SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",  ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b",  ATTRS{idProduct}=="2303",  GROUP="users", MODE="0666"\n' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules


[email protected]:/lib/udev/rules.d$ sudo udevadm control --reload


[email protected]:/etc/udev/rules.d$ ls /dev/ttyU* -l
crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 188, 0 11月 10 12:57 /dev/ttyUSB0


  •  編譯安裝mfcuk

    autoreconf -is
sudo make install
