1. 程式人生 > >scala-maven-plugin excludes

scala-maven-plugin excludes

Hello, every one.

I have a problem to add excludes to scala-maven-plugin. There are two scala files:Spark_1.6.1.scala and Spark_2.0.1.scala in src/main/scala/test. I want to exclude Spark_1.6.1.scala when compilation, so I write a pom.xml with the following setups. But it doesn't work.

May I do something incorrectly? How to add excludes correctly ?



scala-maven-plugin不支援完全模式匹配,僅支援/test/scala/和 /main/scala下的模式匹配。故而,在配置檔案中需要配置成按包名路徑的模式。

Sorry, it was my fault. I didn't realize that /test/ cannot be a part of exclude pattern; patterns only are applied to path inside /test/scala/ or /main/scala.   
excludes> <exclude>**/com/excludes_package/**</exclude> <exclude>**/com/excludes_package/excludes_package_1/**</exclude> <exclude>**/com/excludes_package/excludes_package_2/**</exclude> </excludes>


此外incremental模式下貌似不支援excludes,需要註釋掉。Java的compiler中也需要加入exclude,否則在build中Java build階段會報錯。


<!-- mixed Java/Scala projects, see https://davidb.github.io/scala-maven-plugin/example_java.html -->
    <!-- see http://davidb.github.com/scala-maven-plugin -->
        <!-- <recompileMode>incremental</recompileMode> <!-- here --> 
        <useZincServer>true</useZincServer> -->
        <excludes> <!-- here --> 
<!-- This plugin compiles Java files -->
        <excludes> <!-- here --> 




