1. 程式人生 > >全聚焦影象生成程式碼記錄



一丶Tao深度提取程式碼 生成全聚焦影象

function depth_output = compute_LFdepth(file_path)
% compute_LFdepth
%        : computes the depth estimation of a Lytro LF Image

% Input  : file_path    (file path to the .jpeg file)
% Output : depth_output (x,y) buffer that contains 0-255
%                       0 is closest, 255 is farthest

% NOTE   : this function supports our Lytro camera. Lytro cameras
%          have manufacturing inconsistencies for the micro-lens array.

% MATLAB 2009B (tested)

% Michael W. Tao (
[email protected]
) % TERMS OF USE : % Any scientific work that makes use of our code should appropriately % mention this in the text and cite our ICCV 2013 paper. For commerical % use, please contact us. % PAPER TO CITE: % Michael W. Tao, Sunil Hadap, Jitendra Malik, and Ravi Ramamoorthi. ?Depth % from Combining Defocus and Correspondence Using Light-Field Cameras?. % In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), % 2013. % BIBTEX TO CITE: % @inproceedings{Tao13, % author={Tao, {M. W.} and Hadap, S. and Malik, J. and Ramamoorthi, R.}, % title={Depth from combining defocus and correspondence using light-field cameras}, % year={2013}, % booktitle={ICCV} % } % Copyright (c) 2013 % All rights reserved. % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are % met: % * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. % * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in % the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution % * Proper citation to the paper above % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" % AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE % IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE % ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE % LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR % CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF % SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS % INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN % CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) % ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE % POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % LYTRO COPYRIGHT : % We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way % officially connected with Lytro, or any of its subsidiaries or its % affiliates. The official Lytro web site is available at www.lytro.com. % All Lytro hardware, software, etc. are registered trademarks of Lytro. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % VARIABLE DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS % x' : x' LF coordinate % y' : y' LF coordinate % x : x image spatial coordinate % y : y image spatial coordinate % u : u angular coordinate % v : v angular coordinate % image_cords : (x,y) for each image coordinate (x,y), gives you the % LF_RAW data coordinate (x',y') that contains the % center pixel coordinate that corresponds to (x,y) % Lytro_RAW : (x',y') sensor values (needs demosaic) % x': x RAW LF coordinate % y': y RAW LF coordinate % RANGE : [0,255] % Lytro_RAW_Demosaic: (x',y',c) color values (demosaiced) % x': x RAW LF coordinate % y': y RAW LF coordinate % c': c color channel (1 2 3 -> R G B format) % RANGE : [0,1] % LF_Remap : (x',y',c) color values % x': x REMAPPED LF coordinate % y': y REMAPPED LF coordinate % c': c color channel (1 2 3 -> R G B format) % RANGE : [0,1] % x'= u + UV_diameter * (x - 1) % y'= v + UV_diameter * (y - 1) % IM_pinhole : (x,y,c) color values of center pinhole view % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % c: c color channel (1 2 3 -> R G B format) % RANGE : [0,1] % defocus_response : (x,y,d) defocus - higher the better % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % d: depth value [1,depth_resolution] % RANGE : [0,1] % corresp_response : (x,y,d) corresp - lower the better % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % d: depth value [1,depth_resolution] % RANGE : [0,1] % defocus_depth : (x,y) defocus confidence - higher the better % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % RANGE : [1,depth_resoltuion] % corresp_depth : (x,y) depth value % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % RANGE : [1,depth_resolution] % defocus_confi : (x,y,d) defocus confidence - higher the better % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % RANGE : [0,1] % corresp_confi : (x,y,d) corresp confidence - lower the better % x: x image spatial coordinate % y: y image spatial coordinate % RANGE : [0,1] %% USER PARAMETERS %% INTERNAL PARAMETERS %%% LF sizes -------------- UV_radius = 3 ; UV_diameter = (2*UV_radius+1) ; UV_size = UV_diameter^2 ; %%% Shearing -------------- depth_resolution = 128 ; alpha_min = 1 ; alpha_max = 2 ; %%% Analysis -------------- % defocus analysis radius defocus_radius = 9 ; % correspondence analysis radius corresp_radius = 9 ; %%% Regularize -------------- WS_PENALTY_W1 = 0.6 ; WS_PENALTY_W2 = 0.2 ; lambda_flat = 2 ; lambda_smooth = 2 ; ROBUSTIFY_SMOOTHNESS = 1 ; gradient_thres = 1.0 ; SOFTEN_EPSILON = 1.0 ; CONVERGE_FRACTION = 1 ; %% O. Initialization fprintf('O. Initializing *******\n'); tic ; % DEPDENDENCIES addpath('required') ; addpath('required/mex') ; addpath('required/utilities') ; addpath('required/utilities/regularize') ; % LOAD CAMERA DATA load('required/camera_data/image_cords') ; x_size = x_size_fin ; y_size = y_size_fin ; % JPEG (RAW IMAGE) Lytro_RAW = (imread(file_path)) ; Lytro_RAW_Demosaic = im2double(demosaic(Lytro_RAW,'bggr')) ; LF_x_size = size(image_cords,2)*UV_diameter ; LF_y_size = size(image_cords,1)*UV_diameter ; % GATHER PARAMTERS LF_parameters = struct('LF_x_size',LF_x_size,... 'LF_y_size',LF_y_size,... 'x_size',x_size,... 'y_size',y_size,... 'UV_radius',UV_radius,... 'UV_diameter',UV_diameter,... 'UV_size',UV_size,... 'depth_resolution',depth_resolution,... 'alpha_min',alpha_min,... 'alpha_max',alpha_max,... 'defocus_radius',defocus_radius,... 'corresp_radius',corresp_radius,... 'WS_PENALTY_W1',WS_PENALTY_W1,... 'WS_PENALTY_W2',WS_PENALTY_W2,... 'lambda_flat',lambda_flat,... 'lambda_smooth',lambda_smooth,... 'ROBUSTIFY_SMOOTHNESS',ROBUSTIFY_SMOOTHNESS,... 'gradient_thres',gradient_thres,... 'SOFTEN_EPSILON',SOFTEN_EPSILON,... 'CONVERGE_FRACTION',CONVERGE_FRACTION... ) ; fprintf(' Completed in %.3f seconds\n',toc); %% I. JPEG -> Our LF_Remap Standard and Pinhole Image fprintf('I. Remapping LF JPEG to our standard *******\n'); tic ; % RAW to Remap LF_Remap = RAW2REMAP... (Lytro_RAW_Demosaic,image_cords,LF_parameters) ; % Remape to Pinhole (Center View) IM_Pinhole = REMAP2PINHOLE... (LF_Remap,LF_parameters) ; fprintf(' Completed in %.3f seconds\n',toc); %% II. Compute Defocus and Correspondence Responses fprintf('II. Computing Defocus and Correspondence Responses *******\n'); tic ; %%%%% Output Buffers defocus_depth = zeros(y_size,x_size) ; corresp_depth = zeros(y_size,x_size) ; defocus_confi = zeros(y_size,x_size) ; corresp_confi = zeros(y_size,x_size) ; %%%%% Intermediate Buffers defocus_response = zeros(y_size,x_size,depth_resolution) ; corresp_response = zeros(y_size,x_size,depth_resolution) ; LF_Remap_alpha = zeros(LF_y_size,LF_x_size,3) ; IM_Refoc_alpha = zeros(y_size,x_size,3) ; % Analysis alpha_step = (alpha_max-alpha_min)/depth_resolution ; alpha_num = 1 ; reverseStr = '' ; for alpha = alpha_min:alpha_step:alpha_max %%%% i. refocus : eqn. (1) -> (8) % refocus REMAP2REFOCUS_mex(x_size,y_size,... UV_diameter,UV_radius,LF_Remap,... LF_Remap_alpha,IM_Refoc_alpha,alpha) ; filename=['E:\論文相關程式\Tao\DEPTH_FROM_CORR_DEFOC\result\IMG5\',num2str(alpha_num),'.tif']; imwrite(IM_Refoc_alpha,filename,'tif'); All_Refocus(:,:,:,alpha_num)=IM_Refoc_alpha(:,:,:); %%%% ii. analysis % depth from defocus : eqn. (2) (3) defocus_response(:,:,alpha_num) =... DEFOCUS_ANALYSIS(IM_Refoc_alpha,LF_parameters) ; % depth from correspondence: eqn. (4) (5) corresp_response(:,:,alpha_num) =... CORRESP_ANALYSIS(LF_Remap_alpha,LF_parameters) ; % housekeeping msg = sprintf('Processing: %d/%d done!\n',alpha_num,depth_resolution) ; fprintf([reverseStr, msg]) ; reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg)) ; alpha_num = alpha_num + 1 ; end fprintf(reverseStr) ; fprintf(' Completed in %.3f seconds\n',toc); %% III. Compute Depth and Confidence fprintf('III. Compute Depth and Confidence *******\n'); tic ; %%%% iii. depth estimation : eqn. (6) defocus_depth = DEPTH_ESTIMATION(defocus_response,1) ; corresp_depth = DEPTH_ESTIMATION(corresp_response,0) ; %%%% iv. confidence measure: eqn. (7) defocus_confi = PEAK_RATIO_CONFIDENCE(defocus_response,LF_parameters,1) ; corresp_confi = PEAK_RATIO_CONFIDENCE(corresp_response,LF_parameters,0) ; AllFocus_defocus=GetAllFocus(defocus_depth, All_Refocus); imwrite(AllFocus_defocus,'D:\SU\Tao13_LF_Depth_Light\DEPTH_FROM_CORR_DEFOC_JPEGONLY\Desk\IMG5_defocus_focus.tif'); [defocus_confi,corresp_confi] =... NORMALIZE_CONFIDENCE(defocus_confi,corresp_confi) ; fprintf(' Completed in %.3f seconds\n',toc); %% IV. MRF Regularization fprintf('IV. MRF Regularizing Depth *******\n') ; tic ; %%%% (9) (10) (11) depth_output = DEPTH_MRF(defocus_depth,corresp_depth,... defocus_confi,corresp_confi,... IM_Pinhole,LF_parameters) ; imshow(depth_output) depth=ceil(depth_output*256); save('MRF_depth','depth'); AllFocus_MRF=GetAllFocus(depth, All_Refocus); imwrite(AllFocus_MRF,'D:\SU\Tao13_LF_Depth_Light\DEPTH_FROM_CORR_DEFOC_JPEGONLY\Desk\IMG5_MRF_focus.tif'); fprintf(' Completed in %.3f seconds\n',toc); %% Finish fprintf('Depth computation complete!**********************************\n'); fprintf('Image Set: Defocus, Correspondence, Final depth estimations \n'); depth_output_min = min(min(depth_output)) ; depth_output_max = max(max(depth_output)) ; depth_output = depth_output-depth_output_min/... (depth_output_max-depth_output_min); imshow([defocus_depth/255 corresp_depth/255 depth_output]) ; end

二丶 單一梯度生成全聚焦影象

listing=dir('D:\SU\LF Tomographic Reconstruction\images\IMG5\*.tif')
AllImage=ComputeAllImage(listing,'D:\SU\LF Tomographic Reconstruction\images\IMG5\');
AllGradient=ComputeAllGradient(listing,'D:\SU\LF Tomographic Reconstruction\images\IMG5\');
for i =1:1:m
    for j=1:1:n


function AllImage=ComputeAllImage(listing,filepath)
for i=1:M
save AllImage;


function AllGradient=ComputeAllGradient(listing,filepath)

for i=1:M

save AllGradient