FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing ./scripts/mysql_install_db:
執行安裝mysql 報錯
[[email protected] mysql-mult]# ./scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=conf/3306my.cnf
FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing ./scripts/mysql_install_db:
解決方法 :安裝autoconf庫
命令:yum -y install autoconf
FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing ./scripts/mysql_install_db:
執行安裝mysql 報錯 [[email protected] mysql-mult]# ./scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=conf/3306my.cnf FATAL ERROR: please install t
FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing ./mysql_install_db: Data::Dumper
今天安裝本地資料庫,所遇到的錯誤 FATAL ERROR: please install the following Perl modules before executing ./mysql_install_db:Data::Dumper 看到網上的修改方法: 解決方法 :安裝autoconf庫
如何處理錯誤訊息Please install the gcc make perl packages
如何處理這行錯誤訊息? Please install the gcc make perl packages from your distribution。 執行命令列:yum install gcc perl make 輸出: Loaded plugins: product-id, sea
This is a bug I believe, and it took me 2-3 days to figure it out. Please do the following to get it working,
this nco etc figure ood client clas gpo see This is a bug I believe, and it took me 2-3 days to figure it out. Please do the following to
No module named _tkinter, please install the python-tk package 解決方法總結
not 原因 sin 程序開發 找到 pytho iss 配置 重新 0. 前言 在ipython環境中,要用到matlotlib庫,運行.py文件時,提示以下錯誤: No module named _tkinter, please install the py
如何處理錯誤消息Please install the Linux kernel header files
ogr res not class 技術分享 src finished bfc 解決 Please install the Linux kernel "header" files matching the current kernel 當我啟動minilkube時遇到如下錯
Python import matplotlb.pyplot報錯:ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3
Python import matplotlb.pyplot報錯:ImportError: No module named ‘_tkinter’, please install the python3 本文記錄了博主在遇到這個大坑以後重新登入Python中遇到的import matp
如何處理錯誤訊息Please install the Linux kernel header files
Please install the Linux kernel "header" files matching the current kernel 當我啟動minilkube時遇到如下錯誤訊息: Minikube setup with driver virtualbox Starting
問題:(機器學習)ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package
在機器學習的過程中遇到問題: 安裝 sudo apt install python3-tk (Ubuntu) yum install python3-tk (Centos) 測試 如果沒奏效,繼續下一步 sudo apt install tk-dev (Ubuntu/Deb
Build dependency: Please install the GNU C Compiler (gcc) 4.8
新版本openwrt編譯時檢查版本不匹配問題導致,解決方法:安裝一個新版本的gcc 一、簡易安裝 操作環境 Red-hat 6.2 64bit,yum安裝自帶版本4.4.7,不能支援C++11的特性,需要升級到4.8.2。 1.1 獲取安裝包並解壓 wget http:
Ubuntu編譯OpenWRT 15.05提示"Build dependency:Please install the xxx"
在Ubuntu 18.04.1上編譯OpenWrt Chaos Calmer的時候碰到了以下問題,記錄一下。 Build dependency: Please install the GNU C Compiler (gcc) Build dependenc
ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package
解決: 進入專案所在的虛擬環境中,安裝python3-tk包 cd /home/dorothy/ZX/myproject/p3/bin source ./active #進入虛擬環境 sudo ap
SVN Update Error: Please execute the 'Cleanup' command
在使用SVN做更新程式碼的時候,有時會碰到無法更新的情況,一般會提示如下的資訊,說是: Working copy 'E:\mySVNDirectory' locked Please execute the 'Cleanup' comman
SVN Update Error: Please execute the 'Cleanup' command
嘗試用下面兩種方法 svn clean up 中有一個選項break lock勾選上 把對應的檔案來裡的.svn裡面的lock檔案刪除。 svn local delete, incoming
Clouder Manager安裝時出現please remove the following file: /etc/cloudera-scm-server/db.properties問題解決(圖文詳解)
歡迎您的加入! 微信公眾號平臺: 大資料躺過的坑 微信公眾號平臺: 人工智慧躺過的坑 大資料和人工智慧躺過的坑(總群): 161156071 更多QQ技術分群,詳情請見:http://www.cnblogs.com/zls
configure: error: Please fix the library issues listed above and try again錯誤解決方法
感謝分享:https://www.aliyun.com/zixun/content/3_12_519180.html 感謝分享:http://blog.csdn.net/home_zhang/article/details/8162347 今天在編譯安裝rrdtool時
安裝mysql提示 please install the .Net framework
在windows下安裝新版MySQL5.7資料庫的時候,提示需要安裝.net framework 4.0,如下圖, 這是因為新版MySQL提供了.net的ado.net搜尋等功能,需要使用微軟的.
Please install the Android Support Repository from the Android SDK Manager
最近拉取專案報了這麼個錯錯誤截圖原因分析沒有找到對應依賴的26.0.0,讓我們下載,按照提示開啟發現並沒有缺少Repository,並沒有什麼需要下載的。旁邊大佬說可能是各自的開發工具裡面的SDK有差距導致的;百度了下,發現,從api 26開始,support librari
SVN Update Error Please execute the 'Cleanup' command 解決方案
問題 - SVN Update Error: Please execute the 'Cleanup' command 詳細描述
configure: error: APR not found. Please read the documentation
bin remove 卸載 bsp req work beta local 1.3 本以為Apache的編譯安裝很簡單,其實不然; 以前的環境下編譯報錯很少 ,但這次不行了 提示configure: error: APR not found. Please re