1. 程式人生 > >FAAD庫實現RAW格式AAC封裝成ADTS格式






  1. 音訊編解碼基礎
  2. FFMPEG實現音訊重取樣
  3. FFMPEG實現PCM編碼(採用封裝格式實現)
  4. FFMPEG實現PCM編碼(不採用封裝格式實現)
  5. FAAC庫實現PCM編碼
  6. FAAD庫實現RAW格式AAC解碼
  7. FAAD庫實現RAW格式AAC封裝成ADTS格式
  8. FAAD庫實現ADTS格式解碼
  9. FFMPEG實現對AAC解碼(採用封裝格式實現)
  10. FFMPEG實現對AAC解碼(不採用封裝格式實現)



Copyright (c) wubihe Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date Created:	2014-10-25
Author:			wubihe QQ:1269122125 Email:
[email protected]
Description: 原始AAC音訊流,格式沒有打包ADTS或者ADIF,一般播放器放不了,需要 解碼器解碼 區別出一幀一幀的音訊,然後打包成ADTS格式 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modification History DATE AUTHOR DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <cstddef> #include <string> #include <math.h> #include "faad.h" //待解碼檔案 #define DECODE_FILE_NAME ("huangdun_uadts.aac") //封裝成ADTS格式的AAC檔案 #define DECODE_OUTPUT_FILE ("huangdun_adts.aac") #define MAX_CHANNELS (8) #define MAXWAVESIZE (4294967040LU) #define ADTS_HEAD_LEN (7) #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) typedef struct { //當前快取總資料量 long bytes_into_buffer; //當前快取已經消耗資料量 long bytes_consumed; //整個檔案資料使用量 long file_offset; //快取 unsigned char *buffer; //檔案結束標誌 int at_eof; //檔案操作控制代碼 FILE *infile; } aac_buffer; //aac資料快取 aac_buffer g_AacBuffer; static int fill_buffer(aac_buffer *b) { int bread; //解析消耗資料 if (b->bytes_consumed > 0) { //有剩餘資料 向前面移動 if (b->bytes_into_buffer) { memmove((void*)b->buffer, (void*)(b->buffer + b->bytes_consumed), b->bytes_into_buffer*sizeof(unsigned char)); } if (!b->at_eof) { bread = fread((void*)(b->buffer + b->bytes_into_buffer), 1, b->bytes_consumed, b->infile); if (bread != b->bytes_consumed) b->at_eof = 1; b->bytes_into_buffer += bread; } b->bytes_consumed = 0; if (b->bytes_into_buffer > 3) { if (memcmp(b->buffer, "TAG", 3) == 0) b->bytes_into_buffer = 0; } if (b->bytes_into_buffer > 11) { if (memcmp(b->buffer, "LYRICSBEGIN", 11) == 0) b->bytes_into_buffer = 0; } if (b->bytes_into_buffer > 8) { if (memcmp(b->buffer, "APETAGEX", 8) == 0) b->bytes_into_buffer = 0; } } return 1; } static void advance_buffer(aac_buffer *b, int bytes) { b->file_offset += bytes; b->bytes_consumed = bytes; b->bytes_into_buffer -= bytes; if (b->bytes_into_buffer < 0) b->bytes_into_buffer = 0; } static int adts_sample_rates[] = {96000,88200,64000,48000,44100,32000,24000,22050,16000,12000,11025,8000,7350,0,0,0}; static int FindAdtsSRIndex(int sr) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (sr == adts_sample_rates[i]) return i; } return 16 - 1; } unsigned bool MakeAdtsHeader(unsigned char *pHead,int *HeadSize,int iProfile,int iSampleRate,int iChan ,int iFramelen) { unsigned char *data = pHead; int iHeadLen = *HeadSize; if(iHeadLen<7) { return false; } *HeadSize = iHeadLen = 7; int profile = (iProfile - 1) & 0x3; int sr_index = FindAdtsSRIndex(iSampleRate); int framesize = iFramelen + iHeadLen; memset(data, 0, iHeadLen); data[0] += 0xFF; /* 8b: syncword */ data[1] += 0xF0; /* 4b: syncword */ /* 1b: mpeg id = 0 */ /* 2b: layer = 0 */ data[1] += 1; /* 1b: protection absent */ data[2] += ((profile << 6) & 0xC0); /* 2b: profile */ data[2] += ((sr_index << 2) & 0x3C); /* 4b: sampling_frequency_index */ /* 1b: private = 0 */ data[2] += ((iChan >> 2) & 0x1); /* 1b: channel_configuration */ data[3] += ((iChan << 6) & 0xC0); /* 2b: channel_configuration */ /* 1b: original */ /* 1b: home */ /* 1b: copyright_id */ /* 1b: copyright_id_start */ data[3] += ((framesize >> 11) & 0x3); /* 2b: aac_frame_length */ data[4] += ((framesize >> 3) & 0xFF); /* 8b: aac_frame_length */ data[5] += ((framesize << 5) & 0xE0); /* 3b: aac_frame_length */ data[5] += ((0x7FF >> 6) & 0x1F); /* 5b: adts_buffer_fullness */ data[6] += ((0x7FF << 2) & 0x3F); /* 6b: adts_buffer_fullness */ /* 2b: num_raw_data_blocks */ return true; } int main() { memset(&g_AacBuffer, 0, sizeof(aac_buffer)); g_AacBuffer.infile = fopen(DECODE_FILE_NAME, "rb"); if (g_AacBuffer.infile == NULL) { /* unable to open file */ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", DECODE_FILE_NAME); return 1; } fseek(g_AacBuffer.infile, 0, SEEK_END); double dTotalFileSize = ftell(g_AacBuffer.infile); fseek(g_AacBuffer.infile, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!(g_AacBuffer.buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(FAAD_MIN_STREAMSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS))) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n"); return 0; } memset(g_AacBuffer.buffer, 0, FAAD_MIN_STREAMSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS); size_t sRealRead = fread(g_AacBuffer.buffer, 1, FAAD_MIN_STREAMSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS, g_AacBuffer.infile); g_AacBuffer.bytes_into_buffer = sRealRead; g_AacBuffer.bytes_consumed = 0; g_AacBuffer.file_offset = 0; if (sRealRead != FAAD_MIN_STREAMSIZE*MAX_CHANNELS) { g_AacBuffer.at_eof = 1; } //判斷檔案格式 int iAacType = 0; if ((g_AacBuffer.buffer[0] == 0xFF) && ((g_AacBuffer.buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0)) { iAacType = 1; fprintf(stderr, "AAC file Format is: ADTS\n"); } else if (memcmp(g_AacBuffer.buffer, "ADIF", 4) == 0) { iAacType = 2; fprintf(stderr, "AAC file Format is: ADIF\n"); } else { iAacType = 0; fprintf(stderr, "AAC file Format is: RAW AAC\n"); } FILE *pOutputFile = fopen(DECODE_OUTPUT_FILE, "wb"); if(pOutputFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", DECODE_OUTPUT_FILE); return 1; } //開啟解碼器 NeAACDecHandle hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen(); //設定解碼器音訊引數 該設定對於原始AAC資料是必須的 否則解碼器不知道音訊封裝資訊 //對於ADTS封裝的AAC 不需要設定 解碼器可以從視訊資料中獲取 NeAACDecConfigurationPtr pDecodeConfig = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(hDecoder); pDecodeConfig->defSampleRate = 44100; pDecodeConfig->defObjectType = LC; pDecodeConfig->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; pDecodeConfig->downMatrix = 0; pDecodeConfig->useOldADTSFormat = 0; NeAACDecSetConfiguration(hDecoder, pDecodeConfig); long lRealUse =0; unsigned long lRealSampleRate ; unsigned char ucRealChans ; unsigned char ucRealFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; //資料初始化 if ((lRealUse = NeAACDecInit(hDecoder, g_AacBuffer.buffer, g_AacBuffer.bytes_into_buffer, &lRealSampleRate, &ucRealChans)) < 0) { /* If some error initializing occured, skip the file */ fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing decoder library.\n"); if (g_AacBuffer.buffer) { free(g_AacBuffer.buffer); } NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(g_AacBuffer.infile); return 1; } //拋棄已經使用過的資料 advance_buffer(&g_AacBuffer, lRealUse); //空的快取填充新的資料 fill_buffer(&g_AacBuffer); NeAACDecFrameInfo frameInfo; void *pSampleBuffer = NULL; int iAdtsHeadLen = ADTS_HEAD_LEN; unsigned char szAdtsHead[ADTS_HEAD_LEN]; int iAacProfile = LC; int iOldPercent = 0; do { pSampleBuffer = NeAACDecDecode(hDecoder, &frameInfo, g_AacBuffer.buffer, g_AacBuffer.bytes_into_buffer); //原始AAC格式 if(iAacType == 0) { MakeAdtsHeader(szAdtsHead,&iAdtsHeadLen,iAacProfile,frameInfo.samplerate,frameInfo.channels ,frameInfo.bytesconsumed); fwrite(szAdtsHead, 1, iAdtsHeadLen, pOutputFile); fwrite(g_AacBuffer.buffer, 1, frameInfo.bytesconsumed, pOutputFile); } //原本就是ADTS格式 else if (iAacType == 1) { MakeAdtsHeader(szAdtsHead,&iAdtsHeadLen,iAacProfile,frameInfo.samplerate,frameInfo.channels ,frameInfo.bytesconsumed - 7); fwrite(szAdtsHead, 1, iAdtsHeadLen, pOutputFile); fwrite(g_AacBuffer.buffer, 1, frameInfo.bytesconsumed - 7, pOutputFile); } //拋棄解碼消耗的快取 advance_buffer(&g_AacBuffer, frameInfo.bytesconsumed); if (frameInfo.error > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n",NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error)); } int iPercent = min((int)((g_AacBuffer.file_offset*100))/dTotalFileSize, 100); if (iPercent > iOldPercent) { iOldPercent = iPercent; fprintf(stderr, "%d%% decoding %s.\n", iOldPercent, DECODE_FILE_NAME); } /* fill buffer */ fill_buffer(&g_AacBuffer); if (g_AacBuffer.bytes_into_buffer == 0) { pSampleBuffer = NULL; /* to make sure it stops now */ } } while (pSampleBuffer != NULL); NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(pOutputFile); fclose(g_AacBuffer.infile); if (g_AacBuffer.buffer) { free(g_AacBuffer.buffer); } printf("Decode Raw Aac Success!\n"); getchar(); return 0; }

程式執行完成 生成huangdun_adts.aac用elecard stream analysis分析如下: