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Project Euler Problem 10

Problem 10 : Summation of primes

The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.

Find the sum of all the primes below two million.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>   // memset()
#include <ctime>     // clock()
#include <cmath>     // sqrt()
#include <cassert>
// assert() using namespace std; class PE0010 { private: static const int m_MAX = 2000000; // two million bool *m_Sieve; // Prime Sieve public: PE0010() { m_Sieve = new bool [m_MAX+1]; } ~PE0010() { delete [] m_Sieve; } void createPrimeSieve(); long long getSumOfPrimes(int number = m_MAX)
; }; // create a prime Sieve of Eratosthenes below max value void PE0010::createPrimeSieve() { memset(m_Sieve, true, (m_MAX+1)*sizeof(bool)); m_Sieve[0] = m_Sieve[1] = false; for (int i=2; i<=(int)sqrt((double)m_MAX); i++) { if (true == m_Sieve[i]) { for
(int j=i*i; j<m_MAX; j+=i) { m_Sieve[j] = false; } } } } // calculate sum of all primes below number long long PE0010::getSumOfPrimes(int number) { long long sum = 2; // first prime prime is 2 for (int n=3; n<number; n+=2) // primes above 2 are odd { if (true == m_Sieve[n]) { sum += n; } } return sum; } int main() { clock_t start = clock(); PE0010 pe0010; pe0010.createPrimeSieve(); assert(17 == pe0010.getSumOfPrimes(10)); cout << "The sum of all the primes below two million is " ; cout << pe0010.getSumOfPrimes() << endl; clock_t finish = clock(); double duration=(double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "C/C++ application running time: " << duration << " seconds" << endl; return 0; }