19 友盟專案--統計新增使用者---日新增、周新增、月新增--建立表並插入選擇出的資料
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-11
各個維度下---with cube
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_new_day( day string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cntstat_new_day.sql 昨日新增使用者int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\n'; insert into table stat_new_day SELECT '2018/08/02' , t.appid , t.appversion , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype , count(t.deviceid) cnt FROM ( select appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion , deviceid ,min(createdatms) firsttime from appstartuplogs group BY appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion, deviceid with cube )t WHERE t.appid is not NULL and t.deviceid is not null and formatbyday(t.firsttime , 0 , 'yyyy/MM/dd') = '2018/08/02' group by t.appid , t.appversion , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype order BY t.appid , t.appversion , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype
周增---從日新增表中 --> 這周內每天新增數 的總和 stat_new_week.sql
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_new_week( day string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cnt int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\n'; insert into table stat_new_week SELECT appid , appversion , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , sum(cnt) cnt FROM stat_new_day WHERE formatbyweek(day ,'yyyy/MM/dd' , 0 , 'yyyy/MM/dd') = formatbyweek('2018/07/31' ,'yyyy/MM/dd' , 0 , 'yyyy/MM/dd') group by appid , appversion , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostypestat_new_week.sql 周新增使用者數
月增---從日新增表中 --> 這月內每天新增數 的總和 stat_new_month.sql
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_new_month( month string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cnt int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\n'; insert into table stat_new_month SELECT '201808' , appid , appversion , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , sum(cnt) cnt FROM stat_new_day WHERE formatbymonth(day ,'yyyy/MM' , 0 , 'yyyy/MM') = '2018/08' group by appid , appversion , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostypestat_new_month.sql 月新增使用者