1. 程式人生 > >nodejs的process.env 模組的environ(7) --文件翻譯

nodejs的process.env 模組的environ(7) --文件翻譯

ENVIRON(7)                Linux Programmer's Manual(Linux 程式設計師手冊)               ENVIRON(7)(環境)
NAME         top
environ - user environment(使用者環境)
SYNOPSIS(概要)         top
extern char **environ;(外部字元環境)
DESCRIPTION(描述)         top
        The variable environ points to an array of pointers to strings called the "environment".
        The last pointer in this array has the value NULL.
        (This variable must be declared in the user program, but is declared in the header file <unistd.h>
        if the _GNU_SOURCE feature test macro is defined.)
        這個變數必須在使用者程式中宣告,如果_GNU_SOURCE(c c++裡的變數)測試巨集已經定義,則這個變數應該在標頭檔案申明。c c++ 都有標頭檔案
        This array of strings is made available to the process by the exec(3) call that started the process.
        When a child process is created via fork(2), it inherits a copy of its parent's environment.
        By convention the strings in environ have the form "name=value".
        Common examples are:(通用示例)

        USER   The name of the logged-in user (used by some BSD-derived

        The name of the logged-in user (used by some System-V derived

        HOME   A user's login directory, set by login(1) from the password
        file passwd(5).

        LANG   The name of a locale to use for locale categories when not
        overridden by LC_ALL or more specific environment variables(更多具體的環境變數)
        such as LC_COLLATE (核對), LC_CTYPE(函式), LC_MESSAGES, LC_MONETARY(貨幣金融),
        LC_NUMERIC(數值), and LC_TIME (see locale(7) for further details(更進一步的細節) of
        the LC_* environment variables).

        "PATH"   The sequence of directory prefixes that sh(1) and many other
        programs apply in searching for a file known by an incomplete (不完整的)
        pathname.  The prefixes are separated by ':'.  (Similarly one
        has CDPATH used by some shells(殼,cmd Shell.這是一個用 C 語言編寫的程式,它是使用者使用 Linux 的橋樑。Shell 既是一種命令語言,又是一種程式設計語言)
        to find the target of a change directory command, MANPATH used by man(1) to find manual pages, and so on)

        PWD    The current working directory.  Set by some shells.

        SHELL  The pathname of the user's login shell.

        TERM   The terminal type for which output is to be prepared.

        PAGER  The user's preferred utility to display text files.(使用者顯示文字檔案的首選實用程式)

        The user's preferred utility (adj. 優先的;首選的 ,首選的效用) to edit text files.

        Names may be placed in the shell's environment by the export command
        in sh(1), or by the setenv command if you use csh(1).

        The initial environment of the shell is populated in various ways,
        such as definitions from /etc/environment that are processed by
        pam_env(8) for all users at login time (on systems that employ
        pam(8)).  In addition, various shell initialization scripts, such as
        the system-wide /etc/profile script and per-user initializations
        script may include commands that add variables to the shell's
        environment; see the manual page of your preferred shell() for details(有關詳情資訊).

        Bourne-style shells support the syntax

        NAME=value command

        to create an environment variable definition(環境變數定義) only in the scope of the
        process that executes command.  Multiple variable definitions,
        separated by white space, may precede (優先)command.

        Arguments may also be placed in the environment at the point of an
        exec(3).  A C program can manipulate its environment using the
        functions getenv(3), putenv(3), setenv(3), and unsetenv(3).

        Note that the behavior of many programs and library routines (庫) is
        influenced(adj. 受影響的) by the presence or value of certain (這裡譯為某些) environment variables.
        Examples include the following:

        *  The variables LANG, LANGUAGE, NLSPATH, LOCPATH, LC_ALL,
        LC_MESSAGES, and so on influence locale handling; see catopen(3),
        gettext(3), and locale(7).

        *  TMPDIR influences the path prefix of names created by tempnam(3)
        and other routines(例程), and the temporary directory(臨時目錄) used by sort(1)
        and other programs.

        *  LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD, and other LD_* variables influence
        the behavior of the dynamic loader/linker.

        *  POSIXLY_CORRECT makes certain programs and library routines follow
        the prescriptions of POSIX.

        *  The behavior of malloc(3) is influenced by MALLOC_* variables.

        *  The variable HOSTALIASES gives the name of a file containing
        aliases to be used with gethostbyname(3).

        *  TZ and TZDIR give timezone information used by tzset(3) and
        through that by functions like ctime(3), localtime(3), mktime(3),
        strftime(3).  See also tzselect(8).

        *  TERMCAP gives information on how to address a given terminal (or
        gives the name of a file containing such information).

        *  COLUMNS and LINES tell applications about the window size,
        possibly overriding the actual size.

        *  PRINTER or LPDEST may specify the desired printer to use.  See
        NOTES         top
        The prctl(2) PR_SET_MM_ENV_START and PR_SET_MM_ENV_END operations can
        be used to control the location of the process's environment.
        BUGS         top
        Clearly there is a security risk here.  Many a system command has
        been tricked into mischief by a user who specified unusual values for

        There is also the risk of name space pollution.  Programs like make
        and autoconf allow overriding of default utility names from the
        environment with similarly named variables in all caps.  Thus one
        uses CC to select the desired C compiler (and similarly MAKE, AR, AS,
        FC, LD, LEX, RM, YACC, etc.).  However, in some traditional uses such
        an environment variable gives options for the program instead of a
        pathname.  Thus, one has MORE, LESS, and GZIP.  Such usage is
        considered mistaken, and to be avoided in new programs.  The authors
        of gzip should consider renaming their option to GZIP_OPT.
        SEE ALSO         top
        bash(1), csh(1), env(1), login(1), printenv(1), sh(1), tcsh(1),
        execve(2), clearenv(3), exec(3), getenv(3), putenv(3), setenv(3),
        unsetenv(3), locale(7), ld.so(8), pam_env(8)
        COLOPHON         top
        This page is part of release 4.16 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
        description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the
        latest version of this page, can be found at
