Flume 自定義開發方案
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-13
1:Avro Client
MyApp.java import org.apache.flume.Event; import org.apache.flume.EventDeliveryException; import org.apache.flume.api.RpcClient; import org.apache.flume.api.RpcClientFactory; import org.apache.flume.event.EventBuilder; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class MyApp { public static void main(String[] args) { MyRpcClientFacade client = new MyRpcClientFacade(); // Initialize client with the remote Flume agent's host and port client.init("host.example.org", 41414); // Send 10 events to the remote Flume agent. That agent should be // configured to listen with an AvroSource. String sampleData = "Hello Flume!"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { client.sendDataToFlume(sampleData); } client.cleanUp(); } } class MyRpcClientFacade { private RpcClient client; private String hostname; private int port; public void init(String hostname, int port) { // Setup the RPC connection this.hostname = hostname; this.port = port; this.client = RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(hostname, port); // Use the following method to create a thrift client (instead of the above line): // this.client = RpcClientFactory.getThriftInstance(hostname, port); } public void sendDataToFlume(String data) { // Create a Flume Event object that encapsulates the sample data Event event = EventBuilder.withBody(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); // Send the event try { client.append(event); } catch (EventDeliveryException e) { // clean up and recreate the client client.close(); client = null; client = RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(hostname, port); // Use the following method to create a thrift client (instead of the above line): // this.client = RpcClientFactory.getThriftInstance(hostname, port); } } public void cleanUp() { // Close the RPC connection client.close(); } } #配置檔案:case_client.conf a1.channels = c1 a1.sources = r1 a1.sinks = k1 a1.channels.c1.type = memory a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 a1.sources.r1.type = avro # For using a thrift source set the following instead of the above line. # a1.source.r1.type = thrift a1.sources.r1.bind = a1.sources.r1.port = 41414 a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1 a1.sinks.k1.type = logger #開始命令 flume-ng agent -c conf -f conf/case_client.conf -n a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
2:Custom Sink (目的:將獲取的資料存入mysql中,還沒有實現。)
MySink.java import org.apache.flume.Channel; import org.apache.flume.Context; import org.apache.flume.Event; import org.apache.flume.EventDeliveryException; import org.apache.flume.Transaction; import org.apache.flume.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.flume.sink.AbstractSink; public class MySink extends AbstractSink implements Configurable { private String myProp; @Override public void configure(Context context) { String myProp = context.getString("myProp", "defaultValue"); // Process the myProp value (e.g. validation) // Store myProp for later retrieval by process() method this.myProp = myProp; } @Override public void start() { // Initialize the connection to the external repository (e.g. HDFS) that // this Sink will forward Events to .. } @Override public void stop () { // Disconnect from the external respository and do any // additional cleanup (e.g. releasing resources or nulling-out // field values) .. } @Override public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException { Status status = null; // Start transaction Channel ch = getChannel(); Transaction txn = ch.getTransaction(); txn.begin(); try { // This try clause includes whatever Channel operations you want to do Event event = ch.take(); // Send the Event to the external repository. // storeSomeData(e); txn.commit(); status = Status.READY; } catch (Throwable t) { txn.rollback(); // Log exception, handle individual exceptions as needed status = Status.BACKOFF; // re-throw all Errors if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error)t; } } finally { txn.close(); } return status; } } #配置檔案:case_custom_sink.conf a1.channels = c1 a1.sources = r1 a1.sinks = k1 a1.channels.c1.type = memory a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 a1.sources.r1.type = avro # For using a thrift source set the following instead of the above line. # a1.source.r1.type = thrift a1.sources.r1.bind = a1.sources.r1.port = 41414 a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1 a1.sinks.k1.type = com.flume.test.MySink #開始命令 flume-ng agent -c conf -f conf/case_custom_sink.conf -n a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
3:custom source
MySource.java import java.util.List; import org.apache.flume.Channel; import org.apache.flume.Context; import org.apache.flume.Event; import org.apache.flume.EventDeliveryException; import org.apache.flume.PollableSource; import org.apache.flume.Transaction; import org.apache.flume.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.flume.source.AbstractSource; public class MySource extends AbstractSource implements Configurable, PollableSource { private String myProp; @Override public void configure(Context context) { String myProp = context.getString("myProp", "defaultValue"); // Process the myProp value (e.g. validation, convert to another type, ...) // Store myProp for later retrieval by process() method this.myProp = myProp; } @Override public void start() { // Initialize the connection to the external client } @Override public void stop () { // Disconnect from external client and do any additional cleanup // (e.g. releasing resources or nulling-out field values) .. } @Override public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<Channel> list = getChannelProcessor().getSelector().getAllChannels(); Status status = null; // Start transaction Channel ch = list.get(0); Transaction txn = ch.getTransaction(); txn.begin(); try { // This try clause includes whatever Channel operations you want to do // Receive new data Event e = null;//getSomeData();EventBuilder.withBody(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), headerMap);EventBuilder.withBody(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); // Store the Event into this Source's associated Channel(s) getChannelProcessor().processEvent(e); txn.commit(); status = Status.READY; } catch (Throwable t) { txn.rollback(); // Log exception, handle individual exceptions as needed status = Status.BACKOFF; // re-throw all Errors if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error)t; } } finally { txn.close(); } return status; } } #配置檔案:case_custom_source.conf a1.channels = c1 a1.sources = r1 a1.sinks = k1 a1.channels.c1.type = memory a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 a1.sources.r1.type = com.wy.test.MySource a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1 a1.sinks.k1.type = logger #開始命令 flume-ng agent -c conf -f conf/case_custom_source.conf -n a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,consol