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Metalink Note 中文文件列表 - Oracle EBS Enterprise Business Suite




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Document 1529731.1 跨業務實體內部銷售訂單設定介紹 Document 403786.1 Setup Instructions For Internal Sales Orders Across Operating Units
Document 1529840.1 訂單管理的直接發運銷售訂單週期 Document 749139.1 Drop Ship Sales Order Cycle In Order Management
Document 1549222.1 使用CUSTOM 庫檔案程式碼客制應用的案例 Document 744065.1 Sample CUSTOM Library Code To Customize Applications
Document  1529713.1 訂單管理中的B2B週期 Document 751325.1 Back-to-Back Sales Order Cycle In Order Management
Document 1529741.1 如何在銷售訂單模組生成除錯檔案 Document 121054.1 How to generate a debug file in OM
Document 1549218.1 銷售訂單管理模組中訂單匯入功能 Document 746650.1 Order Import Functionality In Order Management
Document 1526214.1 發運模組中如何建立Debug 檔案 Document 290432.1 How to Create a Debug File in Shipping Execution
Document 1549234.1 SE-PR :發運執行挑庫發放-常見問題 Document 120409.1 SE-PR: Shipping Execution Pick Release - FAQ


Document 1545095.1 由於報錯”請取消當前檔案版本更改”, 導致不能取消採購訂單 Document 315607.1 Unable To Cancel Purchase Orders Due to Error Please Undo Changes In The Current Document Revision
Document 1549224.1 如何診斷批准的供應商列表和來源補充規則問題 Document 557825.1 How To Diagnose Issues With Approved Supplier List And Sourcing Rules In Purchasing
Document 1549226.1 如何診斷匯入申請的問題 Document 743666.1 How To Diagnose Problems With Requisition Import
Document 1529745.1 如何診斷採購訂單取消 Document 832803.1 How To Diagnose Purchase Order Cancel
Document 1549217.1 如何建立採購訂單 Document 168237.1 How to Create Purchase Orders
Document 1549235.1 常見問題解答: 輸入採購訂單 Document 216824.1 FAQ: Entering Purchase Orders
Document 1549227.1 Oracle採購模組中的多組織訪問控制 Document 397362.1 Multi Org Access Control (MOAC) in Oracle Purchasing
Document 1549164.1 如何分析採購Email通知的問題 Document 369595.1 How to Diagnose Problems with Purchasing Email Notifications
Document 1530107.1 執行WFSTAT 和 WFRETRY 解決採購工作流問題 Document 134960.1 Running WFSTAT and WFRETRY For Oracle Purchasing Workflows
Document 1549237.1 Oracle 採購通訊方法 Document 556099.1 Communication Methods In Oracle Purchasing
Document 1549238.1 當傳送通知時,採購訂單工作流在APPS.WF_NOFITICATION中報錯:"ORA-06502: PL/SQL:數字或值錯誤" Document 579729.1 Purchase Order Workflow Errors With "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" at APPS.WF_NOTIFICATION When Sending Notification
Document 1471346.1 安裝RAC之後單據管理器發生錯誤 Number 3 - Dead Process Error Document 392977.1 Document Manager Failed With Error Number 3 After Installing RAC - Dead Process Error
Document 1549328.1 採購申請或採購訂單狀態為處理中或預先核准之故障排除 Document 225017.1
Document 1549163.1 如何通過事務處理狀態彙總介面清除待定和錯誤的接收事務處理 Document 303544.1 How To Remove Pending and Error Receiving Transactions from Transaction Status Summary
Document 1530492.1 在11.5.10 和R12如何生成接收事務處理除錯語句 Document 299497.1 How to Generate Receiving Transaction Debug Statements in 11.5.10 and R12
Document 1549303.1 接收事務處理資料收集指令碼rcv11i_sa.sql Document 402245.1 Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script rcv11i_sa.sql
Document 1549236.1 FAQ: 輸入接收和接收事務處理 Document 209995.1 FAQ: Enter Receipts and Receiving Transactions
Document 1529732.1 11.5.10 / R12 ROI 如何在接收開放介面中糾正接收業務? Document 335699.1 ROI How to Correct Receiving Transaction with Receiving Open Interface?
Document 1549230.1 執行接收相關業務時,出現APP-PO-14094 錯誤資訊的問題解答 Document 444771.1 How To Troubleshoot APP-PO-14094 When Performing Receiving Related Transactions
Document 1529740.1 如何重置失敗的接收開放介面事物處理? Document 605300.1 How Are Failed Receiving Open Interface (ROI) Transactions Reset?


Document 1549200.1 如何從資料庫中移除錯誤(多餘)的搬運單記錄 Document 169677.1 How to Remove Corrupt (Orphan) Move Order Records From the Database
Document 1529712.1 Document 148651.1 INV DEBUG: How to get Debug Information for Inventory Material Transactions
Document 1529733.1 未被處理的發運事務處理疑難解答技巧 Document 262979.1 Unprocessed Shipping Transactions Troubleshooting Techniques
Document 1549216.1 Oracle庫存支援服務請求組織設定的診斷 Document 190893.1 Oracle Inventory Support Service Request Instrumentation for Organization Setup
Document 1529754.1 庫存組織設定步驟 Document 76440.1 Inventory Organization Setup Steps
Document 1544415.1 公司間發票的庫存設定 Document 112437.1
Document 1549225.1 公司間發票概述 Document 336129.1


Document 1530143.1 在製品和成本故障排除常用指令碼 Document 105647.1 WIP and COST Frequently Used Troubleshooting Scripts


財務 (Finance)


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Document 1536287.1 應用補丁程式9069419後FA_CIP_PVT無效 Document 1287739.1 FA_CIP_PVT Is Invalid After Patch 9069419
Document 1536285.1 固定資產常見問題:R12中建立會計分錄 Document 870950.1 Assets FAQ: Create Accounting R12
Document 1526576.1 付款錯誤,錯誤程式碼為AP_MATURITY_DATE_UNDEF_PERIOD Document 1208537.1 Error In Payments Error Code Is AP_MATURITY_DATE_UNDEF_PERIOD
Document 1552696.1 EBS: R12固定資產重要補丁包2008年9月 Document 742558.1 EBS: R12 Assets Critical Patches September 2008


Document 1537153.1 R12:在嘗試完成賬簿會計設定時報錯: ORA-20001: HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY Document 560692.1 R12:when try to coplete accounting setup manager by pressing complete button, show error : ORA-20001: HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY
Document 1537211.1 關於總賬會計科目設定管理器的答疑 Document 778826.1 General Ledger FAQ for Accounting Setup Manager (ASM)
Document 1541185.1 R12: 怎樣提高總賬和日記賬匯入的效能 Document 858725.1 R12: How To Improve Performance of General Ledger and Journal Import
Document 1541220.1 在報告管理中怎樣啟用FSG 追溯的功能? Document 444308.1 How To Enable FSG Drilldown Functionality in Report Manager? 
Document 1536789.1 總賬幣種轉換常見問題  Document 120019.1 General Ledger FAQ for Currency Conversion 
Document 1538696.1 總賬開啟/關閉期間常見問題  Document 135433.1 General Ledger FAQ for Open/Close Period 
Document 1539876.1 Oracle 總賬年終結算流程  Document 66532.1 Oracle General Ledger Year End Closing Process 
Document 1537628.1 R12:如何設定訪問科目表不同的主要和輔助的分類帳  Document 460654.1 R12:How To Set Up Access for Primary and Secondary Ledgers With Different Charts of Accounts 
Document 1553490.1 如何使用日記賬匯入更正介面 Document 1056801.6 How To Use the Journal Import Correction Screen
Document 1553491.1 FSG 功能問題解決指導 Document 136328.1 FSG Functional Troubleshooting Guide
Document 1554642.1 總賬財務報表生成器常見問題 Document 108236.1 General Ledger FAQ for FSG Functional
Document 1555001.1 總帳管理系統過帳常見問題解答 Document 107066.1 General Ledger FAQ for Journal Posting
Document 1553421.1 在R12中高階全球公司間(AGIS)-設定,事務處理流程和報表  Document 418649.1 Advanced Global Intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 (R12) - Setup, Transaction Processing and Reports 


Document 1536730.1 11i 付款檔案在R12中不存在——怎樣從11i資料中建立付款檔案  Document 790704.1 11i Payment Documents Do not Exist in R12--How to create the payment documents from 11i data 
Document 1536713.1 R12匯入內部和外部銀行賬戶的文件:銀行API與Q/A Document 948993.1 Documentation on Importing Internal and External Bank Account In R12: Bank API's And Q/A
AP Technical
Document 1536776.1 R12.1.1 APILNUPG.SQL執行時間過長  Document 863825.1 R12.1.1 APILNUPG.SQL Is Taking Long Time To Run 
Document 1534715.1 關於電子商務套件R12.1常問的問題?  Document 824414.1 Frequently Asked Questions related to E-Business Suite Release 12.1 
Document 1552793.1 如何得到應付流程的R12 TRACE 和 FND Debug 檔案 / FND 日誌  Document 458371.1 R12: How to Get the R12 Trace and FND Debug File / FND Log for Payables Processes 
Document 1534717.1 如何解決 R12 建立會計分錄過程中的問題  Document 551504.1 How to troubleshoot the R12 Create Accounting process
Document 1536342.1 R12:無法建立會計科目發票錯誤:"Encumbrance Acctg Fail"  Document 1169024.1 R12: Unable Create Accounting Invoice Error: Encumbrance Acctg Fail 
Document 1535532.1 R12:RCA建立會計分錄報錯"該子分類帳日記帳分錄未按輸入幣種進行平衡"  Document 1165264.1 R12: RCA: Create Accounting Error "The accounted amount and entered amount for the subledger jounral entry line have different sign" 
Document 1536340.1 R12: 對付款建立會計科目失敗"This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event for the application Payables that it references has been fully accounted"  Document 1165276.1 R12: Create Accounting for Payment Fail with "This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event for the application Payables that it references has been fully accounted" 
Document 1536726.1 R12會計問題的解決  Document 732928.1 R12 Troubleshooting Accounting Issues 
Document 1536725.1 如何在子分類賬日記賬分錄行網頁頁面的檢視上增加一個欄位  Document 987419.1 How to Add a Column in View Subledger Journal Entry Line Window 
Document 1536702.1 帶有已核銷/撤銷核銷預付款的已取消的發票不能完成會計建立  Document 816453.1 Cannot Complete Accounting for Cancelled Invoices with Applied and Unapplied Prepayments 
Document 1536753.1 參考Doc ID 553484.1 關於應付賬款試算平衡或者未結帳戶 AP餘額列表的資訊  Document 604739.1 Refer to Doc ID 553484.1 for Information re: AP Trial Balance or Open Account AP Balances Listing
Document 1536774.1 R12 關閉期間常見問題  Document 735522.1 R12 Period Close FAQs 
Document 1536806.1 R12關於會計分錄,總帳傳送,期間關閉與試算表’如何做的文件  Document 579373.1 R12 Accounting, GL Transfer, Period Close and Trial Balance 'How To' documents 
Document 1536312.1 R12對應付款系統內的XLA表刪除孤立記錄的一般資料修復(GDF)修補程式  Document 788135.1 R12 Generic Data Fix (GDF) patch to Delete Orphan Records in XLA Tables for Payables
Document 1537570.1 R12建立會計分錄常見問題及解決方法  Document 601306.1 R12 Accounting Errors Encountered FAQs 
Document 1552347.1 建立會計分錄以警告結束但沒有會計錯誤資訊  Document 1192300.1 Create Accounting Completes in Warning but There are No Accounting Errors 
Document 1539980.1 R12 應付模組期間關閉流程故障解決  Document 437422.1 R12 Troubleshooting Period Close in Payables 
Document 1553079.1 R12 關於應付帳款試算平衡表/未結應付帳款餘額列表中的故障處理  Document 553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open Account AP Balance Listing) issues in R12
Document 1553127.1 如何在R12中執行應付帳款試算表報表?  Document 554785.1 How do you run the Accounts Payable Trial Balance report in R12? 
Document 1554627.1 R12試算平衡表問題  Document 579631.1 R12 Trial Balance FAQs
 Document 1537588.1 APXINWKB –更新或取消發票會報錯 APP-SQLAP-10771 無法撤銷記錄 Document 1200053.1 APXINWKB - Unable to Update or Cancel Invoice APP-SQLAP-10771 Could Not Reserve Record 
Document 1537174.1 採購訂單匹配問題診斷處理指南  Document 214273.1 Purchase Order Matching Troubleshooting Guide 
Document 1536293.1 R11i/R12無法更新供貨商地點 – FRM-40654 已更新記錄。重新查詢塊以檢視更改  Document 429469.1 R11i / R12: FRM-40654 Record Has Been Updated Error Message While Trying To Update A Supplier 
Document 1537574.1 Oracle應付款管理系統版本12 的已知問題  Document 405627.1 Oracle Payables Release 12 Known Issues
Document 1537880.1 發票匹配常見問題(FAQ’s)  Document 213480.1 Invoice Matching - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 
Document 1541184.1 R12 供應商: 其它常見問題  Document 601851.1 R12: Suppliers: Other FAQs 
Document 1538645.1 R12 供應商的相關文件  Document 579496.1 R12 Suppliers 'How To' documents 
Document 1550322.1 R12:如何使用供應商開放介面匯入供應商銀行賬戶  Document 466334.1 R12: How To Import Supplier Bank Accounts Using The Supplier Open Interface 
Document 1550352.1 成批增加建立資產的常見問題  Document 125614.1 Mass Additions Create FAQ's 
Document 1555367.1 R12: 如何執行各種應付發票,稅務,銀行,匹配和成批增加動作 Document 579378.1 R12: How To Perform Various Payables Invoice, Tax, Bank, Matching and Mass Additions Actions 
Document 1549311.1 R12: 發票工作臺: 驗證發票時出現’無法執行資金檢查’暫掛  Document 803663.1 R12: APXINWKB: Validating an Invoice Gets 'Funds Checking Could Not Be Performed' Hold 
Document 1536732.1 R12 付款批常見問題解答  Document 579383.1 R12 Payment Batch FAQs 
Document 1537177.1 R12:怎樣指定、修改XML 釋出器付款模板  Document 414336.1 R12: How To Assign/Modify XML Publisher Payment Templates 
Document 1537521.1 R12 付款過程請求-功能和技術資訊  Document 821133.1 R12 Payment Process Request - Functional and Technical Information 
Document 1537198.1 R12付款流程‘How To’文件  Document 579132.1 R12 Oracle Payments Processing 'How To' documents 
Document 1536327.1 R12: 如何控制分配給電子/電匯付款的單據編號  Document 855097.1 R12: How to control Payment Numbers assigned to Electronic/Wire Payments
Document 1537591.1 R12: 如何完成處於格式化狀態的付款處理請求  Document 553413.1 R12: How to complete a Payment Process Request that shows Status Formatting 
Document 1539936.1 R12: XML 付款模版和格式的理解  Document 562806.1 R12: Understanding XML Payment Templates and Formats  
Document 1550327.1 R12:格式化具有文字輸出的付款指示出錯  Document 847147.1 R12: 'Format Payment Instructions with Text Output' Ended with Error 
Document 1552360.1 取消付款處理請求批報錯: This Payment Process Request Includes Documents Or Payments That Belong To Operating Units   Document 1096349.1 Canceling PPR Batch Throws Error: This Payment Process Request Includes Documents Or Payments That Belong To Operating Units 
Document 1553132.1 R12: 單一付款/付款工作臺和其他綜合付款的常見問題解答  Document 579271.1 R12: Single Payments/Payments Workbench and Other General Payment FAQs 
Document 1526576.1 付款錯誤,錯誤程式碼為AP_MATURITY_DATE_UNDEF_PERIOD Document 1208537.1 Error In Payments Error Code Is AP_MATURITY_DATE_UNDEF_PERIOD


Document 1536711.1 如何診斷在應收賬款自動加密箱中發生的問題  Document 788619.1 How To Diagnose An Issue in Receivables AutoLockbox  
Document 1537615.1 Oracle Receivables 10.7, 11.0.3 ,11.5 and 12 版本常見問題解答  Document 219933.1 Oracle Receivables FAQ - Receipts For Release 10.7, 11.0.3 ,11.5 and 12 
Document 1541219.1 AP/AR 對衝 常見問題與答案 Document 1067767.1 FAQ : AP/AR Netting Common Questions and Problems 
Document 1549682.1 如何解決收款沖銷錯誤APP-AR-96983 使用者收款登出限額不存在 Document 1068059.1 Receipt Write-Off Error: Creating a Receipt Write-Off raises Error: APP-AR-96983 User Write-off limit does not exist
Document 1536798.1 如何在應收賬款中設定和建立貸項通知單 [視訊]  Document 215373.1 How to Setup and Create Credit Memos in Receivables [Video] 
Document 1539934.1 Oracle 應收賬款事務處理工作臺設定以及使用指南  Document 733298.1 Transactions Workbench Setup & Usage Guide for Release 12 
Document 1539933.1 自動開票 常見問題與答案 版本11.5 - 12  Document 733835.1 AutoInvoice FAQ for Release 11.5 - 12 
Document 1539505.1 Oracle應收款管理系統單據序號及事務處理編號的常見問題(FAQ)  Document 735498.1 Oracle Receivables Document Sequencing & Transaction Numbering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 
Document 1549314.1 高階收帳基本設定  Document 282798.1 Advanced Collections Basic Collections Setup 
Document 1539506.1 如何使用子分類賬會計(SLA)改寫自動會計所建立的會計科目 Document 834475.1 How To Use SLA To Override Accounting created by AutoAccounting  
Document 1549309.1 FAQ: 為什麼R12應付帳款的供應商顯示在應收帳款客戶的介面? Document 733801.1 FAQ: Why Do Accounts Payable Suppliers Show In Release 12 Receivables Customer Form?

應用技術 (ATG)

產品型別 業務流程 中文翻譯 英文原文


Document 1539475.1 在EBS R12中使用最新的Java 6.0 Document 455492.1 Using Latest Java 6.0 Update With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Document 1538255.1 在電子商務套件11i和12版本中JAVA虛擬機器的設定嚮導 Document 362851.1 JVM: Guidelines to setup the Java Virtual Machine in Apps Ebusiness Suite 11i and R12
Document 1536762.1 當登入EBS的時候遇到錯誤"Exception: oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsException: oracle.apps.fnd.common.PoolException: Exception creating new Poolable object" Document 1485112.1 Got Error "Exception: oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsException: oracle.apps.fnd.common.PoolException: Exception creating new Poolable object" When Login EB
Document 1534686.1 OA框架 - 如何查找出eBusiness Suite 11i或Release 12.x所對應的正確的JDeveloper版本 Document 416708.1 OA Framework - How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12.x
Document 1534688.1 EBS的效能調優 Document 744143.1 Tuning performance on eBusiness suite


Document 1539097.1 如何從FND_NODES表中清除不存在的節點或者IP地址 Document 260887.1 How to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses From FND_NODES
Document 1536267.1 在一個新克隆的例項上執行報表失敗,錯誤資訊REP-0004 REP-3000 REP-0069 REP-57054 Document 742122.1 Reports Fail With REP-0004 REP-3000 REP-0069 REP-57054 On a Cloned R12 (12.0.4) Instance
Document 1535106.1 併發管理器 – CMCLEAN.sql -非破壞性指令碼清理併發管理器表 Document 134007.1 Concurrent Processing - CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
Document 1539099.1 NOWAIT模式下批准工作流捕獲ORA-00054:資源繁忙與詳細錯誤ORA-06512 Document 750724.1 ORA-00054: Resource Busy and Acquire with NOWAIT Specified ORA-06512 Approving Workflows
Document 1539115.1 出入工作流結點的通知郵件故障排解指南 Document 831982.1 A Guide For Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Emails - Inbound and Outbound
Document 1538671.1 關於甲骨文XML Publisher 5.6.3 Document 422508.1 About Oracle XML Publisher Release 5.6.3
Document 1536347.1 Oracle E-Business Suite整合的XML Publisher 補丁概覽 Document 1138602.1 Overview of Available Patches for Oracle XML Publisher embedded in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Document 1536264.1 如何跟蹤併發請求並生成TKPROF檔案 Document 453527.1 How To Trace a Concurrent Request And Generate TKPROF File
SOA Gateway
Document 1539482.1 安裝集成於EBS R12的SOA Document 556540.1 Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12
Document 1537157.1 如何通過併發管理器列印XML Publisher PDF格式的報表