阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-13
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Every package should only implement just one funtion, add the exported interfaces to libraries for exported usages.
It is worth doing so, it can make software flexiable, maintainable.
How to use the packages with exported libraries
Here is an example:
pointmatch-ros is the package to be called.
- lidar_location is the package to implement the localization using the pointmatch-ros pacakge.
Add exported libraries and other information(like include_dirs) in catkin_package
According to the
- catkin_pacakge():
- INCLUDE_DIRS - The exported include paths (i.e. cflags) for the package - *LIBRARIES* - The *exported libraries* from the project - CATKIN_DEPENDS - Other catkin projects that this project depends on - DEPENDS - Non-catkin CMake projects that this project depends on. For a better understanding, see this explanation. - CFG_EXTRAS - Additional configuration options
Add the exported libraries and other information to the catkin_package like this (here the exported libraries is pointmatcher_ros):
#+BEGIN_SRC cmake catkin_package( INCLUDE_DIRS include LIBRARIES pointmatcher_ros CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp sensor_msgs nav_msgs tf tf_conversions eigen_conversions libpointmatcher ) #+END_SRC
catkin_package is added for what you want to exported for other packages, like the exported libraries and exported header files.
Add libpointmatch_ros package to the depend of lidar_location in the package.xml
Add libpointmatcher_ros package to find_package() in CMakeLists.txt
#+BEGIN_SRC cmake
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
roscpp std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs
message_filters tf tf_conversions
libpointmatcher_ros message_generation)
Now the pointmatcher_ros library is now in the ${catkin_LIBRARIES}.
Use the library by target_link_libraries.