1. 程式人生 > >Creating Filtered Dropdown Lists in a Custom Field in NetSuite

Creating Filtered Dropdown Lists in a Custom Field in NetSuite

This blog post will show you how to filter dropdown list results in custom fields in Netsuite. This can be extremely useful in a host of different record types, but for this tutorial,l we are going to work with a custom transaction body field on the Sales Order to select the correct Contact for the Customer. At the end of this post, we will have created a filtered list which only shows the contacts for our test company, instead of a list of all contacts in our NetSuite instance.

To start, you’ll need to create a custom field. To do this, you’ll have to navigate to the Customization tab, hover over the “Lists, Records, and Fields” option and select Transaction Body Fields > New. Once you get to your new custom field, you will want to set up it as shown below:

From top right over, first you are going to want to add a label and ID for your field. Set the field type to List/Record, and for List/Record, you’re going to want to select Contact for our application. On the applies to tab, you’re going to want to check Sale since we want this form to be on our Sales Order Transaction Record.

Next, you’re going to need to navigate to the “Sourcing & Filtering” tab to filter our results. In the Filter using Field,  you want to select the field on the contact record to compare to the similar field on the Sales Order Record. For Compare Type, you’re going to want equal in this case as you want only the contacts from the company on the sales order to come through. Finally, the Compare To field is the field on the Sales Order record which is going to filter your results. See the configuration below:

Now we are going to save our field and open a test sales order. When you add a customer to the record, the dropdown on your Sales Order Contact field will only show contacts from the Customer’s company! Filtered results can be useful in tons of different applications within NetSuite – Let us know if you build something cool!