1. 程式人生 > >[版本更新] LightningChart v.8.3 最新版重磅上線 -引入5個超實用的新功能-簡數科技

[版本更新] LightningChart v.8.3 最新版重磅上線 -引入5個超實用的新功能-簡數科技

LightningChart 最新版v.8.3全新發布,本次版本釋出帶來了一些新的功能,包括網格模型,三角滑鼠追蹤,下面將一一為大家介紹:

功能一:   網格模型,三角滑鼠追蹤


使用MouseTriangleTraced 事件. 滑鼠將會顯示離相機最近的三角形註釋


  • IntersectionPointAxisValues:intersection point of triangle face, in axes values
  • ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinates:array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D model spacecoordinates
  • WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinates:array of 3 triangle corners (vertices) the mouse is hitting, in 3D world spacecoordinates.
  • NearestCoordinateIndex:Index of nearest coordinate index of traced triangle, value of 0…2. Use theindex to extract the coordinate from
  • ModelSpaceTriangleCoordinatesor WorldSpaceTriangleCoordinatesarray.

功能二:   SeriesEventMarkers新樣式,Y軸投影


如圖中的HollowYAxis 和 HollowYAxisActive。它們具有1畫素寬的垂直線,並且從Y軸 MajorTicks 和MinorTicks中選取位置。如需調整刻度長度,編輯YAxis.MajorDivTickStyle.LineLength和 YAxis.MinorDivTickStyle.LineLength 屬性即可實現。


特殊事件標記樣式HollowYAxis 和HollowYAxisActive,便於製作每個系列資料遊標。


功能三:   XY線圖顏色和樣式事件改進

HasDataPointIndices:Only applicable in FreeformPointLineSeries.
  • DataPointIndices:Data point indices that were included in the coordinates and colors arrays.Note: chart will skip subsequent points in line construction, if their X and Yvalues or coordinates are equal. Using DataPointIndices info, you can e.g. picka color for line point, from data point’s PointColorfield or external color array.


The new data point indicesarray is handy when picking a color by data point index (upper line),orduplicating coordinates to be make coloring with solid steps (lower line).


功能四:   極地檢視PointLineSeries中新添線樣式及顏色事件

極地檢視PointLineSeries中新添線樣式及顏色事件中設有座標和顏色操作事件CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping。它包含與XY圖相似的資料點指數 (請參考第3小節).


功能五:   極座標圖軸增強

反轉角度比例,設定AngularReversed = True.反轉幅度比例,設定AmplitudeReversed = True.


左邊的比例沒變,右邊AngularReversed= True and AmplitudeReversed = True.支援 AmplitudeAxisAngle轉換幅度軸位置。幅度比例角度可以設定為精準的角度(AmpitudeAxisAngleType= Absolute), 或 (AmpitudeAxisAngleType = Relative).


AngleOrigin = 30.AmplitudeAxisAngle = 90. On the left, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Absolute. On theright, AmplitudeAxisAngleType = Relative: Overall the amplitude scale rotates 120 degrees in this case. 

預設情況下,圖表儘量包含可能多的角度分割。控制角度分割槽,請設定AngularAxisAutoDivSpacing to False. 圖表將會計算AngularAxisMajorDivCount分割區域數。如果圖表空間太小而無法渲染所有分割槽和標籤,則會使用可以容納的分割槽數量。

