首先gzip是幹啥用的?gzip是一種壓縮方式。瀏覽器和web伺服器之間為了減少傳輸鏈路上的檔案的大小,瀏覽器和伺服器在傳送資料的時候會將資料以某種方式進行壓縮,使用什麼壓縮方式則記錄在報文頭裡面。這裡的gzip便是一種壓縮方式。並不是所有的瀏覽器和伺服器都能支援所有的壓縮方式。比如說瀏覽器支援gzip壓縮方式,即瀏覽器能夠解析gzip壓縮後的內容,那麼他會在請求中傳送Accept-Encoding請求報頭值為"gzip" 表明瀏覽器支援gzip這種壓縮方式,web伺服器根據讀取Accept-Encoding請求報頭的值來判斷瀏覽器是否接受壓縮的內容,伺服器發現瀏覽器能夠解析gzip壓縮後的內容之後就會對要傳送的資料進行gzip壓縮再發送到客戶端,同時設定Content-Encoding實體報頭值為gzip以告知瀏覽器實體正文采用了gzip的壓縮編碼。
- const資料內容
// These compression constants are copied from the compress/gzip package. const ( encodingGzip = "gzip" headerAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding" headerContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding" headerContentLength = "Content-Length" headerContentType = "Content-Type" headerVary = "Vary" headerSecWebSocketKey = "Sec-WebSocket-Key" BestCompression = gzip.BestCompression BestSpeed = gzip.BestSpeed DefaultCompression = gzip.DefaultCompression NoCompression = gzip.NoCompression )
上面的資料代表了接下來的程式碼中各種const常量代表的值。裡面使用了compress/gzip裡面的值,其中NoCompression = 0,BestSpeed = 1,BestCompression = 9,DefaultCompression = -1。這些值代表壓縮的level,不能超BestCompression。
// gzipResponseWriter is the ResponseWriter that negroni.ResponseWriter is // wrapped in. type gzipResponseWriter struct { w *gzip.Writer negroni.ResponseWriter wroteHeader bool }
結構體gzipResponseWriter,wroteHeader代表response(即響應內容)是否已經編碼 。
// Check whether underlying response is already pre-encoded and disable // gzipWriter before the body gets written, otherwise encoding headers func (grw *gzipResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) { headers := grw.ResponseWriter.Header() if headers.Get(headerContentEncoding) == "" { headers.Set(headerContentEncoding, encodingGzip) headers.Add(headerVary, headerAcceptEncoding) } else { grw.w.Reset(ioutil.Discard) grw.w = nil } // Avoid sending Content-Length header before compression. The length would // be invalid, and some browsers like Safari will report // "The network connection was lost." errors grw.Header().Del(headerContentLength) grw.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(code) grw.wroteHeader = true }
// Write writes bytes to the gzip.Writer. It will also set the Content-Type // header using the net/http library content type detection if the Content-Type // header was not set yet. func (grw *gzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { if !grw.wroteHeader { grw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } if grw.w == nil { return grw.ResponseWriter.Write(b) } if len(grw.Header().Get(headerContentType)) == 0 { grw.Header().Set(headerContentType, http.DetectContentType(b)) } return grw.w.Write(b) }
type gzipResponseWriterCloseNotifier struct { *gzipResponseWriter }
func (rw *gzipResponseWriterCloseNotifier) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { return rw.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify() } func newGzipResponseWriter(rw negroni.ResponseWriter, w *gzip.Writer) negroni.ResponseWriter { wr := &gzipResponseWriter{w: w, ResponseWriter: rw} if _, ok := rw.(http.CloseNotifier); ok { return &gzipResponseWriterCloseNotifier{gzipResponseWriter: wr} } return wr }
// handler struct contains the ServeHTTP method type handler struct { pool sync.Pool }
// Gzip returns a handler which will handle the Gzip compression in ServeHTTP. // Valid values for level are identical to those in the compress/gzip package. func Gzip(level int) *handler { h := &handler{} h.pool.New = func() interface{} { gz, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(ioutil.Discard, level) if err != nil { panic(err) } return gz } return h }
// ServeHTTP wraps the http.ResponseWriter with a gzip.Writer. func (h *handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) { // Skip compression if the client doesn't accept gzip encoding. if !strings.Contains(r.Header.Get(headerAcceptEncoding), encodingGzip) { next(w, r) return } // Skip compression if client attempt WebSocket connection if len(r.Header.Get(headerSecWebSocketKey)) > 0 { next(w, r) return } // Retrieve gzip writer from the pool. Reset it to use the ResponseWriter. // This allows us to re-use an already allocated buffer rather than // allocating a new buffer for every request. // We defer g.pool.Put here so that the gz writer is returned to the // pool if any thing after here fails for some reason (functions in // next could potentially panic, etc) gz := h.pool.Get().(*gzip.Writer) defer h.pool.Put(gz) gz.Reset(w) // Wrap the original http.ResponseWriter with negroni.ResponseWriter // and create the gzipResponseWriter. nrw := negroni.NewResponseWriter(w) grw := newGzipResponseWriter(nrw, gz) // Call the next handler supplying the gzipResponseWriter instead of // the original. next(grw, r) gz.Close() }