阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-16
斷斷續續兩個周, 終於比對著敲了一遍.
後續: python 推導式 Mutation/Immutation virtualenv Collections
Learning Code
# Python 進階 # 1 可選引數 # 使用:函式裝飾器,猴子補丁(程式執行時(runtime)修改某些程式碼) # *args def test_asterisk(f_arg, *arg_vars): print('f_arg', f_arg) for arg in arg_vars: print('arg in arg_vars', arg) test_asterisk('yasoob', 'python', 'eggs', 'test') # **dargs: 只能單獨使用 def test_kvps(**arg_vars): for (key, v) in arg_vars.items(): print("{0} == {1}".format(key, v)) test_kvps(**{'name': 'yasoob'}) # 同時使用時的順序不能改變 def test_args(arg1, *arg2, **arg3): print('f_arg', arg1) for arg in arg2: print('arg in arg_vars', arg) for (key, v) in arg3.items(): print("{0} == {1}".format(key, v)) test_args('yasoob', 'python', 'eggs', 'test', 123123, **{'name': 'yasoob'}) # 2 Debugging ''' python -m pdb c:continue 繼續執行 w:where 顯示當前正在執行的程式碼行的上下文資訊 a:args 列印當前函式的引數列表 s:step 執行當前程式碼行,並停在第一個能停的地方(相當於單步進入) n:next 繼續執行到當前函式的下一行,或者當前行直接返回(單步跳過) p:print p expression ''' # 3 生成器(Generators) ''' 迭代(Iteration):當我們使用一個迴圈來遍歷某個東西的過程 迭代器(Iterator): 遍歷一個容器(特別是列表)的物件, 定義了next(Python2) 或者__next__方法的物件 可迭代物件(Iterable): 能提供迭代器的任意物件, 定義了可以返回一個迭代器的__iter__方法,或者可以支援下標索引的__getitem__方法 生成器(Generators): 生成器是隻迭代一次的迭代器.這是因為它們並沒有把所有的值存在記憶體中,而是在執行時生成值. 通過yield每次返回一個單次執行的值, 而不是直接返回佔用大量空間的一個值 呼叫:用for迴圈,或可進行迭代的函式或結構 next(): 它允許我們獲取一個序列的下一個元素. yield所有值後會觸發 StopIteration exception ''' def fibon(n): a = b = 1 for i in range(n): yield a (a, b) = (b, a+b) i = 0 for x in fibon(10): i += 1 print('fibon({0})'.format(i), x) test_string = 'te' test = iter(test_string) print(next(test)) print(next(test)) # print(next(test) ) # StopIteration # iter and next implement class Reverse: """Iterator for looping over a sequence backwards.""" def __init__(self, data): = data self.index = len(data) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.index == 0: raise StopIteration self.index = self.index - 1 return[self.index] # 4 Map:n個輸入源返回n個結果 將函式對映到集合的每個元素,多與lambda連用 # map(function_to_apply, list_of_inputs) # lambda:匿名函式 # 引數:操作(引數) items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squard = list(map(lambda x: x**2, items)) print(squard) # 將多個函式對映到集合 def multiply(x): return (x**2) def add(x): return (x*2) funcs = [multiply, add] for i in range(5): # 函式作為lambda的操作物件 value = map(lambda x: x(i), funcs) print(list(value)) # Filter: 過濾表中的元素, 返回所有符合要求的元素 # filter(function, iterable) # 可用推導式替換,推導式的可讀性更好 pr = filter(lambda x: 1==1, range(-5,5)) print(list(pr)) # Reduce 多個輸入源返回一個結果,對一個列表計算返回結果:第一個元素與第二個計算,其結果與第三個元素運算 # reduce(function, iterable[, initializer]) from functools import reduce pro = reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, range(1, 5)) print(pro) # 5 資料結構 # strings, list, tuple, dictionary # number:int float bool # string 'name' 不可變,不可以對其中的字元賦值; 多用list替代 可切片 # list [1, 2, 3] 可變,key必須是數字,可以對其組成元素進行增刪改 可切片 # tuple (0, 1, 2) 不可變,常用於return返回的結果,形參,字典鍵, 可切片 # dict {'name':'zhangsan', 'age':20} 可變,key可以是string等非數字 {} # set {1,2,3} 元素不可以重複,不能切片, 運算的單位是集合 # set 集合:不能包含重複的值 不能切片 some_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'm', 'n', 'n'] dup = set([x for x in some_list if some_list.count(x) > 1]) print(dup) # set intersection 交集 valid = set(['yellow', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black']) input_set = set(['red', 'brown']) print(input_set.intersection(valid)) # set difference 差集 print(input_set.difference(valid)) # 6 三元運算子 # 如果條件為真,返回真 否則返回假 # condition_is_true if condition else condition_is_false is_fat = True print('fat' if is_fat else 'not fat') # 結合元組使用 true means 1, 因為元組要先建資料,所以兩個表示式都會執行 print(('skinny','fat')[is_fat]) # 7 裝飾器 # 一切皆物件:物件可以作為賦值給變數或是作為引數傳遞給函式(類似js) # 不同語言對物件的定義不同,python中的物件只要有屬性或方法就可以,不要求可子類化, def hi(name='benji'): return 'hi '+name print(hi()) greet = hi #greet不是呼叫hi函式,而是分配到新的記憶體 print(greet()) del hi #print(hi()) #NameError: name 'hi' is not defined print(greet()) # 巢狀函式 def hi2(name='benji'): print('context is in hi()') def greet2(): print('context is in greet()') greet2() print('context is in hi() again') hi2() # greet2() #NameError: name 'greet2' is not defined # 返回函式 def hi3(name='benji'): def greet3(): return 'greet3 ' + name def welcome3(): return 'welcome3' if name == 'benji': return welcome3 else: return greet3 a = hi3() print(a) #<function hi3.<locals>.greet3 at 0x00DAD7C8> print(a()) # 函式作為引數 def fun_as_var(func): print('fun_as_var') func() fun_as_var(hi2) # Python 裝飾器: 封裝一個函式, 圍繞函式,做一些操作 # @decorator: 以單個函式作為引數的一個包裹函式 from functools import wraps def new_decorator(a_func): @wraps(a_func) #恢復被裝飾函式的名字和註釋文件 def wrap_func(): print('before para function in new_decoration ') a_func() print('after para function in new_decoration ') return wrap_func def a_func(): print('in function needed to be decorated') new_decorator(a_func)() @new_decorator def a_func_with_deco(): print('in a_func_with_deco, function needed to be decorated') a_func_with_deco() print(a_func_with_deco.__name__)#wrap_func restore by functools.wraps # decorator sample from functools import wraps def decorator_name(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): print('run in decorator_name') if not can_run: return 'function will not run' return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated @decorator_name def func(*arg2, **arg3): for arg in arg2: print('arg in arg_vars', arg) for (key, v) in arg3.items(): print("{0} == {1}".format(key, v)) return 'function is running' can_run = True print(func(12,'test','asdf')) # 使用場景 '''# 授權 def require_auth(f): @warps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): auth = request.authorization if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password): authenticate() return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated ''' # 日誌 def logit_easy(func): @wraps(func) def with_logging(*args, **kwargs): print(func.__name__ + ' was called') return func(*args, **kwargs) return with_logging @logit_easy def addition_func(x): return x+x print(addition_func(4)) # 帶引數的裝飾器 # 裝飾器方法本身需要接收函式作為入參,為避免形參衝突,再巢狀一層函式用來接收其他入參 from functools import wraps def logit(logfile='out.log'): def logging_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def warp_function(*args, **kwargs): log_string = func.__name__ + ' was called.' print(log_string) with open(logfile, 'a') as opened_file: opened_file.write(log_string+'\n') return func(*args, **kwargs) return warp_function return logging_decorator @logit() def myfunc1(): pass myfunc1() @logit(logfile='func2.log') def myfunc2(): pass myfunc2() # Decorate Class # 裝飾類程式碼比裝飾函式簡潔,易於拓展,包裹函式可以通過類屬性獲取新功能的引數,不需要巢狀函式 # __call__()方法能夠讓類的例項物件,像函式一樣被呼叫 class logitClass(object): def __init__(self, logfile='out2.log'): self.logfile = logfile def __call__(self, func): @wraps(func) def warp_function(*args, **kwargs): log_string = func.__name__ + ' was called' print(log_string, self.logfile) with open(self.logfile, 'a') as opened_file: opened_file.write(log_string+'\n') self.notify() return func(*args, **kwargs) return warp_function def notify(self): print('super notify') # 包裹函式的語法與之前一致 @logitClass() def myclass1func(): pass myclass1func() class email_logit(logitClass): def __init__(self, email='
[email protected]', *args, **kwargs): = email print('email_logit',args) for i in args: print('email_logit',i) logitClass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def notify(self): print('this is in child class email logit') # ??? 子類如何設定log檔名稱 # invalid @email_logit('email.log') @email_logit() def myclassEmail(): pass myclassEmail()
Python 進階
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