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機器學習筆記 ---- Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines

1. Cost Function

( θ ) = C [ i = 1 m
y ( i ) cost 1 ( θ
x ( i ) ) + ( 1 y ( i ) ) cost 0 ( θ T x ( i ) )
+ 1 2 j = 1 n θ j 2

2. Hypothesis

f ( x ) = { 1 if  θ T x>=0 0 otherwise

3. Margin of SVM

4. Kernels

Define landmarks l

Using f and θ when making predictions..

5. How to Get Landmarks

One way is to use the first m training examples.

6. The Effects of Parameters in SVM

1) For C
Large C : λ small, low bias, high variance
Small C : λ big, high bias, low variance
2) For σ 2
Large σ 2 : high bias, low variance
Small σ 2 : low bias, high variance

7. Choice of Kernal

Need to satisfy Mercer’s Theorem.
1) No kernal (Linear Kernal)
when n is large/ n is small && m is large
2) Gaussian Kernal
when n is small, m is intermediate
Need to use feature scaling before using!
3) Other Alternative Choices:
Polynomial Kernal, String Kernal, Chi-Square Kernal, Intersection Kernal…