API Authentication Error: {"error":"invalid_client","message":"Client authentication failed"}
In your oauth_clients table, do the values you have above exist exactly as you have them in your database?
id - 3
secret - 3TfJGj4rrvOQvjZkI8dDqx78ouH99F2DuIMKHoKH
redirect - http://consumer.dev/callback
If it doesn‘t exist exactly like that in the database for passport.dev then it will throw the invalid_client error. Please be sure to check that and we will see if any further investigation is needed.
- 還需要查看 oauth_clients 表的 password_client 是否為 1
API Authentication Error: {"error":"invalid_client","message":"Client authentication failed"}
API Authentication Error: {"error":"invalid_client","message":"Client authentication failed"}
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