阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-19
#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; void StrAssign(char *T) { char ch; int i=1; cout<<"Please enter a string.0 is exit."<<endl; while (cin>>ch&&ch!='0') { T[i++]=ch; } T[0]=i-1+'0'; cout<<"Setting successfully!"<<endl; } int StrCopy(char *T,char *S) { if (S[0]=='0') { cout<<"String is empty."<<endl; return -1; } else { for (int i=0;i<=S[i]-'0';i++) { T[i]=S[i]; cout << T[i]; } cout << endl; } cout<<"Copy successfuly!"<<endl; return 0; } int StrEmpty(char *S) { if (S[0]=='0') { cout << "TRUE" << endl; } else { cout<<"FALSE"<<endl; } return 0; } int StrCompare(char *S,char * T) { if (S[0]=='0'||T[0]=='0') { cout << "The string is empty." << endl; return -1; } int flag = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= S[0] - '0' && i <= T[0] - '0';i++) { if (S[i]==T[i]) continue; else if (S[i]>T[i]) { flag = 1; break; } else if (S[i]<T[i]) { flag = -1; break; } } cout << flag << endl; return 0; } int ClearString(char *S) { if (S[0]=='0') { cout<<"The string is empty."<<endl; return -1; } for (int i=1;i<=S[0]-'0';i++) { S[i]=' '; } cout<<"Clear Successfully."<<endl; return 0; } int Concat(char *str,char *V) { if (str[0]=='0') return -1; int j,i; for (j=str[0]-'0'+1,i=1;i<=V[0]-'0';j++,i++) { str[j]=V[i]; } cout<<"Connect successfully!"<<endl; str[0]=(str[0]-'0'+V[0]-'0')+'0'; return 0; } int SubString(char *sub,char *str,int pos,int len) { if (str[0]=='0') { cout<<"String is empty."<<endl; return -1; } else if (pos<1||pos+len-1>str[0]-'0') { cout<<"Position is illegal."<<endl; return -1; } for (int i = pos; i <= len;i++) { sub[i] = str[i]; cout << sub[i]; } cout << endl; return 0; } int KMP(char *s,char *v,int pos) { if (s[0]=='0'||v[0]=='0') { cout<<"The string is empty."<<endl; return -1; } int i=1; int nextval[100]; nextval[1]=0; int j=0; while (i<=v[0]-'0') { if (j==0||v[i]==v[j]) { i++;j++; if (v[i]!=v[j]) nextval[i]=j; else nextval[i]=nextval[j]; } else { j=nextval[j]; } } i=pos;j=1; while (i<=s[0]-'0'&&j<=v[0]-'0') { if (j==0||s[i]==v[j]) { i++;j++; } else j=nextval[j]; } if (j>v[0]-'0') { return i-(v[0]-'0'); } return 0; } int PrintAll(char *str) { for (int i=1;i<=str[0]-'0';i++) { cout<<str[i]; } cout<<endl; return 0; } int Replace(char *s,char *t,char *v) { if (s[0]=='0'||t[0]=='0'||v[0]=='0') { cout<<"The string is empty."<<endl; return -1; } int i = 1,pos; int len_cmp = (v[0] - '0') - (t[0] - '0'); //cout << len_cmp << endl; int flag = 0; if (len_cmp>0) {//負數的邏輯值為真,所以需要加上大於小於號 flag = 1; } else if (len_cmp<0) { flag = -1; } //cout << flag << endl; len_cmp = abs(len_cmp); while (i<s[0]-'0') { pos=KMP(s, t, i); if (flag<0) { for (int j = pos+(t[0]-'0'); j <= s[0] - '0';j++) { s[j - len_cmp] = s[j]; }//移動 for (int j = pos, k = 1; k <= v[0] - '0';k++,j++) { s[j] = v[k]; } s[0] = (s[0] - '0' - len_cmp) + '0';//修改主串長短 // cout << s[0] - '0'<<endl; } else if (flag>0) {//如果v的長度大於t的長度,需要將主串s向後移動 for (int j = s[0] - '0'; j >= pos; j--) { s[j + len_cmp] = s[j]; }//move for (int j = pos, k = 1; k <= v[0] - '0';k++,j++) { s[j] = v[k]; } s[0] = (s[0] - '0' + len_cmp) + '0';//修改主串長短 } else if (flag==0){ for (int j = pos, k = 1; k <= v[0] - '0';k++,j++) { s[j] = v[k]; } } i = pos + (v[0] - '0'); //cout << pos <<" "<< i << endl; } cout << "Substitute succeed." << endl; PrintAll(s); return 0; /* 測試資料 1 1 a0 1 0 abababab0 10 c0 1 1 ab0 1 0 abababab0 10 c0 1 1 ab0 1 0 abababab0 10 abc0 */ } int StrInsert(char *s,int pos,char *v) { int v_len = v[0] - '0'; for (int i = s[0] - '0'; i >= pos;i--) { s[i + v_len] = s[i]; } for (int i = pos,j=1; j <= v_len;j++,i++) { s[i] = v[j]; } s[0] = s[0] - '0' + v_len + '0'; cout << "Insert successfully!" << endl; PrintAll(s); return 0; } int StrDelete(char *s,int pos,int len) { if (pos<1||pos>s[0]-'0') { cout << "The position is illegal." << endl; return -1; } else if (len>s[0]-'0') { cout << "The length is too long." << endl; return -2; } for (int i = pos + len; i <= s[0] - '-';i++) { s[i-len] = s[i]; } s[0] = s[0] - '0' - len + '0'; cout << "Delete successfully!" << endl; PrintAll(s); return 0; } int main() { cout<<"Please enter what you want to do.Zero is exit."<<endl <<"1.Setting a string."<<endl <<"2.Copy a string."<<endl <<"3.Is the string empty?"<<endl <<"4.Compare with the string A and string B."<<endl <<"5.Length of the string."<<endl <<"6.Clearing the string."<<endl <<"7.Connect two string."<<endl <<"8.Print the substring."<<endl <<"9.Search the substring."<<endl <<"10.Replace the substring."<<endl <<"11.Insert the substring."<<endl <<"12.Delete the substring."<<endl <<"13.Print string."<<endl; int n,pos,len,num; char T[100]={'0'},S[100]={'0'},V[100]={'0'}; char sub[100]={'0'}; while (cin>>n&&n) { switch (n) { case 1: cout << "Which do you want to set? T or S? Please enter the 1 or 0 to represent the diffirent string." << endl; cin >> num; if (num) { StrAssign(T); } else { StrAssign(S); } break; case 2: StrAssign(S); StrCopy(T,S); break; case 3: cout<<"The 1 represent the string T and the 0 represent the string S. Which string would you like to judge?"<<endl; cin>>num; if (num) { StrEmpty(T); } else { StrEmpty(S); } break; case 4: StrCompare(S,T); break; case 5: cout<<"The 1 represent the string T and the 0 represent the string S. Which length would you like to print?"<<endl; cin>>num; if (num) { cout<<T[0]-'0'<<endl; } else { cout<<S[0]-'0'<<endl; } break; case 6: cout<<"The 1 represent the string T and the 0 represent the string S. Which string would you like to clear?"<<endl; cin>>num; if (num) { ClearString(T); } else { ClearString(S); } break; case 7: cout<<"Please enter a string for connect."<<endl; StrAssign(V); Concat(S,V); break; case 8: cout << "Which string do you want to see? The string T or the string S? They are represent the 1 and 0." << endl; cin >> num; cout<<"Please enter the position and length."<<endl; cin>>pos>>len; if (num) { SubString(sub, T, pos, len); } else { SubString(sub, S, pos, len); } break; case 9: StrAssign(V); cout<<"Where do you want to start?"<<endl; cin >> num; cout<<KMP(S,V,num)<<endl; break; case 10: StrAssign(V); Replace(S,T,V); break; case 11: StrAssign(V); cout << "Please enter the position\n"; cin >> num; StrInsert(S, num, V); break; case 12: cout << "Where do you want to start? How long do you want to delete?" << endl; cin >> pos >> num; StrDelete(S,pos,num); break; case 13: cout << "Which string do you want to see? The string T or the string S? They are represent the 1 and 0." << endl; cin >> num; if (num) { PrintAll(T); } else { PrintAll(S); } break; } } return 0; } /* 測試資料 2 xiang0 7 yuan0 14 0 */