1. 程式人生 > >rosbridge v2.0 協議規範

rosbridge v2.0 協議規範



       這篇文件概述了rosbridge v2.0 協議規範。V2.0協議包含了自 rosbridge v1.0釋出以來出現的許多需求,並進行了少量修改,以便於更大的可擴充套件性。在其核心,協議仍然包含相同的操作,其語義與以前的版本相同。主要的變化在於訊息的結構,從訊息資訊中分離出控制資訊;主要新增的是碎片、壓縮和日誌記錄。

      本文件概述了協議規範,但也涉及rosbridge伺服器實現的預期方向。rosbridge 2.0伺服器實現的架構是為了便於新增和修改協議操作。此外,rosbridge v2.0伺服器將JSON處理與websockets伺服器解耦,允許使用者任意更改他們正在使用的特定websockets伺服器實現。  

rosbridge 傳遞的訊息是JSON物件。唯一需要的欄位是“OP”欄位,它指定該訊息的操作,每個“OP”然後指定它自己的訊息語義。

rosbridge 協議是一組“OP”程式碼,它定義了多個操作,以及每個操作的語義。

rosbridge 伺服器是一個接受Websockets連線並實現rosbridge 協議的伺服器。

rosbridge 的全部原始碼位於rosbridge_suite 包中。該包連結:https://github.com/robotwebtools/rosbridge_suite,在文件的第4.5節詳細介紹了rosbridge_suite 包的各個部分。

1. The rosbridge transport

在基本情況下,一個rosbridge訊息是一個帶有一個稱為“OP”的字串欄位的JSON物件。例如:{ "op": "Example" }
——》OP欄位表示的是訊息的型別。OP有不同值的訊息表示 不同的處理。只要JSON物件的訊息帶有OP欄位,那麼就是一個有效的 rosbridge 訊息。 

        { "op":  "Example",
           "id": "fred"

如果一個帶有ID的訊息被髮送給 伺服器 ,那麼相關的響應訊息通常也包含該ID。此操作引起的日誌訊息也將包含ID。


2. The rosbridge protocol


(1)Message compression / transformation:
        fragment - a part of a fragmented message 
        png - a part of a PNG compressed fragmented message
(2)Rosbridge status messages:
        set_status_level - a request to set the reporting level for rosbridge status messages 
        status - a status message
        auth - a set of authentication credentials to authenticate a client connection
(4)ROS operations:
        advertise – advertise that you are publishing a topic 
        unadvertise – stop advertising that you are publishing topic publish - a published ROS-message 
        subscribe - a request to subscribe to a topic 
        unsubscribe - a request to unsubscribe from a topic call_service - a service call 
        service_response - a service response


3. Details of the rosbridge protocol

下面是rosbridge協議中的操作規範,由rosbridge伺服器支援。任何標記為[experimental]的操作規範 在檢驗後可能會被修改。

3.1 Data Encoding and Transformation(Message compression / transformation)
rosbridge協議提供了分段訊息和壓縮訊息(fragment messages and to compress messages.)。  
3.1.1 Fragmentation ( fragment ) [experimental]
如果訊息資訊特別大那麼訊息可能會被 碎片化,或者client端要求訊息碎片。碎片化的訊息有如下格式:

{ "op": "fragment",
  "id": <string>,
  "data": <string>,
  "num": <int>,
  "total": <int>

id - an id is required for fragmented messages, in order to identify corresponding fragments for the fragmented message:
 data - a fragment of data that, when combined with other fragments of data, makes up another message 
num - the index of the fragment in the message 
total - the total number of fragments

JSON 資訊是由一個片段訊息構成,由一個片段訊息由一個子字串構成,子串包含資料域資訊。


3.1.2 PNG compression ( png ) [experimental]


{ "op": "png",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "data": <string>,
  (optional) "num": <int>,
  (optional) "total": <int>
  • id – only required if the message is fragmented. Identifies the fragments for the fragmented message.
  • data – a fragment of a PNG-encoded message or an entire message.
  • num – only required if the message is fragmented. The index of the fragment.
  • total – only required if the message is fragmented. The total number of fragments.


3.2 Status messages(Rosbridge status messages)
rosbridge傳送狀態訊息到客戶端,包含命令執行是否 successes or failures 。有四個status級別:info, warning, error, none.預設,rosbridge使用error status。
3.2.1 Set Status Level ( status_level ) [experimental]

{ "op": "set_level",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "level": <string>
  • level – one of 'info', 'warning', 'error', or 'none'


3.2.2 Status message ( status ) [experimental]

{ "op": "status",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "level": <string>,
  "msg": <string>
  • level – the level of this status message
  • msg – the string message being logged
  • id – if the status message was the result of some operation that had an id, then that id is included

3.3 Authentication message(Authentication)



3.3.1 Authenticate ( auth )

{ "op": "auth", 
  "mac": <string>, 
  "client": <string>, 
  "dest": <string>, 
  "rand": <string>, 
  "t": <int>, 
  "level": <string>, 
  "end": <int>
  • mac – MAC (hashed) string given by the client

  • client – IP of the client

  • dest – IP of the destination

  • rand – random string given by the client

  • t – time of the authorization request

  • level – user level as a string given by the client

  • end – end time of the client's session





3.4 ROS messages(ROS operations)


3.4.1 Advertise ( advertise )

{ "op": "advertise",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "topic": <string>,
  "type": <string>
  • topic – the string name of the topic to advertise

  • type – the string type to advertise for the topic





3.4.2 Unadvertise ( unadvertise )

{ "op": "unadvertise",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "topic": <string>
  • topic – the string name of the topic being unadvertised


——》 如果主題存在但RoSbice不釋出廣告,則傳送警告狀態訊息,並刪除該訊息。 

3.4.3 Publish ( publish )


{ "op": "publish",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "topic": <string>,
  "msg": <json>


  • topic - the string name of the topic to publish to

  • msg - the message to publish on the topic


——》 如果MSG不符合主題的型別,則傳送錯誤狀態訊息,並刪除該訊息。            

——》 如果味精是對題目型別的一個子集,然後警告狀態訊息傳送和未指定的欄位填充預設值 


3.4.4 Subscribe

{ "op": "subscribe",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "topic": <string>,
  (optional) "type": <string>,
  (optional) "throttle_rate": <int>,
  (optional) "queue_length": <int>,
  (optional) "fragment_size": <int>,
  (optional) "compression": <string>


  • type – the (expected) type of the topic to subscribe to. If left off, type will be inferred, and if the topic doesn't exist then the command to subscribe will fail
  • topic – the name of the topic to subscribe to
  • throttle_rate – the minimum amount of time (in ms) that must elapse between messages being sent. Defaults to 0
  • queue_length – the size of the queue to buffer messages. Messages are buffered as a result of the throttle_rate. Defaults to 1.
  • id – if specified, then this specific subscription can be unsubscribed by referencing the ID.
  • fragment_size – the maximum size that a message can take before it is to be fragmented.
  • compression – an optional string to specify the compression scheme to be used on messages. Valid values are "none" and "png"

    如果指定了QuealeSL長度,則在傳送之前將訊息放入佇列中。訊息是從佇列的頭髮送的。如果佇列已滿,則刪除最舊的訊息並用最新訊息替換。              如果客戶機對同一主題有多個訂閱,則以最低的throttle_rate、最低的分段大小和最高的queue_.傳送訊息。建議客戶機為其訂閱提供ID,以使rosbridge能夠有效地選擇適當的片段大小和釋出速率。 

3.4.5 Unsubscribe

{ "op": "unsubscribe",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "topic": <string>
  • topic – the name of the topic to unsubscribe from
  • id – an id of the subscription to unsubscribe


3.4.6 Call Service

{ "op": "call_service",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "service": <string>,
  (optional) "args": <list<json>>,
  (optional) "fragment_size": <int>,
  (optional) "compression": <string>


  • service – the name of the service to call
  • args – if the service has no args, then args does not have to be provided, though an empty list is equally acceptable. Args should be a list of json objects representing the arguments to the service
  • id – an optional id to distinguish this service call
  • fragment_size – the maximum size that the response message can take before it is fragmented
  • compression – an optional string to specify the compression scheme to be used on messages. Valid values are "none" and "png"

3.4.7 Service Response

{ "op": "service_response",
  (optional) "id": <string>,
  "service": <string>,
  (optional) "values": <list<json>>


  • service – the name of the service that was called
  • values – the return values. If the service had no return values, then this field can be omitted (and will be by the rosbridge server)
  • id – if an ID was provided to the service request, then the service response will contain the ID


1、安裝功能包:sudo apt-get install ros-kinect-rosbridge-suite

2、啟動rosbridge_sever,如 roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tcp.launch 或

roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch 

