zookeeper啟動失敗 Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
Using config: /usr/local/solrcloud/zookeeper2/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
zookeeper啟動失敗 Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
查詢狀態顯示: Using config: /usr/local/solrcloud/zookeeper2/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg Error contacting service. It is probably not running. 1.myid沒有建立(dataDir
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS zookeeper-3.4.11安裝啟動失敗Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
騰訊雲伺服器Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS zookeeper-3.4.11安裝啟動失敗 zookeeper安裝後啟動報許可權不足: [email protected]:/opt/zookeeper-3.4.8/bin$ ./zkServer.sh start ZooKeep
zookeeper zkServer.sh satrt啟動失敗,檢視狀態報錯Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
使用 zkServer.sh start 啟動 然後使用jps檢視發現zk並沒有成功啟動起來 1. 關閉防火牆:centos7 systemctl stop firewalld (我的沒有效果,) 2. 如果第一次安裝解壓的話 我們需要將zk目錄下,conf目錄中
Zookeeper啟動異常:Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
建立了三個zookeeper的虛擬機器,啟動沒有問題,但是執行./zkServer.sh status 檢視狀態的時候就會出現: [[email protected] bin]# ./zkServer.sh status JMX enabled by default Using
linux系統下zookeeper的啟動異常:Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
原來異常資訊: 網上對於這個異常的解答眾說紛紜,現在總結一下我的解決方案: 因為我用的zookeeper的版本是zookeeper-3.4.6,然後我原來的jdk用的是jdk-8u191-linux-x64.tar.gz,我解除安裝之後重新安裝了一個jdk,這次的版本是jdk-7u79-
zookeeper啟動後檢視狀態報Error contacting service. It is probably not running.錯誤
在叢集上安裝並啟動zookeeper後,檢視zookeeper狀態,出現以下情況: [[email protected] zookeeper-3.4.12]$ zkServer.sh status ZooKeeper JMX enabled by
zookeeper 叢集啟動時 出現 Error contacting service. It is probably not running 的解決辦法
在 zookeeper 叢集配置成功後,啟動時顯示正常啟動個,但是輸入命令檢視狀態時報錯!!! 錯誤資訊:Error contacting service. It is probably not
安裝zookeeper偽叢集,單個zookeeper 啟動成功 但是狀態顯示報錯:Error contacting service. It is probably not running
zookeeper(版本為3.4.12)叢集版 單個啟動 命令列 啟動都成功沒問題 但是一檢視 zookeeper狀態(命令 ./zkServer.sh status )就出如下問題 (這是要害死強迫症啊)JMX enabled by defaultUsing config:
zookeeper集群查看狀態時報錯Error contacting service. It is probably not running的一些坑以及解決辦法
暫時 關機重啟 ron emc img 坑爹 .com 輸出日誌 off 最近在搭建mq集群時候需要用到,zookeeper,可是啟動的時候顯示成功了,查看狀態的時候卻報錯了: 碰到這個問題也是研究好好半天才解決,這裏就總結出一個快速解決辦法! 首先,必須看日誌: 報錯
Zookeeper-Error contacting service. It is probably not running.解決方式彙總
使用命令zkServer.sh status檢視zookeeper各節點狀態的時候出現Error contacting service. It is probably not running.的錯誤 檢視zookeeper.out見有以下WARN Cannot open
【已解決】zookeeper顯示Error contacting service. It is probably not running等各種問題
博主在安裝hadoop時,為實現高可用(high-available ),使用zookeeper 3.4.6,出現了一些小插曲,報錯(Error contacting service. It is probably not running)經歷一番折騰,最終完美
安裝zookeeper時候,解決狀態顯示報錯:Error contacting service. It is probably not running問題
安裝zookeeper時候,可以檢視程序啟動,但是狀態顯示報錯:Error contacting service. It is probably not running 安裝zookeeper-3.3.2的時候,啟動正常沒報錯,但zkServer.sh sta
bin/zkServer.sh status 後 Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
1.檢查 /root/apps/zookeeper-3.4.5/conf/zoo.cfg dataDir=/root/zkdata(一般都有,配置下) dataLogDir=/root/zkdata/log(必須要建立這個目錄,包括root前面斜槓) server.2
【問題解決】Error contacting service. It is probably not running.
在啟動zookeeper過程中遇到了下面這個問題: 查看了日誌檔案: 仍然看不出問題,度娘了半天也沒有解決,各種重啟,重新配置myid,在快要放棄的時候,想到了防火牆。因為我用的是在虛擬機器下搭建的完全分散式叢集,每次重開的時候都要關一下防火牆,想到上次hadoop 上傳檔案
關於安裝zookeeper啟動遇到顯示It is probably not running的問題解決
首先說明一下本人的情況,我是啟動zkServer.sh start 後顯示是啟動了,jps下也是有執行緒,說明執行緒啟動成功,並沒有端口占用的問題,但是在我 zkServer.sh status 就會出現It is probably not running的錯誤。 解決方案
zookeeper單機版啟動遇到顯示It is probably not running
今天啟動zookeeper時發現出現了 ./zkService.sh start 時顯示啟動成功,然而 ./zkService.sh status 顯示It is probably not running 在網上查到的解決此問題基本都是在zookeeper叢集出現,然
用Webpack啟動Vue專案時提示This is probably not a problem with npm,there is likely additional logging output
首先 cd 到要執行的專案裡面 再啟動該專案 npm run dev 出現下面情況: 解決方法: 輸入npm install,重新安裝 再重新啟動該專案 npm run dev 出現下面情況說明成功:
zookeeper 搭叢集 Cannot open channel to X at election address Error contacting service.
zookeeper叢集 啟動 1.問題現象。 啟動每一個都提示 STARTED 但是檢視 status時全部節點都報錯 [[email protected] bin]# sh zkServer.sh start ZooKeeper JMX enab
安裝zookeeper時候,狀態顯示報錯:Error contacting service.
安裝zookeeper-3.3.2的時候,啟動正常沒報錯,但zkServer.sh status檢視狀態的時候卻出現錯誤,如下: JMX enabled by defaultUsing config: /hadoop/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfgError contacting
Redis錯誤:(error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able...
今天執行redis命令:move key22 2 時,報如下錯誤: (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk. Comman