Section 2.3 Function
What’s function
A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task.
A JavaScript function is executed when “something” invokes it (calls it).
JavaScript Function Syntax:
A JavaScript function is defined with the function keyword, followed by a name, followed by parentheses ().
Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs (same rules as variables).
The parentheses may include parameter names separated by commas: (parameter1, parameter2, …)
Function Statements and Expressions
Funtion declaration:
This is the function declaration, by using this way, you can call this function in anywhere.
// No error
whatDoYouDo ();
function whatDoYouDo (job, firstName) {
// No error
whatDoYouDo ();
Function expression:
This is the function expression, by using this way, you only can call it after this function defined.
// Error undefined whatDoYouDo ('teacher', 'John'); var whatDoYouDo = function (job, firstName) { switch(job) { case 'teacher': return firstName + ' teaches in high school.'; case 'driver': return firstName + ' drives high school bus.'; case 'designer': return firstName + ' designs amazing websites.'; default: return firstName + ' does something else.'; } } // No error whatDoYouDo ('teacher', 'John'); console.log(whatDoYouDo('teacher', 'John')); //result: John teaches in high school. console.log(whatDoYouDo('designer', 'Nison')); //result: Nison designs amazing websites. console.log(whatDoYouDo('Accounter', 'Faye')); //result: Faye does something else.
Also the switch statement in above, you can use if else statement to do it. You can try it.
This is a very simple simple example. We can pass argument into a function, we can return result from function with return key words, also function can call other functions.
var now = 2018;
function calculateAge(birthYear) { //function calculateAge(birthYear, x, y)
return now-birthYear;
var ageJohn = calculateAge(1989);
var ageMike = calculateAge(1948);
var ageMary = calculateAge(1996);
console.log("John is " + ageJohn + " years old"); //result: John is 29 years old
console.log("Mike is " + ageMike + " years old"); //result: Mike is 70 years old
console.log("Mary is " + ageMary + " years old"); //result: Mary is 22 years old
How many years X will retire. Here we will create a function and call it to get the results. Function can call other functions.
function yearsUntilRetirement (year, firstName) {
var age = calculateAge(year);
var retirement = 65 - age;
if (retirement > 0 ){
console.log(firstName + " retires in " + retirement + " years.")
} else {
console.log( firstName + " is alreay retired.")
yearsUntilRetirement(1989, 'Alan'); //We will pass two values (number, string) to the function
yearsUntilRetirement(1949, 'Faye');