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HashiConf 2018 視訊資源:主題演講以及Breakout Sessions

HashiConf 2018使我們最盛大的HashiCorp活動。座無虛席的會議和活躍的大廳討論,以及對於產品和新特性的興奮是顯而易見的(例如,小夥伴們對於更豐富的HCL錯誤資訊這一特性的 歡迎)。 

然而,HasiCon的實力一直是它的 community 和它的 speakers,今年的陣容也不會令人失望。今天,我們很高興分享 HashiConf 2018 的所有主題演講和 Breakout Sessions 的視訊記錄。下面連結的每一頁除了視訊記錄外,很快也會提供經過編輯的英文字幕。

【原文】Video Recordings from HashiConf 2018: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions

HashiConf 2018 was our biggest HashiCorp event yet. The sessions were full, the hallway discussions were lively, and the excitement about the products and new features was palpable (check out this
round of applause
for richer HCL error messages, for example). However, the strength of HashiConf has always been its community and its speakers, and this year's lineup did not disappoint. Today, we are excited to share all of our keynote and breakout session video recordings from HashiConf 2018. Each of the pages linked below will soon have an edited transcript in addition to the video recordings.

Day One

Day Two