[CUDA C] CUDA Programming Get Start With VS2012
Which needed?
- install cuda8.0
- install VS2012
Create Solution/Project Step by Step
- Create Solution
- The auto generated contents
- Type your hello world
- The outpus - you should compile first.
[CUDA C] CUDA Programming Get Start With VS2012
Which needed? install cuda8.0 install VS2012 Create Solution/Project Step by Step Create Solution The auto generated contents T
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一般教科書都這麼寫,感覺不如STL的好。記下以便查閱。 #include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> __global__ void vector_add_gpu_2(fl
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本次實驗主要是實現vector複製到cuda中,一般教材上都是使用指標,很是繁瑣,而且STL優秀的演算法不太容易使用。為了實現C++ STL的優秀演算法和cuda的平行計算能力,二設計的本次實驗。 一下程式碼僅供提供思路。 #include <cuda_runtime.h&
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