1. 程式人生 > >英語流利說 第18天

英語流利說 第18天


Q1: 形容詞“stilted”如何理解? 

Q2: 你認為“AI 主播”最大的優點是什麼?

Q3: 你會如何概括《華盛頓郵報》對於“AI 主播”的評價?




Two news anchors at China's state-run news agency aren't human

The news never sleeps, and neither do the two new anchors at China's state-run news agency.

Xinhua News just unveiled what it's calling the world's first news anchors powered by artificial intelligence, at the World Internet Conference Wednesday in China's Zhejiang province. From the outside, they're almost indistinguishable from their human counterparts, crisp-suited and tidy-haired. While Xinhua says the anchors have the "voice, facial expressions and actions of a real person," the robotic anchors relay whatever text 

is fed to them in stilted speech that sounds less human than Siri or Alexa.

"I will work tirelessly to keep you informed as texts will be typed into my system uninterrupted," the English-speaking version says in its debut video.

Developed jointly by Xinhua News and Chinese search engine company Sogou.com

, the anchors learn from live broadcasting videos and social media and can work "24 hours a day".

The AI anchors are both modeled off real journalists at the agency, Qiu Hao and Zhang Zhao, and perform some basic human expressions, like blinking and raising their eyebrows. They can be "endlessly copied" according to the debut video, thus able to cover stories in multiple locations at once.

Although the AI-anchors are inexhaustible, they're void of decision-making and processing skills and cannot offer the emotional element given by a real journalist.

"As an AI news anchor under development, I know there is a lot for me to improve," the English-speaking anchor said in his first sign-off.



週三,在中國浙江舉行的世界網際網路大會上,新華社剛剛釋出了這兩位由人工智慧合成的新聞主播——據稱,它們是全球首例 AI 新聞主播。從外表上看,它們西裝革履、髮式齊整,和人類同事幾乎別無二致。雖然新華社聲稱它們擁有“和真人一樣的聲音、表情和動作”,但這兩名機器人主播只是單純地複述事先輸入好的文字,所用的語音並不自然,模擬度要比 Siri 和 Alexa 更低。


這兩位主持人由新華社和中國搜尋引擎公司搜狗共同研發而成,它們以新聞直播視訊和社交媒體為“學習”素材,並可以“24 小時全天候工作”。

兩名 AI 主持人分別以新華社的真人記者邱浩和張朝為原形,可以做出人類的一些基本的表情動作,比如眨眼還有擡起眉頭。據首播視訊的介紹,它們還能用“無數個分身”同時在多個現場提供新聞報道。

儘管 AI 主播們的精力無窮無盡,它們卻沒有人類的決策能力和思維能力,也無法帶來真人記者的那種真情實感。
