1. 程式人生 > >Python Monitoring UPS with SNMPWALK

Python Monitoring UPS with SNMPWALK


My co-worker told me he needed to monitor UPS with SNMP module but he only can get hexadecimal digits from UPS module with SNMPWALK commands. Then I had to turn hexadecimal  to decimal. 
He gave me a passage about IEEE754: http://www.softelectro.ru/ieee754_en.html


C  12    F  15    
11 E 14 C2 05 FB EE 1100 0010 0000 0101 1111 1011 1110 1110 1 = negative "-" 1 1000 01000 0101 1111 1011 1110 1110 1000 0100 = 132 - 127 = 5 so 2^5 = 32 0000 1011 1111 0111 1101 110 = 392174, so 392174/2^23 = 0.0467507 fomula = - 2^5 x (1+0.0467507) = -33.4 0101 1111 1011 1110 1110 = 392174 C205FBEE

Python Script

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- var = input("Please enter dec number:") b = bin(int(var, 16)) print(b) S = int(b[2]) #print(S) e = b[3:11] #print(e) E = int(e, 2) #print(E) m = b[12:] #print(m) M = int(m, 2) #print(M) F = ((-1)**S)*(2**(E-127))*(1+M/(2**23)) print(round(F, 10))