1. 程式人生 > >English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 發生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 過去式 was or were

English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 發生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 過去式 was or were

一段 監視 lee 情況下 離開 about gree 過去式 clas

In this lesson you will learn to talk about past occurences. 過去進行時


C: Hi, Loki!

L: Hi, Corrine.Good evening!

L: Long time no see.

C: Yeah, How is evething?

L: Oh, I had a holiday last week # 這裏的had 是have 的過去形式

C: How do you feel when you go out for a trip? # 這裏的when 做 當...時候的意思

L: Pretty good!

C: How is weather over there?

L: The weather is always sunny

C: What‘s temperature?

L: 31°, It‘s too hot!

C: Wow,what were you wearing? # are 的過去時,表示那個時間點你穿的什麽衣服

L: I wear T-shirt and shorts

C: Did you see beach last week? # 老師建議比較Native的說法 Did you go to the beach last week?

L: Yes I did, Sunshine, sea, beach!

Extra Vocabulary 額外的詞匯

pretty good 非常好

boring 無聊

exciting 令人興奮的;使人激動的

relaxing 令人輕松的

度 degrees



C = (Degrees Celsius)


詞匯(Key Word )


  • vi. 絆倒;遠足;犯錯誤;輕快地走
  • n. 旅行;絆倒;差錯
  • vt. 絆倒;使犯錯
  • n. (Trip)人名;(荷)特裏普

perview 課前的復習

  • n. 預覽;試映;事先查看
  • vt. 預覽;預演;事先查看

review 課後的復習

  • n. 回顧;復習;評論;檢討;檢閱
  • vt. 回顧;檢查;復審
  • vi. 回顧;復習功課;寫評論

went = go(原型) went to the hospital 去了醫院

fell = fall(原型) fell off a bicycle 從自行車上掉下來

broke = break(原型) broke his leg 摔斷了腿

cut = cut(原型) cut his head 傷了頭部

had = had(原型) had an accident 出了一個事故


  • vt. 打擊;襲擊;碰撞;偶然發現;傷…的感情
  • vi. 打;打擊;碰撞;偶然碰上
  • n. 打;打擊;(演出等)成功;諷刺


  • vt. 傷害;給留下傷痕
  • vi. 結疤;痊愈
  • n. 創傷;傷痕

bandage 創口貼

  • n. 繃帶
  • vt. 用繃帶包紮


  • conj. 考慮到;既然;當…時;在…時;如果
  • adv. 什麽時候,何時;(用於時間的表達方式之後)在那時;其時;當時
  • pron. 那時;什麽時侯
  • n. 時間,時候;日期;場合

accident 英 [‘?ks?d?nt] 美 [‘?ks?d?nt]

  • n. 事故;意外;[法] 意外事件;機遇

block 英 [bl?k] 美 [blɑk]

  • n. 塊;街區;大廈;障礙物
  • vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封蓋
  • adj. 成批的,大塊的;交通堵塞的
  • n. (Block)人名;(英、法、德、西、葡、芬、羅)布洛克

break 英 [bre?k] 美 [brek]

  • vi. 打破;折斷;弄壞;削弱
  • vt. (使)破;打破(紀錄);(常指好天氣)突變;開始
  • vi. (嗓音)突變;突破;破曉;(價格)突然下跌
  • n. 破裂;間斷;(持續一段時間的狀況的)改變;間歇

guard [gɑ?d] [ɡɑrd]

  • n. 守衛;警戒;護衛隊;防護裝置
  • vi. 警惕
  • vt. 保衛;監視
  • n. (Guard)人名;(英)格爾德


  • n. 頭痛;麻煩;令人頭痛之事

housekeeper 英 [‘ha?ski?p?] 美 [‘ha?skip?]

  • n. 女管家;主婦

kick [k?k] [k?k]

  • vt. 踢;反沖,朝後座
  • n. 踢;反沖,後座力
  • vi. 踢;反沖
  • n. (Kick)人名;(德)基克

occurrence 英 [?‘k?r(?)ns] 美 [?‘k?r?ns]

  • n. 發生;出現;事件;發現


  • adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;劇烈的,極度的;惱火的,發怒的;厲害的,迫切的
  • n. 潰瘍,痛處;恨事,傷心事
  • n. (Sore)人名;(法)索爾;(意)索雷


What happened? 過去一般式 # 一般情況下直接 word+ed

What happened to him/her/you? # 這裏使用的是賓格 他/她/你

She hurt her arm.

She hurt her back.

She had a headache.

A: Did you hear?Paul is in the hospital!

B: What happened?

A: He had an accident.He fell off his bicycle.

B: Oh,no! Is he all right? # 還可以說 Is he Ok?

A: Well,he broke his leg and cut his head, but he‘s OK. 他摔斷了他的腿和傷到了他的頭 # 這裏的cut his head 頭上有傷口的意思

B: OK. Well let‘s visit him tonight. # let‘s = let us 好的,讓我們今晚去探望他吧。

1. I fell off my bicycle and hit my head. Now I have a headache

2. I have a cold. My nose is blocked

3. I hurt(受傷) my foot kicking the ball # 過去進行時

4. My back is sore after sitting at my computer all day. 整天都坐在我的電腦面前,我感覺我的後背酸痛

5.I walked to work today. My legs are sore.

6. It was raining when we left the station. 我們離開車站時正在下雨。 # 過去進行時 這裏是陳述句,when是當的意思

7. He was reading a newspaper. 他在看報紙。

8. We were watching TV from six to nine last night.

9. One of the guards(守衛) was sleeping when the general came in。當將軍進來時,其中一名守衛正在睡覺。 # 過去進行時 這裏是陳述句,when是當的意思

10.The sun was shining at the beach yesterday. 昨天太陽在海灘上閃耀。

11.The housekeeper was cleaning the room. 管家正在打掃房間。

What are they doing?

They were run on the playground



by xxx 不是動詞,雖然中文裏面翻譯為 乘坐


Be Verb change rule


> was


are > were

Verb change rule

rule 規則 + ed

happen + ed happened

unruly 不規則

hav(原型)e -> had

fall(原型) -> fell 落下;變成;來臨;減弱 # 還有秋天的意思,同義詞 autumn

do(原型) -> did

break(原型) -> broke 打破,斷掉;中斷

come(原型) -> came

unchanged 未改變

hurt(原型) -> hurt

cut(原型) -> cut

English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 發生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 過去式 was or were