for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed...改變GCC編譯標準!
-std = c89
可以直接 新增其至gcc命令列後面:
gcc -std=c99 xxx.c -o xxx
export CFLAGS=-std=c99
for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed...改變GCC編譯標準!
在對.sh檔案編譯時,難免會進行gcc編譯c檔案,不同的編譯標準會出現不相容的情況,如gcc預設的編譯標準為 -std = c89 此編譯標準不允許在for迴圈中定義迴圈變數i: 因此我們需要將gcc的編譯標準換為c99。 可以直接 新增其至gcc命令列後面: gcc -s
Ajax本地跨域問題 Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP(針對jQuery基礎教程第四版第六章)
成功 origin port com img 步驟 -s 出現 req 出現的問題: 解決的步驟: 谷歌瀏覽器出現的效果: 針對jQuery基礎教程(第四版),第六章 成功: Ajax本地跨域問題 Cross origin re
hibernate框架學習錯誤集錦-org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.MANUAL)
context intern session ati log ali opera operation marker 最近學習ssh框架,總是出現這問題,後查證是沒有開啟事務。 如果采用註解方式,直接在業務層加@Transactional 並引入import or
Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed
image 默認 conn ng- 事情 學習 false OS cti 題外話,很少在網上公開寫東西,不是沒有分享精神,只是害怕自己也是略懂會誤導其他人,所以每次解決完問題都是在印象筆記上記錄,只供自己方便查閱。上一次寫還是2016年的事情,轉眼已經到了2018年了,我也
Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP
跨域;Ajax請求本地文件 JavaScript 問題:通過Ajax請求本地文件,跨域報錯。Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, http
本地數據訪問時出現跨域問題Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: ……
sta chrom 問題 跨域 OS alt 快捷方式 req mfile 從桌面找到Chrome圖標,右鍵屬性,快捷方式,起始位置(安裝路徑) 註:在cmd中訪問Program Files文件的方法 %ProgramFiles%=C:\Program Files
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome
1. 使用jquery的load方法載入本地檔案,使用chrome瀏覽器,報錯如下圖: 2. 找到chrome.exe檔案所在的目錄,我的chrome安裝在C盤:C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application,進入這個目錄後,執行(在執行這
GIT: ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (you are not allowed to upload merges)
gerrit 不能推送 merge $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master Counting objects: 9, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects:
InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException:Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.NEV
錯誤截圖: 錯誤描述: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException:Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.NEVER/MAN
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrom
在Android 4.2以後webView載入本地的html。如果是通過file的方式訪問,就會報如下的錯誤 zepto.js:1533 Failed to load file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
idea中執行sql檔案遇到[S1009] Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed.
[S1009] Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed. 當在idea中直接執行sql檔案時可能出現此問題。 網上查詢到一些方法和我遇到的情況有所不同,我這裡是在ide
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension,
使用vue讀取json檔案時報錯: 跨域請求僅支援協議:http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource 因為我使用的 sublime Text編譯器預設是沒有 配置http伺服
chrome非同步載入本地json檔案報錯:cross origin request are only supported for HTTP
定義了一個data.json檔案儲存學生相關資訊,在index.html中想通過$.getJSON("data.json" , function(data){...})方法獲取並顯示json檔案中的內容。 結果執行後chrome報錯如下:Cross origin reque
Ajax本地跨域問題 Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP
1.問題:開啟本地html檔案時,報錯如下 Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data,chro
資料庫報Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed
資料庫報Connection is read-only. Queries leading to data modification are not allowed,具體是某張表的插入操作時報的錯誤 問題排查過程: 這個超過是批量操作發生的,第一反應
Exception occurred during processing request: Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (F
ssh整合baseDao類時,出現這個錯誤: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.MAN
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome,chrome-extension的問題
pytho toc 方式 分享圖片 key fill tex wid request Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome,chrome-exten
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension
使用javaScript指令碼載入本地的檔案在chrome瀏覽器中出現如下錯誤:jquery-1.12.0.min.js:4 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///E:/datatable/demo1/arrays.txt?_=146089
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP angularjs
最近在做angularjs 的小小demo的時候遇到了下面的問題 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///F:/Yammy/app/views/restaurants.html. Cross origin requests are only s
快速解決AngularJS 中的 Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP
寫directive時在chrome上碰到了這個問題,寫出解決方法供參考。 如果你的directive中引用過外部的html檔案,像這樣 templateUrl = './views/template.html'. 那麼當你直接在本地開啟你的html文件, file://