1. 程式人生 > >List of All Excel Constants

List of All Excel Constants

This is a list of all the Excel constants


xlAll -4104
xlAutomatic -4105
xlBoth 1
xlCenter -4108
xlChecker 9
xlCircle 8
xlCorner 2
xlCrissCross 16
xlCross 4
xlDiamond 2
xlDistributed -4117
xlDoubleAccounting 5
xlFixedValue 1
xlFormats -4122
xlGray16 17
xlGray8 18
xlGrid 15
xlHigh -4127
xlInside 2
xlJustify -4130
xlLightDown 13
xlLightHorizontal 11
xlLightUp 14
xlLightVertical 12
xlLow -4134
xlManual -4135
xlMinusValues 3
xlModule -4141
xlNextToAxis 4
xlNone -4142
xlNotes -4144
xlOff -4146
xlOn 1
xlPercent 2
xlPlus 9
xlPlusValues 2
xlSemiGray75 10
xlShowLabel 4
xlShowLabelAndPercent 5
xlShowPercent 3
xlShowValue 2
xlSimple -4154
xlSingle 2
xlSingleAccounting 4
xlSolid 1
xlSquare 1
xlStar 5
xlStError 4
xlToolbarButton 2
xlTriangle 3
xlGray25 -4124
xlGray50 -4125
xlGray75 -4126
xlBottom -4107
xlLeft -4131
xlRight -4152
xlTop -4160
xl3DBar -4099
xl3DSurface -4103
xlBar 2
xlColumn 3
xlCombination -4111
xlCustom -4114
xlDefaultAutoFormat -1
xlMaximum 2
xlMinimum 4
xlOpaque 3
xlTransparent 2
xlBidi -5000
xlLatin -5001
xlContext -5002
xlLTR -5003
xlRTL -5004
xlFullScript 1
xlPartialScript 2
xlMixedScript 3
xlMixedAuthorizedScript 4
xlVisualCursor 2
xlLogicalCursor 1
xlSystem 1
xlPartial 3
xlHindiNumerals 3
xlBidiCalendar 3
xlGregorian 2
xlComplete 4
xlScale 3
xlClosed 3
xlColor1 7
xlColor2 8
xlColor3 9
xlConstants 2
xlContents 2
xlBelow 1
xlCascade 7
xlCenterAcrossSelection 7
xlChart4 2
xlChartSeries 17
xlChartShort 6
xlChartTitles 18
xlClassic1 1
xlClassic2 2
xlClassic3 3
xl3DEffects1 13
xl3DEffects2 14
xlAbove 0
xlAccounting1 4
xlAccounting2 5
xlAccounting3 6
xlAccounting4 17
xlAdd 2
xlDebugCodePane 13
xlDesktop 9
xlDirect 1
xlDivide 5
xlDoubleClosed 5
xlDoubleOpen 4
xlDoubleQuote 1
xlEntireChart 20
xlExcelMenus 1
xlExtended 3
xlFill 5
xlFirst 0
xlFloating 5
xlFormula 5
xlGeneral 1
xlGridline 22
xlIcons 1
xlImmediatePane 12
xlInteger 2
xlLast 1
xlLastCell 11
xlList1 10
xlList2 11
xlList3 12
xlLocalFormat1 15
xlLocalFormat2 16
xlLong 3
xlLotusHelp 2
xlMacrosheetCell 7
xlMixed 2
xlMultiply 4
xlNarrow 1
xlNoDocuments 3
xlOpen 2
xlOutside 3
xlReference 4
xlSemiautomatic 2
xlShort 1
xlSingleQuote 2
xlStrict 2
xlSubtract 3
xlTextBox 16
xlTiled 1
xlTitleBar 8
xlToolbar 1
xlVisible 12
xlWatchPane 11
xlWide 3
xlWorkbookTab 6
xlWorksheet4 1
xlWorksheetCell 3
xlWorksheetShort 5
xlAllExceptBorders 7
xlLeftToRight 2
xlTopToBottom 1
xlVeryHidden 2
xlDrawingObject 14


xlCreatorCode 1480803660


xlBuiltIn 21
xlUserDefined 22
xlAnyGallery 23


xlColorIndexAutomatic -4105
xlColorIndexNone -4142


xlCap 1
xlNoCap 2


xlColumns 2
xlRows 1


xlScaleLinear -4132
xlScaleLogarithmic -4133


xlAutoFill 4
xlChronological 3
xlGrowth 2
xlDataSeriesLinear -4132


xlAxisCrossesAutomatic -4105
xlAxisCrossesCustom -4114
xlAxisCrossesMaximum 2
xlAxisCrossesMinimum 4<