1. 程式人生 > >python版AI貪吃蛇












import random
import pygame
import sys
from pygame.locals import *

# 錯誤碼
ERR = -404
# 螢幕大小
Window_Width =
800 Window_Height = 500 # 重新整理頻率 Display_Clock = 17 # 一塊蛇身大小 Cell_Size = 20 assert Window_Width % Cell_Size == 0 assert Window_Height % Cell_Size == 0 # 等價的運動區域大小 Cell_W = int(Window_Width/Cell_Size) Cell_H = int(Window_Height/Cell_Size) FIELD_SIZE = Cell_W * Cell_H # 背景顏色 Background_Color = (0, 0, 0) # 蛇頭索引 Head_index =
0 # 運動方向 best_move = ERR # 不同東西在矩陣裡用不同的數字表示 FOOD = 0 FREE_PLACE = (Cell_W+1) * (Cell_H+1) SNAKE_PLACE = 2 * FREE_PLACE # 運動方向字典 move_directions = { 'left': -1, 'right': 1, 'up': -Cell_W, 'down': Cell_W } # 關閉遊戲介面 def close_game(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 檢測玩家的按鍵 def Check_PressKey(): if len(pygame.event.get(QUIT)) > 0: close_game() KeyUp_Events = pygame.event.get(KEYUP) if len(KeyUp_Events) == 0: return None elif KeyUp_Events[0].key == K_ESCAPE: close_game() return KeyUp_Events[0].key # 顯示當前得分 def Show_Score(score): score_Content = Main_Font.render('得分:%s' % (score), True, (255, 255, 255)) score_Rect = score_Content.get_rect() score_Rect.topleft = (Window_Width-120, 10) Main_Display.blit(score_Content, score_Rect) # 獲得果實位置 def Get_Apple_Location(snake_Coords): flag = True while flag: apple_location = {'x': random.randint(0, Cell_W-1), 'y': random.randint(0, Cell_H-1)} if apple_location not in snake_Coords: flag = False return apple_location # 顯示果實 def Show_Apple(coord): x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size apple_Rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size) pygame.draw.rect(Main_Display, (255, 0, 0), apple_Rect) # 顯示蛇 def Show_Snake(coords): x = coords[0]['x'] * Cell_Size y = coords[0]['y'] * Cell_Size Snake_head_Rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size) pygame.draw.rect(Main_Display, (0, 80, 255), Snake_head_Rect) Snake_head_Inner_Rect = pygame.Rect(x+4, y+4, Cell_Size-8, Cell_Size-8) pygame.draw.rect(Main_Display, (0, 80, 255), Snake_head_Inner_Rect) for coord in coords[1:]: x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size Snake_part_Rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size) pygame.draw.rect(Main_Display, (0, 155, 0), Snake_part_Rect) Snake_part_Inner_Rect = pygame.Rect(x+4, y+4, Cell_Size-8, Cell_Size-8) pygame.draw.rect(Main_Display, (0, 255, 0), Snake_part_Inner_Rect) # 畫網格 def draw_Grid(): # 垂直方向 for x in range(0, Window_Width, Cell_Size): pygame.draw.line(Main_Display, (40, 40, 40), (x, 0), (x, Window_Height)) # 水平方向 for y in range(0, Window_Height, Cell_Size): pygame.draw.line(Main_Display, (40, 40, 40), (0, y), (Window_Width, y)) # 顯示開始介面 def Show_Start_Interface(): title_Font = pygame.font.Font('simkai.ttf', 100) title_content = title_Font.render('貪吃蛇', True, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 160)) angle = 0 while True: Main_Display.fill(Background_Color) rotated_title = pygame.transform.rotate(title_content, angle) rotated_title_Rect = rotated_title.get_rect() rotated_title_Rect.center = (Window_Width/2, Window_Height/2) Main_Display.blit(rotated_title, rotated_title_Rect) pressKey_content = Main_Font.render('按任意鍵開始遊戲!', True, (255, 255, 255)) pressKey_Rect = pressKey_content.get_rect() pressKey_Rect.topleft = (Window_Width-200, Window_Height-30) Main_Display.blit(pressKey_content, pressKey_Rect) if Check_PressKey(): # 清除事件佇列 pygame.event.get() return pygame.display.update() Snake_Clock.tick(Display_Clock) angle -= 5 # 顯示結束介面 def Show_End_Interface(): title_Font = pygame.font.Font('simkai.ttf', 100) title_game = title_Font.render('Game', True, (233, 150, 122)) title_over = title_Font.render('Over', True, (233, 150, 122)) game_Rect = title_game.get_rect() over_Rect = title_over.get_rect() game_Rect.midtop = (Window_Width/2, 70) over_Rect.midtop = (Window_Width/2, game_Rect.height+70+25) Main_Display.blit(title_game, game_Rect) Main_Display.blit(title_over, over_Rect) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(500) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: close_game() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: close_game() # 判斷該位置是否為空 def Is_Cell_Free(idx, psnake): location_x = idx % Cell_W location_y = idx // Cell_W idx = {'x': location_x, 'y': location_y} return (idx not in psnake) # 重置board def board_reset(psnake, pboard, pfood): temp_board = pboard[:] pfood_idx = pfood['x'] + pfood['y'] * Cell_W for i in range(FIELD_SIZE): if i == pfood_idx: temp_board[i] = FOOD elif Is_Cell_Free(i, psnake): temp_board[i] = FREE_PLACE else: temp_board[i] = SNAKE_PLACE return temp_board # 檢查位置idx是否可以向當前move方向運動 def is_move_possible(idx, move_direction): flag = False if move_direction == 'left': if idx%Cell_W > 0: flag = True else: flag = False elif move_direction == 'right': if idx%Cell_W < Cell_W-1: flag = True else: flag = False elif move_direction == 'up': if idx > Cell_W-1: flag = True else: flag = False elif move_direction == 'down': if idx < FIELD_SIZE - Cell_W: flag = True else: flag = False return flag # 廣度優先搜尋遍歷整個board # 計算出board中每個非SNAKE_PLACE元素到達食物的路徑長度 def board_refresh(psnake, pfood, pboard): temp_board = pboard[:] pfood_idx = pfood['x'] + pfood['y'] * Cell_W queue = [] queue.append(pfood_idx) inqueue = [0] * FIELD_SIZE found = False while len(queue) != 0: idx = queue.pop(0) if inqueue[idx] == 1: continue inqueue[idx] = 1 for move_direction in ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']: if is_move_possible(idx, move_direction): if (idx+move_directions[move_direction]) == (psnake[Head_index]['x'] + psnake[Head_index]['y']*Cell_W): found = True # 該點不是蛇身(食物是0才可以這樣子寫) if temp_board[idx+move_directions[move_direction]] < SNAKE_PLACE: if temp_board[idx+move_directions[move_direction]] > temp_board[idx]+1: temp_board[idx+move_directions[move_direction]] = temp_board[idx] + 1 if inqueue[idx+move_directions[move_direction]] == 0: queue.append(idx+move_directions[move_direction]) return (found, temp_board) # 根據board中元素值 # 從蛇頭周圍4個領域點中選擇最短路徑 def choose_shortest_safe_move(psnake, pboard): best_move = ERR min_distance = SNAKE_PLACE for move_direction in ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']: idx = psnake[Head_index]['x'] + psnake[Head_index]['y']*Cell_W if is_move_possible(idx, move_direction) and (pboard[idx+move_directions[move_direction]]<min_distance): min_distance = pboard[idx+move_directions[move_direction]] best_move = move_direction return best_move # 找到移動後蛇頭的位置 def find_snake_head(snake_Coords, direction): if direction == 'up': newHead = {'x': snake_Coords[Head_index]['x'], 'y': snake_Coords[Head_index]['y']-1} elif direction == 'down': newHead = {'x': snake_Coords[Head_index]['x'], 'y': snake_Coords[Head_index]['y']+1} elif direction == 'left': newHead = {'x': snake_Coords[Head_index]['x']-1, 'y': snake_Coords[Head_index]['y']} elif direction == 'right': newHead = {'x': snake_Coords[Head_index]['x']+1, 'y': snake_Coords[Head_index]['y']} return newHead # 虛擬地執行一次 def virtual_move(psnake, pboard, pfood): temp_snake = psnake[:] temp_board = pboard[:] reset_tboard = board_reset(temp_snake, temp_board, pfood) temp_board = reset_tboard food_eated = False while not food_eated: refresh_tboard = board_refresh(temp_snake, pfood, temp_board)[1] temp_board = refresh_tboard move_direction = choose_shortest_safe_move(temp_snake, temp_board) snake_Coords = temp_snake[:] temp_snake.insert(0, find_snake_head(snake_Coords, move_direction)) # 如果新的蛇頭正好是食物的位置 if temp_snake[Head_index] == pfood: reset_tboard = board_reset(temp_snake, temp_board, pfood) temp_board = reset_tboard pfood_idx = pfood['x'] + pfood['y'] * Cell_W temp_board[pfood_idx] = SNAKE_PLACE food_eated = True else: newHead_idx = temp_snake[0]['x'] + temp_snake[0]['y'] * Cell_W temp_board[newHead_idx] = SNAKE_PLACE end_idx = temp_snake[-1]['x'] + temp_snake[-1]['y'] * Cell_W temp_board[end_idx] = FREE_PLACE del temp_snake[-1] return temp_snake, temp_board # 檢查蛇頭和蛇尾間是有路徑的 # 避免蛇陷入死路 def is_tail_inside(psnake, pboard, pfood): temp_board = pboard[:] temp_snake = psnake[:] # 將蛇尾看作食物 end_idx = temp_snake[-1]['x'] + temp_snake[-1]['y'] * Cell_W temp_board[end_idx] = FOOD v_food = temp_snake[-1] # 食物看作蛇身(重複賦值了) pfood_idx = pfood['x'] + pfood['y'] * Cell_W temp_board[pfood_idx] = SNAKE_PLACE # 求得每個位置到蛇尾的路徑長度 result, refresh_tboard = board_refresh(temp_snake, v_food, temp_board) temp_board = refresh_tboard for move_direction in ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']: idx = temp_snake[Head_index]['x'] + temp_snake[Head_index]['y']*Cell_W end_idx = temp_snake[-1]['x'] + temp_snake[-1]['y']*Cell_W if is_move_possible(idx, move_direction) and (idx+move_directions[move_direction] == end_idx) and (len(temp_snake)>3): result = False return result # 根據board中元素值 # 從蛇頭周圍4個領域點中選擇最遠路徑 def choose_longest_safe_move(psnake, pboard): best_move = ERR max_distance = -1 for move_direction in ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']: idx = psnake[Head_index]['x'] + psnake[Head_index]['y']*Cell_W if is_move_possible(idx, move_direction) and (pboard[idx+move_directions<