postgresql 觸發器、觸發函式 動態建表
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-30
PostgreSQL 建立分割槽表,SQL優化之PostgreSQL Table Partitioning
declare createOn varchar(32); createYY varchar(4); tableName VARCHAR(48); isExist int; r record; sqlStr text; sqlDel text; sqlIn text; begin //通過以下語句給createOn變數賦值 select start_time into createOn from tech_trial_t where start_time <>'' order by start_time asc limit 1; createYY := substr(createOn, 1,4); select count(*) into isExist from pg_class where relname = 'tech_trial_t_y' || createYY; if (isExist=0) then sqlStr='create table if not exists tech_trial_t_y' || createYY || ' (like tech_trial_t_y2017 including indexes);'; execute sqlStr; end if; sqlStr := 'select relname from pg_class where relname like ''tech_trial_t_y20%'' and relname not like ''%_idx'';'; //必須排除索引,因為relname 是表格,索引,檢視等的名稱 //for 語句迴圈取值賦值 for r in execute sqlStr loop sqlDel := 'truncate table ' || r.relname; EXECUTE sqlDel; //直接寫 truncate table r.relname; 不能執行,貌似不能知道r.relname是什麼東東。 所以寫成字串語句執行字串語句。 sqlIn := 'insert into ' || r.relname || ' select * from tech_trial_t_view_year tv where tv.start_time >= substr( ''' ||r.relname || ''',15,4) ||''-01-01 00:00:00'' and tv.start_time <= substr('''|| r.relname ||''',15,4) ||''-12-31 23:59:59'';'; EXECUTE sqlIn; end loop; return NULL; end
DECLARE start_text TEXT; DECLARE insert_statement TEXT; BEGIN start_text := substr(NEW.start_time, 1 ,4); insert_statement := 'INSERT INTO tech_trial_t_' || start_text ||' VALUES ($1.*)'; EXECUTE insert_statement USING NEW; RETURN NULL; EXCEPTION WHEN UNDEFINED_TABLE THEN EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tech_trial_t_' || start_text || '(CHECK (start_time >= ''' || start_text || '-01-01 00:00:00'' and start_time < ''' || start_text || '-12-31 23:59:59'')) INHERITS (tech_trial_t_year)'; RAISE NOTICE 'CREATE NON-EXISTANT TABLE tech_trial_t_year_%', start_text; EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX tech_trial_t_key_' || start_text || ' ON tech_trial_t_' || start_text || '(start_time)'; EXECUTE insert_statement USING NEW; RETURN NULL; END; //必須保證每條插入的start_time(分割槽關鍵字)非空。 NEW表示新插入的記錄