阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-05
//create a handle to used communicate with zookeeper zhandle_t *zookeeper_init(const char *host, watcher_fn fn, int recv_timeout, const clientid_t *clientid, void *context, int flags) //create a node synchronously int zoo_create(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int flags,char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len); //lists the children of a node synchronously. int zoo_wget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx, struct String_vector *strings) //close the zookeeper handle and free up any resources. int zookeeper_close(zhandle_t *zh)
//連線zk void ZkRegistry::ConnectZK() { if (zhandle_) { zookeeper_close(zhandle_); } int count = 0; do { ++count; zhandle_ = zookeeper_init(zk_hosts_.c_str(),InitWatcher, timeout_, NULL, NULL, 0); } while (!connected_ && count < ZK_MAX_CONNECT_TIMES); if (count >= ZK_MAX_CONNECT_TIMES) { SLOG_WARN("ZkRegistry::Init --> connect host " << zk_hosts_ << " over max times:" << count); return; } } //釋出服務,建立臨時節點 void ZkRegistry::PublishService() { if (zhandle_ == NULL) { ConnectZK(); } string server_path = PING_SERVER + "/" + PingConfig::instance().get_index() + "/" + GetIp() + ":" + PingConfig::instance().get_port(); char res_path[128]; int rc = zoo_create(zhandle_, server_path.c_str(), GetIp().c_str(), GetIp().size(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, res_path, 128); if (rc) { SLOG_INFO("ZkRegistry::PublishService --> zoo_create() path=" << server_path << "," << zerror(rc)); } } //每隔10s註冊一次服務 void ZkRegistry::run() { while(true) { SLOG_INFO("publish service"); ConnectZK(); PublishService(); sleep(10); } } void ZkRegistry::InitWatcher(zhandle_t *zh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcher_ctx) { if (state == ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE) { connected_ = true; SLOG_INFO("InitWatcher() ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE"); } else if (state == ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE) { SLOG_INFO("InitWatcher() ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE"); } else if (state == ZOO_EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE) { SLOG_INFO("InitWatcher() ZOO_EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE"); } else if (state == ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE) { SLOG_INFO("InitWatcher() ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE"); } else if (state == ZOO_ASSOCIATING_STATE) { SLOG_INFO("InitWatcher() ZOO_ASSOCIATING_STATE"); } }
//連線zk server void ZkClient::ConnectZK() { cout << "ZkClient::ConnectZK" << endl; if (zhandle_) { zookeeper_close(zhandle_); } zhandle_ = NULL; connected_ = false; int count = 0; do { ++count; zhandle_ = zookeeper_init(zk_hosts_.c_str(), InitWatcher, timeout_, NULL, NULL, 0); sleep(5 * ONE_SECONDS); } while (!connected_ && count < ZK_MAX_CONNECT_TIMES); if (count >= ZK_MAX_CONNECT_TIMES){ cout << "ZkClient::Init --> connecting zookeeper host: " << zk_hosts_ << " over times: " << count << endl; } } //更新服務列表,冷備和熱備 void ZkClient::Update() { cout << "ZkClient::Update" << endl; if (zhandle_ == NULL || connected_ == false) { Init(); } //獲得服務份數 struct String_vector str_vec; int ret = zoo_wget_children(zhandle_, PING_SERVER.c_str(), ServiceWatcher, NULL, &str_vec); if (ret) { cout << "Update --> read path:" << PING_SERVER << " wrong, " << zerror(ret) << endl; return; } //獲得各份服務ip:port for (int i = 0; i < str_vec.count; ++i) { struct String_vector node_vec; string path = PING_SERVER + "/" + str_vec.data[i]; int ret = zoo_wget_children(zhandle_, path.c_str(), ServiceWatcher, NULL, &node_vec); cout << "Update --> path:" << path << ", ret:" << ret << ", node's size:" << node_vec.count << endl; if (ret || node_vec.count != 1) { continue; } .... } } //監控服務變化 void ZkClient::ServiceWatcher(zhandle_t *zh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx) { cout << "type:" << type << endl; cout << "state:" << state << endl; cout << "path:" << path << endl; // cout << "watcherCtx:" << (char*)watcherCtx << endl; cout << "ZOO_CHILD_EVENT:" << ZOO_CHILD_EVENT << endl; if (ZOO_CHILD_EVENT == type) { cout << "ServiceWatcher ZOO_CHILD_EVENT" << endl; ZkClient::Instance().Update();//更新服務列表 } }