阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-06
根據需求,寫了一個統計部門員工年度的加班與調休統計報表。 實現結果如下:
@model IEnumerable<lvElecCenter.Areas.HR.Models.LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM> @using Webdiyer.WebControls.Mvc; @{ ViewBag.Title = "考勤查詢-加班調休統計"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout_Index_Query.cshtml"; ViewBag.ControllerName = "/HR/LeaveAndOverTimeCount"; } @section SectionSearch{ @using (Html.BeginForm()) { <tr> <td colspan='29' style="background-color: #EDF5FE; height: 28px;"> 員工姓名:@Html.TextBox("filter_LIKES_UserName", Request["filter_LIKES_UserName"], new { @style = "width:100px;" }) <input type="submit" value="" class="searchSubmit" /> <input type="button" value="" class="Snap" onclick="selectExcel('@Request.ApplicationPath/HR/Attendance/toExcel')"/> </td> </tr> } } <tr> <th rowspan='2' colspan='1'> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().Name) </th> <th rowspan='2' colspan='1'> @DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1)
[email protected](m => m.First().SurPlus) </th> <th rowspan='1' colspan='13'> 加班/h </th> <th rowspan='1' colspan='13'> 調休/h </th> <th rowspan='2' colspan='1'> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().TotalHours) </th> </tr> <tr> <th> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().January) </th> <th> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().February) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().March) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().April) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().May) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().June) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().July) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().August) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().September) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().October) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().November) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().December) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().CountOvertime) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().January1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().February1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().March1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().April1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().May1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().June1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().July1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().August1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().September1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().October1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().November1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().December1) </th> <th>@Html.LabelFor(m => m.First().CountLeave) </th> </tr> @foreach (var item in Model) { <tr> <td>@item.Name </td> <td> @item.SurPlus </td> <td>@item.January </td> <td>@item.February </td> <td>@item.March </td> <td>@item.April </td> <td>@item.May </td> <td>@item.June </td> <td>@item.July </td> <td>@item.August </td> <td>@item.September </td> <td> @item.October </td> <td>@item.November </td> <td>@item.December </td> <td>@item.CountOvertime </td> <td>@item.January1 </td> <td>@item.February1 </td> <td>@item.March1 </td> <td>@item.April1 </td> <td>@item.May1 </td> <td>@item.June1 </td> <td>@item.July1 </td> <td>@item.August1 </td> <td>@item.September </td> <td>@item.October1 </td> <td>@item.November1 </td> <td>@item.December1 </td> <td>@item.CountLeave </td> <td>@item.TotalHours </td> </tr> } <script type="text/javascript"> function selectExcel(url) { if (confirm('你確定要匯出嗎?')) { $("form").attr("action", url); $("form").submit(); } } </script>
public class LeaveAndOverTimeCountController : Controller { // // GET: /LeaveAndOverTimeCount/ [ActionFillters] public ActionResult Index(int? id) { UserInfo userinfo = Chint.Oa.Library.Comm.UserInfo.User_Info(); List<PropertyFilter> filters = LinqUtil.BuildFilters(Request); string Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string EndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string Employee = ""; for (int i = 0; i < filters.Count; i++) { if (filters[i].PropertyNames[0].ToString().Equals("UserName")) { Employee = filters[i].Value.ToString(); } } const int defaultPageSize = 20; List<LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM> Attendance = GetLeaveAndOverTimeCount(Year, Employee); IQueryable<LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM> result = null; if (Attendance == null) { return View("Index"); } else { result = Attendance.AsQueryable<LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM>(); result = result.OrderBy(c => c.Name); PagedList<LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM> page = result.ToPagedList(id ?? 1, defaultPageSize); if (page.CurrentPageIndex > page.TotalPageCount) { page = result.ToPagedList(page.TotalPageCount, defaultPageSize); } return View(page); } } /// <summary> /// 獲取加班調休統計資訊 /// </summary> /// <param name="Year"></param> /// <param name="Employee"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM> GetLeaveAndOverTimeCount(string Year, string Employee) { DataTable dtEmployee = CommUtils.GetUserList("", Employee); DataTable dtOverTime = this.GetOverTime(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); DataTable dtLeave = this.GetLeave(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); var list = (from m in dtEmployee.AsEnumerable() join n in dtOverTime.AsEnumerable() on m.Field<decimal>("UserID") equals n.Field<Int32>("ApplyUserID") into mn from x in mn.DefaultIfEmpty() join o in dtLeave.AsEnumerable() on m.Field<decimal>("UserID") equals o.Field<Int32>("ApplyUserID") into mo from y in mo.DefaultIfEmpty() select new LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM { Guid = new Guid(), Name = m.Field<string>("UNAME"), SurPlus = "0", January = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("Janurary"), February = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("February"), March = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("March"), April = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("April"), May = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("May"), June = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("June"), July = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("July"), August = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("August"), September = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("September"), October = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("October"), November = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("November"), December = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("December"), CountOvertime = x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("Count"), January1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("Janurary"), February1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("February"), March1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("March"), April1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("April"), May1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("May"), June1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("June"), July1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("July"), August1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("August"), September1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("September"), October1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("October"), November1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("November"), December1 = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("December"), CountLeave = y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("Count"), TotalHours = (x == null ? 0 : x.Field<decimal>("Count")) - (y == null ? 0 : y.Field<decimal>("Count")), }).ToList(); return list; } /// <summary> /// 獲取加班資訊 /// </summary> /// <param name="Year"></param> /// <param name="Employee"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetOverTime(string Year) { string strSQL = string.Format(@"SELECT a.applyUserID, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 1 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS Janurary, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 2 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS February, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 3 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS March, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 4 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS April, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 5 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS May, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 6 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS June, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 7 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS July, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 8 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS August, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 9 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS September, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 10 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS October, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 11 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS November, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120)) ) = 12 THEN duration ELSE 0 END) AS December, Sum(duration) AS Count FROM HR_Overtime a where 1=1 and Datepart(YEAR, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), StartTime, 120))='{0}' group by a.ApplyUserId order by a.ApplyUserId asc", Year); DataTable dt = DbOaSQL.Query(strSQL).Tables[0]; return dt; } /// <summary> /// 獲取調休資訊 /// </summary> /// <param name="Year"></param> /// <param name="Employee"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetLeave(string Year) { string strSQL = string.Format(@"SELECT a.applyUserID, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 1 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS Janurary, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 2 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS February, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 3 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS March, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 4 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS April, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 5 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS May, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 6 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS June, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 7 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS July, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 8 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS August, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 9 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS September, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 10 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS October, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 11 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS November, Sum(CASE WHEN ( Datepart(month, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120)) ) = 12 THEN LeaveHours ELSE 0 END) AS December, Sum(LeaveHours) AS December FROM HR_Leave a where 1=1 and Datepart(YEAR, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), start, 120))='{0}' and LeaveType='調休' group by a.ApplyUserId order by a.ApplyUserId asc ", Year); DataTable dt = DbOaSQL.Query(strSQL).Tables[0]; return dt; } }
/// <summary>
/// 加班調休月份統計表
/// </summary>
public class LeaveAndOverTimeCountVM
public Guid Guid { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "姓名")]
public string Name { get; set; } //姓名
[Display(Name = "年剩餘/h")]
public string SurPlus { get; set; } //部門
[Display(Name = "1月")]
public decimal January { get; set; } //遲到/早退大於30分鐘/次
[Display(Name = "2月")]
public decimal February { get; set; } //遲到/早退小於30分鐘/次
[Display(Name = "3月")]
public decimal March { get; set; } //單次打卡(上班未打卡)/次
[Display(Name = "4月")]
public decimal April { get; set; } //單次打卡(下班未打卡)/次
[Display(Name = "5月")]
public decimal May { get; set; } //未打卡/次
[Display(Name = "6月")]
public decimal June { get; set; } //實際應出勤(H)
[Display(Name = "7月")]
public decimal July { get; set; } //出差(H)
[Display(Name = "8月")]
public decimal August { get; set; } //事假(H)
[Display(Name = "9月")]
public decimal September { get; set; } //病假(H)
[Display(Name = "10月")]
public decimal October { get; set; } //產前病事假(H)
[Display(Name = "11月")]
public decimal November { get; set; } //產假或護理假(H)
[Display(Name = "12月")]
public decimal December { get; set; } //婚假(H)
[Display(Name = "小計")]
public decimal CountOvertime { get; set; } //喪假(H)
[Display(Name = "1月")]
public decimal January1 { get; set; } //年假(H)
[Display(Name = "2月")]
public decimal February1 { get; set; } //公假(H)
[Display(Name = "3月")]
public decimal March1 { get; set; } //其他(H)
[Display(Name = "4月")]
public decimal April1 { get; set; } //調休(H)
[Display(Name = "5月")]
public decimal May1 { get; set; } //平時延長(H)
[Display(Name = "6月")]
public decimal June1 { get; set; } //休息日(H)
[Display(Name = "7月")]
public decimal July1 { get; set; } //法定節假日(H)
[Display(Name = "8月")]
public decimal August1 { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "9月")]
public decimal September1 { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "10月")]
public decimal October1 { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "11月")]
public decimal November1 { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "12月")]
public decimal December1 { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "小計")]
public decimal CountLeave { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)
[Display(Name = "合計剩餘調休/h")]
public decimal TotalHours { get; set; } //加班摺合調休時間(H)