1. 程式人生 > >android官方API之EditText




public class EditText 
extends TextView 

   ↳ android.view.View
     ↳ android.widget.TextView
       ↳ android.widget.EditText
Known direct subclasses


Known indirect subclasses



A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text widget, you must specify the

R.styleable.TextView_inputType attribute. For example, for plain text input set inputType to "text":



<EditText android:id="@+id/plain_text_input" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:inputType="text"/>Choosing the input type configures the keyboard type that is shown, acceptable characters, and appearance of the edit text. For example, if you want to accept a secret number, like a unique pin or serial number, you can set inputType to "numericPassword". An inputType of "numericPassword" results in an edit text that accepts numbers only, shows a numeric keyboard when focused, and masks the text that is entered for privacy.

See the Text Fields guide for examples of other R.styleable.TextView_inputType settings.

You also can receive callbacks as a user changes text by adding a TextWatcher to the edit text. This is useful when you want to add auto-save functionality as changes are made, or validate the format of user input, for example. You add a text watcher using the TextView.addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher) method.

This widget does not support auto-sizing text.

XML attributes

See EditText AttributesTextView AttributesView Attributes


Inherited XML attributes

From class android.widget.TextView

From class android.view.View

Inherited constants

From class android.widget.TextView

From class android.view.View

Inherited fields

From class android.view.View

Public constructors

EditText(Context context)
EditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
EditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)
EditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)

Public methods

void extendSelection(int index)

Convenience for Selection.extendSelection(Spannable, int).

CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName()

Return the class name of this object to be used for accessibility purposes.

boolean getFreezesText()

Return whether this text view is including its entire text contents in frozen icicles.

Editable getText()

Return the text that TextView is displaying.

void selectAll()

Convenience for Selection.selectAll(Spannable).

void setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis)

Causes words in the text that are longer than the view's width to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle.

void setSelection(int start, int stop)

Convenience for Selection.setSelection(Spannable, int, int).

void setSelection(int index)

Convenience for Selection.setSelection(Spannable, int).

void setText(CharSequence text, TextView.BufferType type)

Sets the text to be displayed and the TextView.BufferType.

Protected methods

boolean getDefaultEditable()

Subclasses override this to specify that they have a KeyListener by default even if not specifically called for in the XML options.

MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod()

Subclasses override this to specify a default movement method.

Inherited methods

From class android.widget.TextView

From class android.view.View

From class java.lang.Object

From interface android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener

From interface android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.Callback

From interface android.view.KeyEvent.Callback

From interface android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource

Public constructors


added in API level 1


public EditText (Context context)



context Context



added in API level 1


public EditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs)



context Context


attrs AttributeSet



added in API level 1


public EditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)



context Context


attrs AttributeSet


defStyleAttr int



added in API level 21


public EditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)



context Context


attrs AttributeSet


defStyleAttr int


defStyleRes int


Public methods


added in API level 1


public void extendSelection (int index)

Convenience for Selection.extendSelection(Spannable, int).


index int



added in API level 23


public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName ()

Return the class name of this object to be used for accessibility purposes. Subclasses should only override this if they are implementing something that should be seen as a completely new class of view when used by accessibility, unrelated to the class it is deriving from. This is used to fill in AccessibilityNodeInfo.setClassName.





added in API level 1


public boolean getFreezesText ()

Return whether this text view is including its entire text contents in frozen icicles. For EditText it always returns true.


boolean Returns true if text is included, false if it isn't.



added in API level 1


public Editable getText ()

Return the text that TextView is displaying. If setText(CharSequence) was called with an argument of BufferType.SPANNABLE or BufferType.EDITABLE, you can cast the return value from this method to Spannable or Editable, respectively.

The content of the return value should not be modified. If you want a modifiable one, you should make your own copy first.



Editable The text displayed by the text view.



added in API level 1


public void selectAll ()

Convenience for Selection.selectAll(Spannable).



added in API level 1


public void setEllipsize (TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsis)

Causes words in the text that are longer than the view's width to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle. TextUtils.TruncateAt#MARQUEE is not supported.


ellipsis TextUtils.TruncateAt: Type of ellipsis to be applied.


IllegalArgumentException When the value of ellipsis parameter is TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE.

See also:


added in API level 1


public void setSelection (int start, int stop)

Convenience for Selection.setSelection(Spannable, int, int).


start int


stop int



added in API level 1


public void setSelection (int index)

Convenience for Selection.setSelection(Spannable, int).


index int



added in API level 1


public void setText (CharSequence text, TextView.BufferType type)

Sets the text to be displayed and the TextView.BufferType.

When required, TextView will use Spannable.Factory to create final or intermediate Spannables. Likewise it will useEditable.Factory to create final or intermediate Editables.


text CharSequence: text to be displayed


type TextView.BufferType: a TextView.BufferType which defines whether the text is stored as a static text, styleable/spannable text, or editable text


Protected methods


added in API level 1


protected boolean getDefaultEditable ()

Subclasses override this to specify that they have a KeyListener by default even if not specifically called for in the XML options.





added in API level 1


protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod ()

Subclasses override this to specify a default movement method.

